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This article is a Transcript.
It is copied verbatim from Outward, and is therefore copyright of Nine Dots Studio.

See also:

Looking to the Future

(#0) Cyrene: I’m afraid I’m quite busy, perhaps some other time. (→ end)

(#1) Cyrene: Your request to join the Heroic Kingdom has been approved. All that’s left is for you to introduce yourself to the royal family. (→ end)

(#2) Cyrene: Hmm, you'll do. If you can survive the journey to the Ley Line, you're not some helpless refugee. I'll vouch for you on behalf of Levant's army. Queen Calixa will be glad to let you stay. (→ #3)

(#3) Cyrene: Here, If you’re going to be doing mercenary work for me, I think you might need these. The mercenary across from me can teach you how to use it, if you don’t know how already. (→ #4)

(#4) Cyrene: Your request to join the Heroic Kingdom has been approved. All that’s left is for you to introduce yourself to the royal family. (→ end)

(#5) Cyrene: Show me that you’re a mage, and I’ll give you my approval. We could always use more people who know how to use Mana. You know how to unlock the power of Mana, right? (→ #6)

(#6) Cyrene: Go to the Conflux Mountain in the Chersonese. That large purple one. Up along the side of the mountain is a passage with our flag beside it. Use that to get inside and down to the Ley Line. (→ end)

(#7) Cyrene: Oh, wonderful, another mouth to feed. We need mercenaries who can handle the dangers of the desert, not refugees. (→ #5)

(#8) Cyrene: You must be that one that Yzan was talking about from Cierzo. Square things with him first, and then maybe we can talk. He’s down by the fountain near the Inn. (→ end)

General Dialogue

(#0) Cyrene: I’m afraid I’m quite busy, perhaps some other time. (→ #1)

(#1) Multiple-choice:

  • 0: I want to talk about the murdered prince. (→ end)
  • 1: Let’s talk about the usual stuff, Cyrene. (→ end)

(#2) Cyrene: You must be the one that Yzan told me about. Yzan, deal with them, would you? (→ end)

(#3) Cyrene: I have nothing to say to you, priest. If you’re not here to help us win the war, I have no use for you. (→ end)

(#4) Cyrene: A visitor, huh? Behave yourself in my city, or you’ll end up locked in the open-air cage in the slums. (→ end)

Tending the Flame

(#0) Cyrene: Oy, you! [PlayerName]! I need a report on what happened in Berg! (→ #1)

(#1) Multiple-choice:

  • 0: Cyrene, where were you?! Someone attacked the Blue Chamber mid-session! (→ #2)

(#2) Cyrene: I know. One of my agents tipped me off before the attack, and I tried to intercept their leader. It was a trap. I barely got out with my life. And to make matters worse, I've been framed for ordering the murder of Old Levant’s ambassador! (→ #3)

(#3) Multiple-choice:

  • 0: Wait, what do you mean the murder of Old Levant’s ambassador? (→ #4)

(#4) Cyrene: Their ambassador was found strangled in her bed after the declaration of war was made. The Chamberlords are accusing Levant of planning the attempted bombing and me for the murder! I wasn’t even in Berg that night! (→ #5)

(#5) Cyrene: The Blue Chamber has put a bounty on my head, and has already sent us a declaration of war because of this mess. (→ #6)

(#6) Multiple-choice:

  • 0: They think I'm responsible for the attack as well. Whoever organized this was a professional. (→ #7)
  • 1: Someone went to a lot of trouble to make it look like Levant is responsible for all this. (→ #18)
  • 2: Even though I almost prevented the entire attack? It’s clear that Levant is not responsible! (→ #19)

(#7) Cyrene: You too? Our enemy is very thorough indeed. It might not be safe to return to Berg until the war has ended. (→ #8)

(#8) Cyrene: There’s people in the Blue Chamber Collective who have wanted to “put us in our place” for a long time now. I’m not surprised they’re being unreasonable. They could even be behind the attack... (→ #9)

(#9) Multiple-choice:

  • 0: I managed to save Kirouac from the attackers. He's shaken, but he's alright. (→ #10)

(#10) Cyrene: Yes, he got back here shortly before you did. You did a good job rescuing him, [PlayerName]. (→ #11)

(#11) Multiple-choice:

