Evangeline Vallier/Dialogue

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This article is a Transcript.
It is copied verbatim from Outward, and is therefore copyright of Nine Dots Studio.

The following is a transcript of Evangeline Vallier's dialogue.

Main Dialogue

(#0) Evangeline Vallier: If we’re going to make this settlement work in the long term, we need specialized resources. When you’re out gathering, bring back samples of anything interesting you find, so I can identify them for you and send out work crews to examine the site. (→ #1)

(#1) Evangeline Vallier: If the sample leads us to something special, you can hold onto it until it’s needed. If not, well, it’s off to the resource pile with it. It’s a win for us either way, so don’t neglect to bring stuff in, got it? (→ #72)

(#2) Evangeline Vallier: Good timing! I’ve thought our temperature control problem through and there’s only one option better than Josef’s. You’ve seen the Emberheart in the Eldest Brother’s basin, right? (→ #3)

(#3) Multiple-choice:

  • 0: Oh, you mean that gigantic weird rock down near the bottom? Yeah, I’ve seen it. (→ #4)

(#4) Evangeline Vallier: It’s the reason we’ve been able to make such effective use of the volcano over the centuries. If we could somehow bring the Emberheart here to New Sirocco...That would solve our temperature control problems completely. (→ #5)

(#5) Multiple-choice:

  • 0: Moving it would take a whole lot of workers, and some kind of metal wagon... (→ #6)

(#6) Evangeline Vallier: We don’t have the time or resources to put something like that together...And I don’t want to owe Sorobor Academy any more than I need to. I have a different proposal...We can try asking the Djinn. (→ #7)

(#7) Evangeline Vallier: About 40 or so years back, when that moving metal Ark crawled onto our shores with a hold full of Calygreys, there was a creature that called itself a Djinn at the helm. I still don’t know where they all came from, it’s no country I’ve ever heard of. (→ #8)

(#8) Evangeline Vallier: The Djinn is a strange creature, endowed with great strength and magic, as well as near-total immunity to heat and smoke. If anyone can move the Emberheart in a pinch like this, it’s him. (→ #9)

(#9) Multiple-choice:

  • 0: I‘ve fought him before. He just wants to be left alone. He definitely won’t help. (→ #10)
  • 1: If he’s the only shot we have, we’ve got to at least try, right? (→ #10)

(#10) Josef Dumas: Oh, I don’t know how I feel about this...He gets real ornery any time we’ve had to work anywhere near his oil refinery... I doubt he’ll cooperate. He only ever listened to the Nobles and the Calygreys. (→ #11)

(#11) Evangeline Vallier: I agree that just demanding his help is likely to go poorly. He is close with the Calygreys. And our Nobles captured and abused them the moment their vessel landed on our shores. He’s got no love for humans. (→ #12)

(#12) Evangeline Vallier: I know the Nobles had an “arrangement” with the Djinn. He supposedly feels at home with oil and smoke, so they gave him run of the refinery in exchange for access to the oil. (→ #13)

(#13) Multiple-choice:

  • 0: He worked with them even after they abused his allies like that? (→ #14)

(#14) Evangeline Vallier: They must have had some way to ensure he wouldn’t go back on their deal...Finding out what that is might give you some leverage against him. If you can find a noble and make him talk...That might improve your chances. (→ #15)

(#15) Multiple-choice:

  • 0: Where on Aurai am I going to just scrounge up a Noble? (→ #16)

(#16) Evangeline Vallier: The Calygreys. They’ve made a sport of capturing any humans they come across and having them fight in their arena. And they have an especially great hatred for the Nobles in particular. Now that those bastards have been flushed out into the wild... (→ #17)

(#17) Evangeline Vallier: Try any place where the Calygreys could hold prisoners. Their arena, the mobile Ark, anywhere they gather. With any luck, they’ll have a Noble somewhere. I wish I could be more specific, but this is all we’ve got to go on. (→ #72)

(#18) Evangeline Vallier: Well, you did it. The Djinn just planted the Emberheart down for us, cursing us all the while. Be honest with me, just how badly did you savage the poor thing? (→ #19)

(#19) Multiple-choice:

