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This template defines the table "EnchantRecipes". View table.

Template-info.svg Documentation

Template used to define an Enchantment, and store it in the cargo table.

Enchantments defined with this template can be listed using Module:ListEnchants, such as on the Enchantments page. Currently this module just lists all Enchants.

See also:


  • type = string. "Armor", "Weapon" or "Lantern". Just for sorting.
  • name = string. Defaults to {{PAGENAME}} if blank, Name of the Enchantment
  • slots = List of compatible equipment slots, delimited by a , comma. Accepted values are Weapon Bow Lantern Chest Helmet Boots
  • tags = List of compatible tags, delimited by a , comma.
  • items = List of explicit compatible items, delimited by a , comma. eg "Brutal Cleaver,Sanguine Cleaver"
  • effects = Description of effects, use "<ul><li>...</ul>" for bullet point effects.
  • incense = Item name of the required Incense, eg "Frankincense"
  • compatibles = Manually define the compatible items here, for the displayed text / link. Even for "Any" recipes.
  • pillars = The pillar placement, eg "North Far, West Close..."
  • conditions = Any other conditions, eg "Weather: Cold"

Empty Template

| type          = 
| name		= 
| slots         = 
| tags          = 
| items		= 
| effects	= 
| incense	= 
| compatibles	= 
| pillars	= 
| conditions	= 