  • 0: I found the leader of the attack at his hidden camp in Enmerkar. He was definitely one of our commanders. We've been infiltrated for sure. (→ #12)

(#12) Cyrene: Elatt damn it all. I'm getting to the bottom of this! Could Old Levant have planned so far ahead? Do they have help from outside Abrassar? I have nothing but questions! (→ #13)

(#13) Cyrene: You're far craftier than you look, [PlayerName]. You were a great help out there. Here, your pay with a small bonus on top. (→ #14)

(#14) Cyrene: I have to take stock of the situation. Come back in a few days and I'm sure I'll have another assignment for you. The desert rumbles with the sound of war… (→ end)

(#15) Cyrene: You're far craftier than you look, [PlayerName]. You were a great help out there. Here, your pay with a small bonus on top. (→ #14)

(#16) Cyrene: You did good work out there, [PlayerName]. Here, your payment. (→ #14)

(#17) Multiple-choice:

  • 0: I was able to find the attacker's base of operations. The people inside seem to have been soldiers from Levant. We may have been infiltrated. (→ #12)

(#18) Cyrene: There’s people in the Blue Chamber Collective who have wanted to “put us in our place” for a long time now. I’m not surprised they’re being unreasonable. They could even be behind the attack... (→ #9)

(#19) Cyrene: There’s people in the Blue Chamber Collective who have wanted to “put us in our place” for a long time now. I’m not surprised they’re being unreasonable. They could even be behind the attack... (→ #9)

(#20) Cyrene: [PlayerName], you’re back already? We have a major problem. Someone attacked the Council meeting in Berg, and Kirouac has been kidnapped. As far as we know, it’s possible he was taken somewhere in the South of Enmerkar Forest. Please, bring him back safely! (→ end)

(#21) Cyrene: Well, looks like you made it, [PlayerName]. Good to see you. (→ #22)

(#22) Cyrene: One of our agents intercepted information that Old Levant has a major plot in motion here today. Given the circumstances, I had to come in person, just in case. (→ #23)

(#23) Cyrene: Keep an ear out for trouble. See that man over there by the stairs? He's the one who brought me this information. If there's anything you can do to make sure Old Levant's claims are crushed, help him with it. (→ end)

(#24) Cyrene: [PlayerName], right? I’ve got some work for you. I need you to run bodyguard duty for one of our ambassadors, Kirouac. He’s on a diplomatic mission to the city of Berg, in Enmerkar. (→ #25)

(#25) Cyrene: The Blue Chamber Collective is set to meet, and one of the issues being discussed could strike a fatal blow to our kingdom if it goes poorly. We need to make sure that doesn’t happen. (→ #26)

(#26) Multiple-choice:

  • 0: What’s the issue? (→ #27)
  • 1: Skip the details and just tell me what I need to do. (→ #37)
  • 2: I’m busy with something right now. I’ll come back later if I need the money. (→ end)

(#27) Cyrene: I’ll try to keep this brief. Abrassar used to be a lush and fertile region with several powerful tribes living here. Then the Scourge happened. Between every major river being diverted, and the Scourge swarming the region, well... Look outside, you can see the results. (→ #28)

(#28) Cyrene: To make things worse, one of the beasts that attacked the desert grew to near-gigantic size. The Devourer, we called it. The old tribes that lived here before us abandoned the region in fear of the thing. (→ #29)

(#29) Cyrene: It was only about 24 years ago when Calixa and Simeon led an army into the desert to retake it. I was just a fresh recruit at the time. It was an impossible feat, but we managed to bring down the Devourer, and then purge Abrassar of the rest of the Scourge. (→ #30)

(#30) Cyrene: Elatt, the god of discipline himself, granted the Abrassar desert to Simeon and Calixa to rule as a reward. As such, the Heroic Kingdom has operated outside the Blue Chamber's laws since the beginning. (→ #31)

(#31) Cyrene: The old tribes that fled the region have a problem with that. Now that the region is safe enough to live in, they want control of it again. They refuse to recognize both Elatt's decision and the Royal Family's rule. They've been attacking our scouts and soldiers for years now. (→ #32)

(#32) Cyrene: Since force failed, they've switched to demanding the Blue Chamber overturn Elatt's decision and return the region to their control. If they get their way, we'll be thrown out. (→ #33)

(#33) Multiple-choice:

  • 0: I can’t let that happen. What can I do to help? (→ #34)
  • 1: I’m busy with something right now. I’ll come back later if I need the money. (→ end)

(#34) Cyrene: We've sent Kirouac to Berg to attend the Council Meeting and hopefully appeal to the sanity of the Collective. If you're among his protectors, I'll sleep better at night. (→ #35)

(#35) Cyrene: I need you to journey to Enmerkar Forest, get to Berg, and make sure nothing happens to Kirouac while you're there. You'll find him in the biggest building in the north of the city, the Blue Chamber itself. (→ #36)

(#36) Cyrene: Now, I have to be off. I have to go check on my informants to see if any new information has come in. (→ end)

(#37) Cyrene: The old tribes of Abrassar are claiming that the region belongs to them, and that our Kingdom has no right to rule. If this meeting goes badly, Old Levant may overthrow us completely. (→ #33)

(#38) Cyrene: I don’t have any work for you yet, [PlayerName]. Check back in a few days. In the meantime, take your time getting used to life in Abrassar. It’s a dangerous region. (→ end)

(#39) Cyrene: I don’t have any work for you yet, [PlayerName]. Check back in a few days. In the meantime, take your time getting used to life in Abrassar. It’s a dangerous region. (→ end)

Sand Corsairs

(#0) Cyrene: Good work, [PlayerName]. With their leader dead, the Sand Corsairs are nothing more than disorganized rabble. We'll have the last of them put down by the end of the week. And most of them are Old Levant too. Two birds, one bullet! (→ #1)

(#1) Cyrene: Queen Calixa will no doubt recognize what you did for Levant. Here, your reward for a job well done. (→ #2)

(#2) Multiple-choice:

  • 0: I’ll come with you on the convoy. (→ end)
  • 1: Farewell. (→ end)

(#3) Cyrene: I'm amazed you got their leader to surrender. He confessed everything and his troops disbanded. I don't like leaving these Old Levant troublemakers alive... but I'm not willing to slaughter a surrendering enemy. (→ #4)

(#4) Multiple-choice:

  • 0: What will you do with him now? (→ #5)

(#5) Cyrene: Put him on trial, I suppose. It’s barely a formality at this point, though. After all he’s done, he’ll either get the firing squad or be locked in the Hive Prison for the rest of his very short life. (→ #6)

(#6) Cyrene: Queen Calixa will no doubt recognize what you did for Levant. Here, your reward for a job well done. (→ #7)

(#7) Multiple-choice:

  • 0: I’ll come with you on the convoy. (→ end)
  • 1: Farewell. (→ end)

(#8) Cyrene: The leader of these bandits has long since flown the coop. Dammit, we should have moved faster. We may have struck a serious blow to the Corsairs, but as long as their leader is alive, they could rally… (→ #9)

(#9) Cyrene: Well, you still helped bring the Corsairs down. You’re entitled to your pay. Queen Calixa will no doubt be pleased with your work here, [PlayerName]. (→ #10)

(#10) Multiple-choice:

  • 0: I’ll come with you on the convoy. (→ end)
  • 1: Farewell. (→ end)

(#11) Cyrene: If you need something, bother Yzan. I’m coordinating the troops right now! (→ end)

(#12) Cyrene: Do you have any new information about the Sand Corsairs? (→ #13)

(#13) Multiple-choice:

  • 0: I found out where the Sand Corsairs are hiding. They’re in the Old Levant Ruins. Some Soroboreans are protecting them. I need Yzan’s help. Where is he? (→ #14)

(#14) Cyrene: Of course Old Levant has to be connected to this... I think I have an idea what you’re planning. Yzan is by the fountain in the South-East district of Levant. Good luck. (→ end)

(#15) Cyrene: The ruins in the west... That’s the ruins in the small canyon west of that sand sea, I think...Hmm... (→ end)

(#16) Cyrene: Do you have any new information about the Sand Corsairs? (→ #17)

(#17) Multiple-choice:

  • 0: No new information yet. I’ll let you know if I find some. (→ end)
  • 1: There’s a group in an old tower in the west that are supplying the food to the slums. (→ #18)

(#18) Cyrene: The ruins in the west... That’s the ruins in the small canyon west of that sand sea, I think...Hmm... (→ #19)