  • 0: It was a pretty even fight, all things considered. (→ #20)
  • 1: I think I got off worse than him. He’s vicious when he’s mad! (→ #20)
  • 2: He was nothing I couldn’t handle. (→ #20)

(#20) Evangeline Vallier: Well, it’s a good thing you managed to bring the Emberheart here...Turns out I was right. Josef’s solution failed entirely. There’s considerable cracking of the ground here. We can’t support as many large buildings as we were hoping. (→ #21)

(#21) Evangeline Vallier: We can handle 5 Specialized buildings in total from this point forward. Go see Josef about setting them up, like you’re used to. (→ #22)

(#22) Djinn: Yes, yes, good for you. I’ve done my part! Now, do as you promised and free me from the Amulet! (→ #23)

(#23) Evangeline Vallier: It’s alright, friend. I’ll take care of it right now. The magma below the town ought to do just fine. (→ #24)

(#24) Djinn: Ahh...Sweet release. A two centuries long migraine, lifted. I thank you, humans. Now, never ask anything of me ever again. Let me enjoy my peace and quiet! (→ #25)

(#25) Multiple-choice:

  • 0: I’m glad we set him free. The poor thing sounds like he’s suffered enough already. (→ #26)
  • 1: It’s a shame we had to let him go. He could have been quite helpful. (→ #26)

(#26) Evangeline Vallier: I won’t let us walk the same path our Nobles did. We need to work together out of solidarity, not fear. Cooperation for mutual benefit is the most effective way to accomplish long-term success. (→ #72)

(#27) Evangeline Vallier: The Djinn showed up right on time with the Emberheart. With total temperature control, we can increase the heat of our furnaces, while keeping our living quarters a bearable temperature. (→ #28)

(#28) Evangeline Vallier: We can handle 6 Specialized buildings in total from this point forward. Go see Josef about setting them up, like you’re used to. (→ #22)

(#29) Evangeline Vallier: We’re working on the last really big improvements to our construction. With this next task done, I think we’ll finally be able to build the last of the essentials for the settlement. (→ #30)

(#30) Evangeline Vallier: If we want to be able to maintain any more specialized buildings, we’ll need total temperature control in here. Josef’s working on a solution, but...I’m worried that planting a bunch of pipes into the ground may weaken the integrity of the soil. (→ #31)

(#31) Evangeline Vallier: For now, focus on getting us what we need for the next phase of construction. We’ll deal with the temperature issue once that’s cleared up. It’ll take at least 150 days before Josef starts drilling holes for his ventilation system, so we have time to think. (→ #72)

(#32) Evangeline Vallier: I think we’ve finally got some breathing room. New Sirocco should be stable for a while. We’ve all done some excellent work, you included, [PlayerName]. (→ #33)

(#33) Dorion Dumas: I’m really not so certain about our situation. I think the magma level rose by an inch last night, Evangeline. The change was visible. This could put the entire lower basin of the settlement at risk! (→ #34)

(#34) Evangeline Vallier: The magma flow shifts all the time Dorion, you know that. Our priority should be finishing the last of the important construction projects, and ensure we’re truly self-sufficient. (→ #35)

(#35) Josef Dumas: I agree with Evangeline, there’s no natural reason why the magma would suddenly rise on its own, and the terrain here isn’t unstable like Old Sirocco was. I inspected the tunnels myself when we arrived here. (→ #36)

(#36) Josef Dumas: Look, if you’re that concerned, I’ll start inspecting it again once this last batch of essential construction is finished. Otherwise, it’ll take at least 150 days before I actually have time to get around to your concerns. (→ #37)

(#37) Multiple-choice:

  • 0: So, what do we need done? (→ #38)

(#38) Josef Dumas: We need 4 Specialized Buildings in total, with 2 in total improved upon. That should be the last of the bare necessities for the settlement. Help me get this done so I can get Dorion off my back, would you? (→ #72)

(#39) Evangeline Vallier: Ah, good timing. We have a serious problem, [PlayerName]. Dorion was right about the Magma rising! (→ #40)

(#40) Dorion Dumas: It’s proven beyond a doubt now, the flow of Magma has risen an inch every night for the past 3 nights, and has not gone back down since. I suspect it’s picking up speed too. It WILL flood the lower levels of the town if we don’t do something! (→ #41)

