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This article is a Transcript.
It is copied verbatim from Outward, and is therefore copyright of Nine Dots Studio.


(#0) Rastarte: Why does someone from Cierzo dare come here? Be thankful we have a truce. We have nothing but hatred for your people after what you've done to us. (→ #1)

(#1) Multiple-choice:

  • 0: I need you to agree to the peace talks with Levant. (→ #2)

(#2) Rastarte: Why should we? Did the Blue Chamber consult us before going to war? Did they care when one of our own was poisoned? We know it was Rissa’s doing. The ghosts from the tunnels told us. They tell us everything, they keep us safe. (→ #3)

(#3) Rastarte: They tell us that Levant burns the eastern tribes. That the Blue Chamber suffers. I say good. We want them to burn until they understand what it's like to lose those you care for. (→ #4)

(#4) Multiple-choice:

  • 0: Your personal feud with Rissa is no reason to harm the rest of the tribes. (→ #5)
  • 1: You do know that if Levant’s army reaches your tribe, they'll burn you to the ground, right? A few ghosts won’t protect you from an army bristling with firearms. (→ #17)

(#5) Rastarte: One of our people was murdered by your Chamberlady and nothing was done about it. The Blue Chamber Collective is supposed to be family, but when they attack us, they want us to pretend it was a tragic accident. How are we supposed to accept that? (→ #6)

(#6) Rastarte: It’s much safer to entrust our fate to the ghosts. They are devoid of ambition or deceit. As long as we offer them life to drink, they have no reason to turn on us. (→ #7)

(#7) Multiple-choice:

  • 0: You'd trust undead over living, breathing people? They’re monsters. They have no conscience! (→ #8)
  • 1: You've enslaved yourselves. You talk about offering them life, while accusing us of murder. How many did you sacrifice to the undead? (→ #10)

(#8) Rastarte: Neither do the leaders of the Blue Chamber. At least the undead are honest about what they want. (→ #9)

(#9) Rastarte: No, we won’t negotiate for the Blue Chamber. Scourge take you! Scourge take all the tribes! We don’t need them any longer. Leave now! Our truce is over! If you set foot in our lands again, you’ll be one more sacrifice for our guardians! (→ end)

(#10) Rastarte: Anyone who trespasses here forfeits their life. We've taken people from other tribes in raids too. Whatever amount it takes to satisfy the needs of our guardians. (→ #11)

(#11) Multiple-choice:

  • 0: So rather than trade one life for the safety of the whole collective, you'd rather trade everyone’s lives for some ghosts to protect you? (→ #12)
  • 1: And every corpse you hang out there to feed the ghosts? Couldn't they be the heart of another tribe? (→ #13)
  • 2: And what happens when you aren't able to satisfy the ghosts with those you've kidnapped? Will you sacrifice your own people to feed them? (→ #14)

(#12) Rastarte: You... You can't understand. Estelle was the heart of this tribe. Her songs brought joy and hope to us. How could her life be worth less than anyone else's? (→ #9)

(#13) Rastarte: Good. Then they'll understand our suffering, they’ll understand that everything the Blue Chamber promises is a lie. (→ #9)

(#14) Rastarte: If that’s what we have to do to protect our tribe from needless deaths at the hands of the others, yes! (→ #15)

(#15) Multiple-choice:

  • 0: Think about what you said. To protect your people from needlessly dying, you're going to sacrifice your people yourself! Do you see the problem with that logic? (→ #16)

(#16) Rastarte: ... I can't refute that. We can't put our fates in the undead if their hunger grows out of control. We agree to declare peace with Levant, but you must get the Chamberlords to send us help. The ghosts will come devour us if we stop feeding them. (→ end)

(#17) Rastarte: You're trying to scare us. Why would Levant attack us? We haven't raised our weapons against them. (→ #18)

(#18) Multiple-choice:

  • 0: They need supplies, and you belong to their enemy. They don’t care about the details of your feud with Cierzo! They’ll destroy your tribe and pillage your lands. (→ #19)
  • 1: Even if they pass you over, they'll lay waste to all the surrounding tribes. Where are you going to get your tribute for the ghosts then? Your own people? (→ #14)

(#19) Rastarte: We welcome them to try. Our guardians will feast on Levant's soldiers if they dare set foot on our land. (→ #20)

(#20) Multiple-choice:

  • 0: Undead are addicted to whatever life they can get steal. Even if they wiped out Levant’s army, they’d be so high on stolen life that they’d attack you out of instinct. (→ #16)
  • 1: And you think the ghosts will protect you when Levant comes? They feed on life. They’ll let everyone kill each other and feast on the carnage! (→ #21)

(#21) Rastarte: That would be foolish of them. One banquet of lost lives is nowhere near as useful to them as regular tributes… (→ #9)

(#22) Rastarte: Begone from here! My patience has its limits, Cierzo scum. (→ end)