Build:Carnival King

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Carnival King is a Character Build in Outward, created by Sk0ooma.


Carnival King
Use CDR gear & items w/ Speedster to spam Juggernaut and Mana Ward. The gear & hammer make you look like a carny swinging the hammer from the strongman carnival game lol.
BreakthroughIcon.png Breakthroughs Required Faction
Swift Foot.png Feather Dodge.png Daredevil.png Sorobor Academy Banner.png
Weapon Off-Hand Head Body Boots Backpack
Tsar Greathammer.png Any Shadow Kazite Light Helmet.png Shadow Light Kazite Shirt.png Shadow Kazite Light Boots.png Mefino's Trade Backpack.png
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
Probe.png Juggernaut.png Mana Ward.png Sweep Kick.png Push Kick.png Enrage.png Focus.png Great Endurance Potion.png

Full Build Details

Using Probe gives Tsar Greathammer a fast attack that inflicts big knockdown, combine w/ Merc & Rogue alongside Speedster to play at a lightning fast pace & combine Sweep Kick & Push Kick for interactive combat. Able to spam Mana Ward & Juggernaut in rotation to temporarily become invulnerable & clear single mobs, but WILL lose Alertness levels through Mana Ward, so it is not infinite, but its good enough for one tough encounter.

Enchant Kazite gear w/ Assassin & Tsar Greathammer w/ Whiplash, then use Assassin Elixirs for movement speed bonus & added DoT in Extreme Poison. Use Energizing Potions for additional CDR.

Important non breakthrough Passive skills: Fast Maintenance, Fitness, Blitz, Marathoner, Logistics Expert, & Peacemaker Elixir

  • UPDATE* This Build is the original blueprint for my build The Truth, which has since been removed from the wiki and merged w/ Build:Master of Weapons


High Striker
Probe.png > Mana Ward.png > Juggernaut.png

See Also