Artois Sutherland/Dialogue

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This article is a Transcript.
It is copied verbatim from Outward, and is therefore copyright of Nine Dots Studio.

The following is a transcript of Artois Sutherland's dialogue.


(#0) Artois Sutherland: Greetings. I hope you’re well! (→ end)

(#1) Artois Sutherland: Ah, here to join Sorobor as well? I’m Artois Sutherland, pleasure to make your acquaintance! (→ #2)

(#2) Artois Sutherland: That girl over there, Desy, we were in the same caravan to Harmattan when we got ambushed by a Pistol Shrimp near the lake. She’s real strong. That said, she cares more than she lets on. She’s surprisingly gentle when applying first aid to people! (→ #3)

(#3) Multiple-choice:

  • 0: So, where are you from? (→ #4)
  • 1: Farewell. (→ end)

(#4) Artois Sutherland: I’m from the Sutherland family. We’re pretty big back in Berg, although we haven’t quite been so prominent in the last decade or two. How Rissa Aberdeen manages to keep so much influence with such a narrow bloodline, I will never understand. (→ #5)

(#5) Artois Sutherland: Mother would have preferred I try to study to become a chamberlord, or join my cousin Julius as a hunter. But becoming a member of Sorobor Academy and helping create the future of Aurai through research and trade has long been my dream. (→ #6)

(#6) Multiple-choice:

  • 0: I take it you have a plan in mind for your time here? (→ #7)
  • 1: Farewell. (→ end)

(#7) Artois Sutherland: I’m hoping to join the History Division and become a Scholar or even someday a Master there. There is just so much of our ancestor’s lives buried under the carnage the Scourge unleashed, and I want to know all of it! (→ #8)

(#8) Artois Sutherland: Then again, Victor Berthelot was already kind enough to help me out. Maybe it’s a sign that I’m more suited to join the Military Branch. Being a hero, and protecting the innocent would suit me just fine too. (→ #9)

(#9) Multiple-choice:

  • 0: Well, good luck! (→ #10)
  • 1: Farewell. (→ end)

(#10) Artois Sutherland: Good luck to you too! If you sign up to join Sorobor as well, I hope we get to work together! More hands make for light work, after all! (→ end)

(#11) Artois Sutherland: I spent days laboriously copying history books into blank ones, and the Dean barely paid me for it! Said I should be doing it for the love of history. That won’t put bread on my plate! (→ #12)

(#12) Artois Sutherland: There has to be a better way to climb the ranks than by endless thankless work! I’m better than this! All systems have shortcuts...I just need to figure out the one for this Academy... (→ end)

Quest Dialogue

(#13) Artois Sutherland: Thanks for helping me out, [PlayerName]. I thought I could negotiate with these guys. Turns out they thought ransoming me might be more profitable for them. *sigh* That’ll show me for assuming people still have common decency. (→ #14)

(#14) Multiple-choice:

  • 0: Normally bandits don’t negotiate. The fact they were open to it at all is strange... (→ #15)
  • 1: Why’d you even try to negotiate with bandits? They’re already outlaws, Artois! (→ #23)

(#15) Artois Sutherland: Huh. You’re right. I’m fairly certain they were using a passphrase as well. I wonder...Do you think someone in Harmattan’s got a deal going with them? It would explain who’s giving them an “operating budget”. (→ #16)

(#16) Artois Sutherland: And all that trouble for a little box like that. I’m mighty curious to know what’s inside that Victor wants so badly. (→ #17)

(#17) Multiple-choice:

  • 0: (Break the wax seal and open the box) (→ #18)
  • 1: (Don’t open the box) (→ #21)

(#18) Player: (Two glimmering gems greet your eyes...They appear to have been forged with an exceptionally sharp point on one end, with an empty bulb on the other) (→ #19)

(#19) Artois Sutherland: Is that...Elatt’s name, those are Tsar Stones! They seem to have been forged into...Bullets, look like. Not sure what that glass bulb is supposed to be used for, though... (→ #20)

(#20) Artois Sutherland: I’ll head back to Harmattan. Thanks for the assist, [PlayerName]! I owe you one! (→ end)

(#21) Artois Sutherland: Come on, we risked our lives for that thing! ...Oh, fine. You’re right, actually. We’re supposed to be professionals. (→ #22)

(#22) Artois Sutherland: I’ll head back to Harmattan. Thanks for the assist, [PlayerName]! I owe you one! (→ end)

(#23) Artois Sutherland: I mean...That’s fair. But bandits are still people. They have their own reasons for operating outside society. Assuming they’re all pure evil might be common sense, but they’re still human and should be given basic dignity. They’re not Scourge, after all. (→ #16)

(#24) Artois Sutherland: Ah, there you are! Glad you made it back safe too! (→ end)

(#25) Artois Sutherland: Victor’s gotten me training with the Wolfgang. I had no idea that Runic Trap spells could be used the way they taught me! We’re so lucky to have such skilled mercenaries working alongside us! (→ #26)

