Captured by Blood Mages

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Captured by Blood Mages is one of the possible Defeat Scenarios in Outward.


You can’t stand anymore, the very act of breathing is becoming difficult. Pain wracks your body as your consciousness fades…

You finally awaken in a cage in a musty cave full of nasty contraptions, with a tube in your arm, draining your blood! You rip it out, and get to work forcing the cell door open...You have no intention of dying here, not today!


Players awaken at Blood Mage Hideout.

From this scenario, 23-73 hours will have passed.


  • Backpack will be unequipped and nearby


  • Health Health: 30-40%, burnt: 30-40%
  • Mana Mana: Unchanged, burnt: Unchanged
  • Stamina Stamina: Unchanged, burnt: Unchanged


  • Hunger: Unchanged
  • Thirst: Unchanged
  • Rest: Unchanged
  • Temperature: 50%

Received at locations

See Also