Build:Mad Bushman

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Mad Bushman is a Character Build in Outward, created by Pizza Boy.


Mad Bushman
High dps, fast speed (maybe fastest you can have, if you increase it with speed up and different backpack), low protection and stamina consumption. This build is mainly for support, but can be extremely effective even alone. It requires tactics and good reactions. If you wanna try it multiplayer I reccomend to party with tank.
BreakthroughIcon.png Breakthroughs Required Faction
Feather Dodge.png Leyline Connection.png Swift Foot.png Any
Weapon Off-Hand Head Body Boots Backpack
Sunfall Axe.png [[Poltergeist]] Cannon Pistol.png Pearlbird Mask.png [[Aegis]] Squire Attire.png [[Aegis]] Master Trader Boots.png [[Flux]] Trader Backpack.png
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
Fire and Reload.png Manticore Dagger.png Pressure Plate Trap.png Serpent's Parry.png Cool (skill).png Frost Bullet.png Shatter Bullet.png War Bow.png

Full Build Details

Some examples of armor (you do not need to use any of this, just to help you get started):

Master Trader Hat can be used first before Pearlbird Mask, but you will lack the speed, that you need for this built.

Dancer Clothes is good substitute of Squire Attire because of the availability, but have slightly worse stats.

Desert Boots can be used before Master Trader Boots but its not necessary because you can find them quite often from Soroborean Caravanner.

To get the most out of this build: use expanded slots mod to improve your action speed, and have little more damage options.

Full reccomended items/skills for quickslots (you can choose which you preffer):

1 = Fire / Reload

2 = Manticore Dagger

3 = Pressure Plate Trap

4 = Serpent's Parry

5 = Obsidian Pistol

6 = Cool (skill)

7 = Possessed (skill)

8 = Frost Bullet

9 = Blood Bullet

10 = Shatter Bullet

11 = War Bow

12 = Rune: Shim

13 = Rune: Fal

14 = Rune: Dez

Some of the important items you need are:

Charges for traps- I mainly use poison and incindentiary.

Pistols- your choice, but I recommend Cage Pistol if you want to play with someone, every pistoll you carry can be loadet with Frost Bullet (it is like shotgun, so you must be closer then with regullar ammo but its spread is great against many enemies + its only mana skill so you dont need to carry many bullets, only iron scrap (I reccoment around 24-2full slots)

Pressure Plate Trap- at least 8 (they can be used around 10x with Pressure Plate Expertise)

Skills I have or should have (dont know if every is usefull but some can improve your built):

Tier 1: Armor Training, Efficiency, Fast Maintenance, Fitness, Hunter's Eye, Pressure Plate Training, Slow Metabolism, Weather Tolerance

Tier 2: Listed above in Breakthoughs

Tier 3: Choice- Pressure Plate Expertise, Blood Bullet, Fire Affinity


My proven procedure
Cannon Pistol.png > Shatter Bullet.png > Pressure Plate Trap.png > Runic Trap.png > Obsidian Pistol.png > Frost Bullet.png


Attack with Cannon Pistol- enemy will receive confusion and pain (Chimera Pistol is also good but it is harder to get), run towards pressure traps- enemy will receive fire Dots from incindentiary or decay from poison charges + with Pressure Plate Expertise add some damage and impact on top. If enemy is still alive then change Cannon Pistol to Obsidian Pistol- increased damage, fire damage and also slow down will make tough times for your enemy. When he is still breathing he is a t.. very durrable and annoying, but I have this: Manticore Dagger + Serpent's Parry, it will stun him (duration depends on difficulty of enemy)+ he receive extreme bleeding and poison. With your high speed and stamina you can run, make runic traps and reloading guns without any troubles.

One last tip: when enemy is caster (like light mender or Obsidian Elemental) you can dodge or outrun projectiles- run toward them slightly to right or left or away from them.

One last info.: With hight speed, feather dodge and trader packpack you can easily pick up items up to ~ 200 and still be able to roll out without troubles.

See Also