Talk:Ancestral Peacemaker

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So here's what I've currently figured out about outcomes for this quest:

Total Success, Run 1

  • Ash Giants are allied with the Collective. Highlord Cyr in charge.
  • Completed Purifier so security was beefy.
  • Completed as many faction quests as good as possible. Whispering Bones was available to talk to.
  • Completed Vendavel and saved Cierzo.
  • Was not able to convince Rastarte Montcalm agree to talks.
  • Completed Myriade's quest.
  • Defeated all the Scourge monsters in the final fight.

Rissa: "You were a real asset out there today, [Player]. I look forward to seeing what path you carve for yourself from here on out. Your stalwart defense of Monsoon saved lives, Aelyn. Also, Simeon asked that I give this gift to you. May it serve you well. Got full crimson plate set, 3 gold ingot.

Partial Success, Run 2.

  • Ash Giants are allied with the collective. Cyr in charge (accidentally succeeded at that quest, lol)
  • Did not complete Purifier.
  • Let the attackers on the council meeting get away. Did not "save" Kirouac
  • Obtained Red Lady's Dagger. (I'm not even sure if that affects things, but its one of two things in the game that triggers dialogue from her directly)
  • Got Worst Outcome during Whispering Bones (Killed Roland)
  • Completed Vendavel and saved Cierzo.
  • Failed to convince Rastarte Montcalm agree to talks.
  • Killed Myriade.
  • Defeated during final fight. Also waited until Sagard and Simeon were defeated.

Rissa: "Your defense of Monsoon bought us the time we needed for Calixa's ascension to be completed. You've earned this." This is different dialogue from my last run, when I didn't get defeated. Only got crimson plate helmet and elixir as reward.

Dialogue options I don't recall seeing before during the peace talks:

  • Rissa: "The entirety of the Blue Chamber Collective stands united on this. Even the Ash Giants wish for an end to this conflict."
  • King Simeon: "Don't you have bigger concerns anyway, Lady Aberdeen? Like that army of ghosts marauding through Enmerkar Forest? Don't think we haven't heard about that!"

Upon returning to Enmerkar after the fight, there did not seem to be any immediate signs of an army of ghosts. Imaginamagica (talk) 06:20, 10 August 2019 (UTC)

Getting a head-start

By chance, I noticed it let me bring up the peace talks with Sagard Battleborn while I was still on the 3-day waiting period after completing Whispering Bones. I went ahead and fought Sagard before I could actually start Ancestral Peacemaker, and sure enough, it counted that objective as completed immediately when I accepted the quest from Rissa. I don't know if this is something that can be done reliably or if my game was being goofy, but on my next Blue Chamber character, I'm going to see if it lets me persuade all three parties in advance. Either way, I'll report my findings here whenever I get around to that.
--Sir Duckyweather (talk) 05:43, 27 August 2021 (UTC)

Nice one! That's likely a reliable trick, I would guess the dialogue tree only checks if you have completed Q3 and not that you've started Q4. Not sure if it's much of a time save at all, but a neat find nonetheless. Outlandersinai (talk) 08:22, 30 August 2021 (UTC)
I finally got around to checking into this further. Once again I could fight Sagard immediately after finishing Whispering Bones, so it can likely be done every time. Unfortunately, I could not speak with Rastarte early because he was not at Montcalm Clan Fort until after speaking with Rissa (which then reset the area, restocking containers and reviving bandits I killed). Granted, it was still technically in the 3-day waiting period when I went to the Fort because it only took 2 days to travel there, but I doubt if waiting for the objective changing to "Talk to Rissa" would have made any difference. I could, however, pre-emtively complete the Ash Giants part, but given its proximity to the finale in Monsoon, there's really no point. I would surmise the only thing worth doing early is the Sagard fight if concerned about possibly losing and eating up valuable quest timer duration. Not that Sagard is particularly difficult if cheesing him with traps.
-- Sir Duckyweather (talk) 05:19, 27 February 2022 (UTC)