(#26) Artois Sutherland: I had my doubts about Victor, but I’m over them. He’s a harsh boss, but he really is trying to do his best to make life safer for us all. I wish Desy was a little more open-minded... She’s wrong about him. (→ #27)

(#27) Artois Sutherland: Ugh...Every single one of my muscles is in open revolt...Mining Golems out of a collapsed mountain wall was not a good time. I think you got the easy job! (→ #28)

(#28) Multiple-choice:

  • 0: I’ll remember that next time I need to explore ruins teeming with danger, thanks. (→ #29)
  • 1: If you count a multi-region journey to be easy, sure. (→ #30)

(#29) Artois Sutherland: Really? You had to explore ancient ruins to finish the job? You definitely got the more interesting job! (→ end)

(#30) Artois Sutherland: It is, though, isn’t it? As long as you pace yourself, it’s a nice long hike. Sounds relaxing to me, to be honest! (→ end)

(#31) Artois Sutherland: I know what your master is doing. The Tracker Coil doesn’t lie. There’s literally an Immaculate somewhere in Harmattan! You and Turnbull brought the enemy into our city! (→ #32)

(#32) Artois Sutherland: I think I know what you’re trying to do with those Immaculates. You’re trying to change them. But you won’t be able to. You can’t change what you are. Even IF you change their nature, there’s nothing stopping them from killing by choice. (→ #33)

(#33) Multiple-choice:

  • 0: Is Victor at least treating you alright? (→ #34)
  • 1: Victor literally made a deal with the Butcher. We’re just trying to stop the Scourge. (→ #36)

(#34) Artois Sutherland: He’s made me a full Scholar for my work. The Wolfgang’s been training me personally. And trust me, we’re going to find those missing Immaculates and destroy them. (→ #35)

(#35) Artois Sutherland: Please, stop letting Turnbull manipulate you. It’s bad enough he somehow got to Desy. I can’t understand how she could leave Victor over him trying to trap the Butcher, only to turn around and work with the enemy herself! It’s insanity! (→ end)

(#36) Artois Sutherland: Wrong. Victor tried to USE the Butcher of Men, he tried to trap him. You are literally working with the enemy! You really think those...Monsters can be saved? If you do, you are naive to the extreme. (→ #37)

(#37) Artois Sutherland: They are using you. Even if you can end their hatred of Elatt, they’ll just use that to pretend to be reformed, and then they’ll stab us all in the back. It’s in their very nature to kill! (→ end)

(#38) Artois Sutherland: I can’t believe you resorted to sabotage. I know we can’t prove it, but it’s obvious. The Immaculates have turned you into criminals! And for what? Because you think you can “heroically save the poor poor monsters from themselves”?! (→ #39)

(#39) Artois Sutherland: Now more than ever, I know that I’m on the right side! Victor would never compromise his morals on a half-dream of a theory like Turnbull would! You’re risking the safety of the entire city on a fantasy! (→ #40)

(#40) Multiple-choice:

  • 0: You’re completely wrong. And forgetting that Victor made a deal with the Butcher. (→ #41)
  • 1: It’s for good reason. We actually CAN cure them! He’s already pacified an Illuminator! (→ #43)

(#41) Artois Sutherland: You’ve invited one of the enemy into Harmattan itself! I don’t know where you’re hiding it, but the Tracker Coil’s Scourge Detector doesn’t lie! Don’t you dare put yourself on the same level as Victor! (→ #42)

(#42) Artois Sutherland: Victor might have his faults, but he’s at least going about things the right way! Accuse him of whatever you want, he’s still more trustworthy than a literal monster! (→ end)

(#43) Artois Sutherland: Even if it’s for a “good cause” like you say, Turnbull is putting everyone in the city in danger! There is nothing that’s worth that kind of a risk! What if he’s wrong about the Immaculate? What if it’s just waiting to stab you all in the back? (→ #42)

(#44) Artois Sutherland: Gah...[PlayerName]? Oh thank Elatt it’s you. I thought I was done for! (→ #45)

(#45) Multiple-choice:

  • 0: Artois? What are you doing here? You’re injured! (→ #46)

(#46) Artois Sutherland: Victor sent me to...Provide backup for your...Bah! I’ll be honest, the Wolfgang and I were ordered to plant some explosives during the fight and make sure that no Scourge made it out of Old Harmattan, pacified or not. And then...Gah...I’m such a damned fool... (→ #47)

(#47) Artois Sutherland: The Immaculate that Turnbull Pacified...It tried to make the other ones stand down willingly. They refused and attacked us. Your Immaculate...I wouldn’t be here now if he hadn’t tried to protect me... (→ #48)

(#48) Artois Sutherland: The hostile Immaculates locked a bunch of the gates in Old Harmattan, to try to split up and corner the pacified ones...Desy and the Wolfgang are still trapped in there with them... (→ #49)

