Defeated in Calygrey Colosseum

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Defeated in Calygrey Colosseum is one of the possible Defeat Scenarios in Outward.


As you collapse before your foe, you hear the Calygreys cheer your defeat. You’re vaguely aware of one of them dragging you along the ground...When you can finally get up, you find that you’ve been dragged back to the entrance.

A Calygrey at the entrance laughs roughly at you, then points at a chest nearby before he walks away. It seems they’ve kept your old equipment safe for you while you fought. As confusing as it is, kindness is still kindness.


Players awaken at Calygrey Colosseum.

From this scenario, 23-49 hours will have passed.


  • Backpack will be unequipped and nearby in a black chest


  • Health Health: 30-40%, burnt: 30-40%
  • Mana Mana: Unchanged, burnt: Unchanged
  • Stamina Stamina: Unchanged, burnt: Unchanged


  • Hunger: Unchanged
  • Thirst: Unchanged
  • Rest: Unchanged
  • Temperature: 50%

Received at locations

See Also