(#41) Multiple-choice:

  • 0: What’s causing this? I thought you said you inspected the tunnels! (→ #42)

(#42) Josef Dumas: I have no idea what could be causing this. It’s flowing in ways that are...Unusual. There’s no natural phenomenon that can explain this! It’s like something is...Pulling the magma upwards. Like, some kind of reverse gravity. (→ #43)

(#43) Multiple-choice:

  • 0: Like a tide? When the moons pull the water up the shoreline? (→ #44)

(#44) Josef Dumas: That’s...Not a bad analogy. But to pull up something as dense as magma, from below the ground...No, our moons wouldn’t be able to do that naturally. There’s some kind of magic at play here. (→ #45)

(#72) Evangeline Vallier: Well, [PlayerName], what do you need? (→ #73)

(#73) Multiple-choice:

  • 0: I’ve got samples I want to turn in for appraisal. (→ #74)
  • 1: Where’d you learn how to identify geological samples? That takes an education. (→ #75)
  • 2: I heard from Zephyrien's killer in Levant, that Sirocco arranged for his death. Which of the Nobles was responsible? (→ #92)
  • 3: I heard from your former Chamberlord that your people were responsible for Zephyrien’s murder. I want the truth, Evangeline. (→ #92)
  • 4: I heard from your former Chamberlord that your father was responsible for pushing Levant into war. Care to explain? (→ #92)
  • 5: Farewell. (→ end)

(#74) Evangeline Vallier: Let’s see about those mineral samples... (→ end)

(#75) Evangeline Vallier: It does. My family was part of the Noble class when I was a child. As a result, I was fortunate enough to receive a comprehensive education, including natural sciences like medicine, botany and geology. (→ #76)

(#76) Multiple-choice:

  • 0: How’d you end up leading a revolt if you were a noble?! (→ #77)

(#77) Evangeline Vallier: My family used to own this quarry. One day when my parents were down one of the tunnels urging the workers to pick up the pace to meet quota...Someone accidentally made a hole into a magma flow. Only two people made it out alive. Father, and one of the workers. (→ #78)

(#78) Evangeline Vallier: The incident woke my father up. He realized most of Sirocco’s mining operations were unsafe, and pushed for ways to improve worker safety. The other Nobles, however, did not approve. No one would do business with us anymore. (→ #79)

(#79) Evangeline Vallier: Two years later, with no buyers for our goods, and immense pressure from up on high...Father sold the quarry and that was that. I may have spent my childhood as a noble, but as a young woman, I learned the plight of the workers firsthand. (→ #80)

(#80) Evangeline Vallier: Even so, Father was able to keep most of our old books, so I never stopped educating myself. Not only natural sciences, but politics and public speaking. Having seen both sides of our society, the injustice of it all was plain as day, and I wanted to change it. (→ #81)

(#81) Evangeline Vallier: The rise of Levant certainly helped. For generations, the Nobles told us that it was impossible to have better standards for the working class in a region so hostile. Seeing Levant succeed inspired us to demand more. (→ #82)

(#82) Multiple-choice:

  • 0: Levant didn’t win their freedom through bloody revolution, though. (→ #83)

(#83) Evangeline Vallier: I didn’t WANT a bloody coup, [PlayerName]. I helped Dorion try to start a worker’s union, and that was taken over by the nobles. I tried to get the Ambraine supply put in the hands of the Workers, I was accused of wanting to give drugs to children... (→ #84)

(#84) Multiple-choice:

  • 0: Ambraine is just an herb, right? Why is it so central to your city’s politics? (→ #85)

(#85) Evangeline Vallier: Amraine helps regulate body heat, and protects the lungs from the ash and soot in the air. It’s been an essential tool for anyone working in the Caldera for ages. Without it...We’d collapse in a matter of hours, doing the intense work that we do. (→ #86)

(#86) Evangeline Vallier: Of course, the Nobles knew that. They also knew about how if you become dependent on Ambraine and stop taking it...You’ll suffer from debilitating withdrawal symptoms. They leveraged their exclusive hold on the supply to try to keep us in line. (→ #87)