(#49) Multiple-choice:

  • 0: Great, so they need someone to save them, don’t they? (→ #50)

(#50) Artois Sutherland: Yeah...Yeah they do. If you can open up the gates and help them kill whatever’s leading these Scourge, you might still be able to win this...Take the key, go...Go try to fix this... (→ #51)

(#51) Multiple-choice:

  • 0: You’re injured! What about you? (→ #52)

(#52) Artois Sutherland: Ach...I...I’ll...I don’t know. I drank my last potion after I pulled that damned Corrupted spine out of my gut. I think I’m still bleeding internally. I don’t know how long I have...But maybe it’s better this way. I don’t know if I deserve any other fate... (→ #53)

(#53) Artois Sutherland: I should have seen the signs. But I just kept...Playing the hero in my head. Because if I wasn’t on the right side all along, then everything I’d done...I was afraid to face who I’d be if I was actually wrong. And now...I have to accept that I was. (→ #54)

(#54) Multiple-choice:

  • 0: Shut up and take one of my healing potions. You don’t deserve to die like this. (→ #55)
  • 1: Shut up and take one one of my greater healing potions. You don’t deserve to die. (→ #63)
  • 2: Shut your yap and get somewhere safe! (→ #62)

(#55) Artois Sutherland: I...You’d...You’d actually help me? Even if I was actually willing to follow Victor’s orders to ruin everything? Why? By all accounts you have no reason to save me! (→ #56)

(#56) Multiple-choice:

  • 0: He’s a predator who was manipulating you. I blame him, not you. (→ #57)
  • 1: Even if I won’t forgive you, helping one another is the only way humanity survives. (→ #57)
  • 2: You know what, you’re right, I have no reason to help you. You’re on your own. (→ #60)

(#57) Artois Sutherland: I...You’re...You’re too kind, [PlayerName]. Thank you. If I survive... I won’t waste this second chance. If not...Tell Desy and your Immaculate that I’m sorry. (→ #58)

(#58) Multiple-choice:

  • 0: As soon as you’re able to move, get back to Harmattan, we’ll catch up later. (→ #59)

(#59) Artois Sutherland: No...If I make it out of this alive...I’m not going back to Harmattan. I can’t go back after recognizing that Victor’s been using me all this time. Maybe I’ll...Go home to Berg, who knows. Anywhere’s better than here right now... (→ end)

(#60) Artois Sutherland: You’re...Cruel, [PlayerName]. But its no more than I deserve...Go on, people who actually deserve your help are waiting...I’ll...Try to manage on my own... (→ #61)

(#61) Multiple-choice:

  • 0: Shut your yap and get somewhere safe! (→ #62)

(#62) Artois Sutherland: I’ll...try. If I don’t...Make it out of this...I’m sorry. Tell Desy and that...That Immaculate that I’m sorry. (→ end)

(#63) Artois Sutherland: I...You’d...You’d actually help me? Even if I was actually willing to follow Victor’s orders to ruin everything? Why? By all accounts you have no reason to save me! (→ #64)

(#64) Multiple-choice:

  • 0: He’s a predator who was manipulating you. I blame him, not you. (→ #65)
  • 1: Even if I won’t forgive you, helping one another is the only way humanity survives. (→ #65)
  • 2: You know what, you’re right, I have no reason to help you. You’re on your own. (→ #60)

(#65) Artois Sutherland: I...You’re...You’re too kind, [PlayerName]. Thank you. If I survive... I won’t waste this second chance. If not...Tell Desy and your Immaculate that I’m sorry. (→ #66)

(#66) Multiple-choice:

  • 0: As soon as you’re able to move, get back to Harmattan, we’ll catch up later. (→ #67)

(#67) Artois Sutherland: No...If I make it out of this alive...I’m not going back to Harmattan. I can’t go back after recognizing that Victor’s been using me all this time. Maybe I’ll...Go home to Berg, who knows. Anywhere’s better than here right now... (→ end)

(#68) Artois Sutherland: That was a much closer shave that I would have liked. I’m glad to see you weren’t on the wrong side all along, [PlayerName]! We may have taken some unfortunate losses, but at least the Scourge is beaten back once again! (→ #69)

(#69) Multiple-choice:

  • 0: I hope you’re satisfied, Artois. (→ #70)
  • 1: Fair enough. This isn’t optimal, but at least Harmattan is safe. (→ #71)

(#70) Artois Sutherland: I am. I know I’m in the right. I know that I’m a good person, serving a noble cause. And at the end of the day, this was a job well done. (→ end)

(#71) Artois Sutherland: Yes, Harmattan is safe. That’s all that matters. Hopefully someday you’ll open your eyes and see that Victor and I were right about this all along. (→ end)

(#72) Artois Sutherland: Yes, Harmattan is safe. That’s all that matters. Hopefully someday you’ll open your eyes and see that Victor and I were right about this all along. (→ end)