Build:Guitar Hero - Legacy build

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Guitar Hero - Legacy build is a Character Build in Outward, created by yaooo.


Guitar Hero - Legacy build
Place a drum, bang it. Bang the enemy once or twice. Enemy not dead? Rupture!
BreakthroughIcon.png Breakthroughs Required Faction
Sacred Fumes.png Bloodlust.png Daredevil.png Holy Mission Banner.png
Weapon Off-Hand Head Body Boots Backpack
Grind.png Molepig Sigh Any White Arcane Hood.png Stabilizing Forces Green Copal Armor.png Spirit of Berg Manawall Boots.png Flux Light Mender's Backpack.png
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
Probe.png Execution.png Prime.png Nurturing Echo.png Rupture.png Torment.png Haunting Beat.png Welkin Ring.png

Full Build Details

I've been playing around with the Ritualist lately and after I saw that dance your character does when we use Nurturing Echo I just HAD to make a bard-ish build. I stumbled upon Grind and was amazed - solid damage and it provides bonus 15% dmg to both EtherealEthereal AND LightningLightning?! Drums and chimes deal this type of damage! That's my stuff.

This build is still a WORK IN PROGRESS!!!, keep it in mind please. For any suggestions regarding upgrading it, changing gear pieces or anything - pm me on discord at yaooo#7701. (v1 - 31/08/22)



Reveal soul + Rupture = an explosion with base 100 Ethereal damage, we can ramp it up pretty high. Not very effective but quite fun to use.


GAMEPLAY (long story short):

Few enemies - put 1 drum (or chime, I'll be calling it a drum too to keep it simple). Bang it. Bang it again, preferably whilst hitting the enemy. It's still walking? Rupture!

Many enemies - put both drums down and bang them, preferably hitting as many enemies as possible AND your drums with probe at the same time. Rupture for chad damage since the enemy always has 2 hexes on them and we stack dmg to amplify these two hexes.

GAMEPLAY (long story long):

The drums are solid in my book - maybe not the best kind of stuff you can get in your build but oh boy, they sure are fun. The most annoying thing about them? Cooldown. That's why we pick the Daredevil skill tree; 40% CDR is a big deal. Legacy Hood adds another 10%, passive another 10%, we're already 60% CDR in and it doesn't include consumables.

Thanks to high CDR value we can use drums after drums - remember, you don't have to always use both of them at the same time. Sometimes one is just enough. You can basically ensure that you always have at least 1 drum per fight (of course sometimes it won't happen but that's often player's fault) and don't have to wait stupid 120s for another drum. This build focuses on balancing the Ethereal-Lightning bonus damage ratio so you are not dependent on 1 totem only. Use both.


Overview + my fight tactics

Passives T1:

- Brains - good if you plan on comitting to banging mu... drums and spamming hex. Otherwise not really worth it, you lose stamina fast - Grind is quite speedy for an axe.

- Efficiency

- Fast Maintenance

- Fitness

- Metabolic Purge

- Miasmic Tolerance

- Slow Metabolism

- Steady Arm - fat roll because of backpack; this build has more blocking than dodging in my opinion. This passive helps with it.

- Weather Tolerance

Passives T3:

- Battle Rhythm

- Harmony and Melody

- Blitz - with 4 alertness stacksthat sprint attack really packs a punch

- Lockwell's Revelation

+ all Holy Mission passives

This build (at it's current, v1 state) reaches bonus:

- 55% EtherealEthereal damage from gear only (+20% boon, +10% Holy Mission passive, +15/30% Lockwell); total around 115%

- 35% LightningLightning damage from gear only (+20% boon, +10% HM passive, +15/30% Lockwell); total around 95% and on top of that we get a free Infuse Light skill for some bonus damage on regular hits

I'm pretty sure there are more percentages available but I just haven't thought about them yet

Rupture deals 50 damage per hex, assuming an enemy is standing in both drums we deal over ~250 dmg with just one click. Oh, you need defense? Fear not! Just use Torment - it will inflict Weaken and Sapped, giving you a lot of survivability. If you're smart with your drums you can counter almost every enemy in the game.

My "traditional" fight sequence goes something like this:

1-2 stacks of Alertness, preferably more but depends on the encounter -> Drum of my choice -> Bang mums because it's fun -> Finish with Rupture

If you're on coop and low on potions you can use a double heal via Prime -> Nurturing Echo -> Nurturing Echo, the more stacks the better the heal. Stacks don't erase after first Echo use :)


Grind - enchant it with Molepig Sigh; this build has no +% physical dmg and has higher bonus stats for EtherealEthereal damage than LightningLightning. With Whiplash we would achieve a pretty number of 60 damage, with MolepigSigh we get 63 without boons.

White Arcane Hood - I was wondering whether to pick this helmet or the Manawall helmet. Arcane hood just seems better since we only lose 5% Ethereal damage and gain sweet, sweet -15% mana cost and -10% CDR. Also provides nice resistances and free +5% Lightning damage to balance things out and avoid relying on 1 totem only.

Green Copal Armor - No brainer, no other armor gives such a good bonus to the type of damage we basically main. If you cannot afford the Spirit of Berg enchant yet go with something that either adds +% lightning or ethereal damage, the more the better. But please, don't make yourself into a glass cannon. I was playing around with such a variation and it doesn't work that well. Better lose a bit of damage and gain some more tankiness.

Manawall boots - Free movement speed, +10% eth and +5% lght damage. AND PRETTY NICE RESISTANCES TOO?! Must have, haven't found a better alternative yet. Flux enchant is pretty nice here.

Light Mender's Backpack - +10% lightning damage basically. I really like dodging but with this build I didn't struggle much to not roll and block instead. For fast roll pick either Brigand's backpack (better basic attacks and no lantern) or Boozu backpack (lantern + fastroll + 10% decay resist)



In the "basic" version of this build we're using Holy Mission for more tankiness and Speedster skill tree to keep cooldowns as low as possible. However, Grind has pretty nice base damage (55) and Impact (50) which actually makes this axe quite strong in close quarters combat as well. This short part is directed towards players that really wanna smash their brand new, 3000$ guitar.

Choose Heroic Kingdom, free 25hp + 30% dmg buff to all damage is no joke and should be respected. You will be less tanky but will pack a punch. Additionally, you can swap out the The Speedster skill tree to (Wild Hunter) tree. Free 40HP is always nice, on top of that you get access to quite powerful skills.

For the hunter tree obviously choose:

- Predator Leap

- Feral Strikes

And make sure to learn Execution from either Burac in Cierzo or Sagard Battleborn, for 50 pesos.

With this setup you have nice defenses, ability to make your enemy laughably weak, snap them for 250+ (calculations before added 30% dmg) and of course THE STRENGTH TO SMASH GUITARS ON BANDIT HEADS


Enrage -> Leap -> If he's laying down, execution, if not, smash guitar on his head -> bro should be dead by now but if not, be creative. Preferably smash another guitar.

This build gives a lot of room to play around with, you can even use Jinx lol

By the way, you're gonna look like a regard and I strongly advise using a transmog mod. Gear pieces look terrible together, not gonna lie.


See Also