(#87) Evangeline Vallier: It wasn’t until the impending collapse of the city that Dorion, Josef and I started to get seriously aggressive about our demands. And even then, everything we did was denounced as dangerous and forcibly silenced under the martial law that the Nobles had imposed. (→ #88)

(#88) Evangeline Vallier: Fortunately, by the time of the collapse and the Nobles barred the doors to the worker’s district, leaving us to die...I’d managed to assemble a healthy supply of Pressure Plate Traps and Levantine Pistols for our mob of finally roused people. (→ #89)

(#89) Multiple-choice:

  • 0: How’d you manage to assemble an arsenal like that during martial law?! (→ #90)

(#90) Evangeline Vallier: I...I’ll be honest, [PlayerName], Father and I had been planning for this possibility for several years. But I refused to fire the first shot until I was sure we would win...Until at least the Merchants supported us...And well...We waited too long. (→ #91)

(#91) Evangeline Vallier: It kills me to know that we could have avoided this if we overthrew them sooner... *sigh* But it makes sense...People are easily cowed until their lives are on the line. (→ end)

(#92) Evangeline Vallier: I...I have to come clean, [PlayerName]. Zephyrien's death...It was my Father's fault. My fault. I should have stopped him, but...We were in an impossible situation, and he believed it was the only way out... (→ #93)

(#93) Evangeline Vallier: Our Nobles sold much of our territory to the Chamberlord of Monsoon. Territory we knew that we desperately needed in order to resettle our people before the city collapsed. But Damian Lockwell refused to come to a reasonable arrangement. (→ #94)

(#94) Evangeline Vallier: So we reached out to Zephyrien. He came from a worker family, did you know? We’d been proud to see one of us join the Holy Mission, and then rise to the rank of Champion. We thought that if anyone would be willing to help, it would be him. (→ #95)

(#95) Evangeline Vallier: Zephyrien told us that he could not compromise the neutrality of the Holy Mission. Several times we wrote to him, begging his aid, but all he could do was promise that he would come help us himself “someday”. (→ #96)

(#96) Evangeline Vallier: As the collapse of the city became imminent, Father warned him that if nothing changed, we might soon have no choice but to use force to overthrow the Nobles in order to save our city, or take some other drastic action to secure new lands. (→ #97)

(#97) Evangeline Vallier: Zephyrien wrote back that any form of violent uprising was unjustifiable, and that if we dared to try, he would come bring us to justice. He brushed aside our desperation and imminent doom and threatened us, the victims. (→ #98)

(#98) Evangeline Vallier: The bastard also warned the Nobles, who immediately imposed martial law. The few rights we still had were violently ripped away. Any possibility of revolt was squashed. And still, they would not do anything about the impending collapse. (→ #99)

(#99) Evangeline Vallier: With the city on the verge of destruction and the Nobles making escape impossible, we could not wait any longer. So...Father made a deal with Prince Pietro of Levant. (→ #100)

(#100) Evangeline Vallier: The Prince wanted a war with the Blue Chamber, and the crown of Levant for himself. In exchange for our help, he offered half the territory taken in the war, as well as the ousting of our Nobles as soon as he could spare the troops for it. (→ #101)

(#101) Evangeline Vallier: But Father knew that if we assisted the Prince’s plan to commit cold-blooded murder at a council meeting, in the Blue Chamber itself...Zephyrien would realize what we had done, and would bring down the wrath of a god on us. (→ #102)

(#102) Evangeline Vallier: Father spent the last of our money to hire a Dean from Sorobor Academy to arrange for two Tsar Bullets to be loaded with the strongest distilled Scourge Blood he could acquire, then deliver it to the Prince. (→ #103)

(#103) Evangeline Vallier: With his help, Father arranged for a Council Meeting under the false pretense that the Sirocco Chamberlord would be there to negotiate for Monsoon’s land, knowing Zephyrien would absolutely want to be there to put an end to this mess. (→ #104)

(#104) Evangeline Vallier: Father isolated him by having a message slipped to him, claiming to have taken our Chamberlord and his entourage hostage in a cave in Enmerkar. And Levant...Took care of the rest. (→ #105)

