Dead Tree

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Dead Tree
Dead Tree entrance.png
Location Details
Dungeon inside Dead Roots
Hallowed Marsh
Build Name

Dead Tree is a locked zone in Dead Roots, location in Hallowed Marsh.

It can be accessed by unlocking a wooden door inside the dungeon Dead Roots with the Dead Roots Key. This key is acquired by obtaining all four clues during Purifier (not just the 3 that are required to progress in the quest).

The door is found towards the bottom of the dungeon, near where the Marsh Captain is usually found.




Loot Containers:



  • The 5th Dead Roots Note can be found next to the Ornate Chest. WARNING: If you are defeated by the Scourge inside Dead Tree, the note will be gone.
  • The Runes by the chest read "VENTS CONDAMNE ELATT" (Fr. Winds condemns Elatt)

Defeat Scenarios

ScenarioTime ProgressionRespawn Locations
Defeated by Immaculate4-6 hoursDead Tree
Nursed to health at the Monsoon Inn9-13 daysMonsoon
Rescued by Holy Mission warrior49-95 hoursMonsoon
Saved by Gep23-73 hoursChersonese, Hallowed Marsh, Abrassar, Enmerkar Forest, Antique Plateau or Caldera


See Also