(#19) Cyrene: That’s not enough evidence for me to call in reinforcements. Check it out yourself and let me know if you find more. You said it’s in that “canyon” west of that big sea of sand to the south of Levant, right? (→ end)

(#20) Cyrene: [PlayerName], good timing, I have work for you. The war is going well, but Levant itself is facing a crisis. (→ #21)

(#21) Cyrene: Our situation is getting desperate. The war has cut us off from our usual trade routes, and the few that remain are being plundered by bandits. If things don't change soon, we’ll face a famine! (→ #22)

(#22) Cyrene: The worst are the "Sand Corsairs", as they call themselves. They make no demands, refuse all negotiations, and leave no survivors in their raids. Then even ransacked one of our cactus farms yesterday! (→ #23)

(#23) Cyrene: Our troops can at least resupply in the field by looting and pillaging the land they take. Our city is not so lucky. If these Sand Corsairs are not dealt with, we may win the war only to come home to a city of corpses. (→ #24)

(#24) Cyrene: The Corsairs are extremely crafty. None of my agents can locate their headquarters. If you can help us take them down, there will be a handsome reward. (→ #25)

(#25) Multiple-choice:

  • 0: Do you have any leads I can use? (→ #26)
  • 1: I’ll look into it if I have time. I can’t make promises. (→ end)

(#26) Cyrene: You're a somewhat recent addition to the city. It's possible the people in the slums might open up to you. I do know that small amounts of food are being smuggled into the slums . That might be an angle you can exploit. (→ end)

(#27) Cyrene: Things are still hectic after the declaration of war, [PlayerName]. I’ll let you know if I need you on the front lines, or on home defense soon enough. Give me a few days to sort out this mess. (→ end)

Mouths to Feed

(#0) Cyrene: Dammit, dammit, dammit. Bad enough we have to fight the Blue Chamber tribes, but to have to put down a slum revolt... Because of them, we were forced to spill our own people’s blood. I will never forgive them for this. (→ end)

(#1) Cyrene: I’m impressed. Kirouac came home and was singing your praises. Levant lives to fight another day. Now, it’s time to truly take the fight to the Blue Chamber. (→ end)

(#2) Cyrene: You’re off to the Hallowed Marsh are you? Best of luck. We’re counting on you and Kirouac, [PlayerName]. We’ll handle the war on our end. (→ #3)

(#3) Multiple-choice:

  • 0: How goes the war? (→ #4)

(#4) Cyrene: Badly. We were crushing the Blue Chamber before, but now... they’ve doubled their army’s size! We’re being forced back by sheer numbers. An attack on Abrassar could come at any time… (→ end)

(#5) Cyrene: You've made an impression on Simeon and Calixa, [PlayerName]. They’ve expressed an interest in sponsoring you personally. You’ll be getting your jobs from them from now on. Congratulations. (→ #3)

Heroic Peacemaker

(#0) Cyrene: Yzan, how could you turn on us? I thought you understood! This peace must not be allowed to happen, or Levant has no future! (→ #1)

(#1) Yzan Argenson: Cyrene, stop this now! If we don't stop this war, all we do is damn Levant to destruction! (→ #2)

(#2) Cyrene: Never. I will not let the slaughter of my troops go unanswered, and I will never forgive those damn Blues for the famine they caused. Besides, it's too late. I've already shot Calixa with a Scourge Venom Bullet. (→ #3)

(#3) Cyrene: As the new queen of Levant, I will not abide traitors like you. Prepare to meet your ancestors, [PlayerName]! (→ #4)

(#4) Yzan Argenson: I'm sorry it had to come to this. If you won't stand aside, then I will make you stand aside! Defend yourself! (→ end)

(#5) Cyrene: You're too late, [PlayerName]. It's over. Your king and queen are broken… (→ #6)

(#6) Multiple-choice:

  • 0: What have you done to them?! (→ #7)

(#7) Cyrene: I shot Calixa with a bullet containing an incurable poison. If a champion of Elatt could not survive it, I don't see how a mere mortal can. And without her watching his back, Simeon's recklessness was easy to exploit. (→ #8)

(#8) Cyrene: As the new queen of Levant, I will not abide traitors like you. Prepare to meet your ancestors, [PlayerName]! (→ end)

(#9) Cyrene: Keep walking. I’m on duty and have no time for you. Or anyone else for that matter. Shoo. (→ end)