(#105) Evangeline Vallier: I didn’t want us to go ahead with this plan... But with Zephyrien threatening us, and our city about to crumble... It seemed to be the only way to save our city. In the end... The collapse and revolution happened anyway, and Father paid the price for it. (→ #106)

(#106) Multiple-choice:

  • 0: Where’s your father now? (→ #107)

(#107) Evangeline Vallier: He’s dead. The nobles convicted him of treason and murder, then exiled him into the Caldera as punishment. And then, they shackled my bloodline with a thousand silver Blood Price and chained me to my post in the forges. (→ #108)

(#108) Evangeline Vallier: I...Found what was left of Father on our migration to this quarry. A Gargoyle petrified him months ago. By then, the spell had fully turned his internal organs to stone. There's...No coming back from that. (→ #109)

(#109) Evangeline Vallier: I know that I can’t ever make up for what my Father did. I know I should have done more to stop him...But...We were desperate for any way out of our situation. Any price felt worth it at the time. (→ #110)

(#110) Multiple-choice:

  • 0: You're lucky I swore to live by our 3 Pillars. Otherwise, this would be the end of our help for your people. (→ #111)
  • 1: I understand. I hate this, and I hate him. But I understand why he did it. We should have helped you before things got that desperate. (→ #111)
  • 2: (Say nothing and walk away) (→ end)

(#111) Evangeline Vallier: I...Thank you, [PlayerName]. I won’t forget your forgiveness. (→ end)

(#112) Multiple-choice:

  • 0: If Calixa had died and Levant had fallen, this would be the end of our help towards your people. (→ #113)
  • 1: ...I understand. Some of our own people were driven to terrible things too. Pietro bears a lot of the blame for this as well. (→ #113)
  • 2: (Say nothing and walk away) (→ end)

(#113) Evangeline Vallier: I...Thank you, [PlayerName]. I won’t forget your forgiveness. (→ end)

(#114) Evangeline Vallier: I...I have to come clean, [PlayerName]. The war that Prince Pietro and Cyrene started...It was my father's fault. My fault. I should have stopped him, but...I believed it was our only leverage. (→ #93)

(#115) Evangeline Vallier: Oho! What do we have in here? There’s traces of some very rare minerals here! (→ #116)

(#116) Evangeline Vallier: Oho! Looks you’ve struck gold! That’s definitely worth sending a work crew out for! (→ #117)

(#117) Evangeline Vallier: Hmm...And a bunch of clay and gravel here. Excellent building material, but not much else of note. (→ #118)

(#118) Evangeline Vallier: So, there’s some plant samples to look at, I see... (→ end)

(#119) Evangeline Vallier: Well! A pleasant surprise, there’s some special materials growing in those spots! Where’d you find these? (→ #120)

(#120) Evangeline Vallier: Oho! Some of these roots are known aphrodisiacs...I know someone in Sorobor Academy who will pay VERY nicely if we bring him the entire root network... (→ #121)

(#121) Evangeline Vallier: The samples you brought back hint that there’s a huge root network in that area! Several trees worth, I think! (→ #122)

(#122) Evangeline Vallier: Now, what critters did you scrounge up for us... (→ end)

(#123) Evangeline Vallier: One poor runt was horribly sick and had to be put down...But it half-turned into a ghost when I did! I’m sure Josef will have some idea what to do with this...Ectoplasm. (→ #124)

(#124) Evangeline Vallier: That litter of Mole Pigs seems to have swallowed some Mana Stones. The animals will be inedible...But digested Mana Stone makes for a very useful oil! (→ #125)

(#125) Evangeline Vallier: It seems like a Gargoyle got to those Mole Pigs, some of their organs are petrified...We can’t eat them, but those stone organs will still come in handy! (→ #126)

(#126) Evangeline Vallier: Ooh! This runt is a Silverback Molepig! I’ll tell our hunters to check that place for more of them! A whole warren’s worth of their fur will fetch us a small fortune! (→ #127)

(#127) Evangeline Vallier: Hmm, just a bunch of common Mole Pigs, but they seem to have bred recently. We’ll send our hunters to check those spots, and bring home a feast tonight! (→ #128)

(#128) Evangeline Vallier: Come back when you have something worth identifying, would you? (→ end)