Build:Merton the Mad

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Merton the Mad is a Character Build in Outward, created by Skelodude2.


Merton the Mad
A high physical stat build, making use of enchantments, maces, and shields. Prefect for a lad who don't wanna die!
BreakthroughIcon.png Breakthroughs Required Faction
Survivor's Resilience.png Steadfast Ascetic.png Spellblade's Awakening.png Blue Chamber Banner.png
Weapon Off-Hand Head Body Boots Backpack
Merton's Firepoker.png Ornate Bone Shield.png Merton's Skull.png Merton's Ribcage.png Merton's Shinbones.png Adventurer Backpack.png
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
Shield Charge.png Perfect Strike.png Flash Onslaught.png Predator Leap.png Focus.png Enrage.png Feral Strikes.png Great Life Potion.png

Full Build Details

This build is designed to get an incredibly high stat summary combined with enchantments, to allow you to help others through their playthrough, all while running around as a spooky skeleton.

Necessary passives are:

- Efficiency

- Metabolic Purge

- Slow Metabolism ( I mean, ya got no stomach!)

- Weather Tolerance (hard for bones to get too hot, yeah?)

- Steady Arm

- Blood of Giants

- Peacemaker Elixir

- Fitness

- Steadfast Ascetic

- Survivor's Resilience

Along with this, all three pieces of bone should be enchanted with Aegis, and the Ornate Bone Shield should have Guided Arm, giving you a staggering 240 Health, 200 Stamina, 6 Protection, and 2 barrier. (And 15 mana, we will never use) Be sure to snag the Lantern of Souls during the third faction quest (Whispering Bones) to make sure you have a secondary elemental resistance option as well as making sure you don't need to carry around lantern fuel. The backpack is for maximum bone exposure, along with a lantern slot. (You could just as easily use the Boozu Hide Backpack, if you'd like to)

Merton's Firepoker should have the Whiplash Enchantment, to cap off at a clean 30 damage per swing before boons. For those enemies of the more fiery inclination, I always carry a Skycrown Mace with Molepig Sigh to ensure even elemental coverage. (I mean, who'd want to be caught with their pants down in front of an Obsidian Elemental with naught but a fire poker, eh?)

Your Pockets will be comprised mainly of Great Life Potions, to ensure you can restore your bones after taking quite a beating in combat, and your backpack should have all the travel essentials, as well as a few Rage Potions and discipline potions to ensure you never run out of skills to use.

Overall, I have found this build to be highly effective for most content outside of the toughest of the tough, as well as good for a laugh at any stage in the game. Have fun!