Unobtainable items

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This article refers to unobtainable content.
This content can only be obtained through Debug Mode or Modding.

The following is a list of some of the Unobtainable items in Outward. There are many unused assets in the game which are not listed on the Wiki to avoid confusion, but such items can be listed here for those who are curious.

This page contains a list of some of these unobtainable items. For a complete list of all item assets, see the Outward Tools Google Sheet (external), or look into Modding.

List of Unobtainable items

Name Type Item ID Description
Merton's Skull and Hat Dev item 3200033 Gives -100% stamina cost, 100% impact resist, 100% hot/cold resist and +50 all damage resists.
Test Weapon of Doom Dev item 0000504 Tsar Sword which deals 2000 physical damage per hit (incorrectly displays 10000 as the base damage)
Makeshift Leather Armor Test Dev item 0000500 Gives -500 hot and cold resist
Shield Giant Brass Key Unused item 2300110 A giant key shield
Jade Master Cowl Unused item 3000042 Finished content that was not released
Horror Dagger The Soroboreans Unused item 5110006 Finished content that was not released

See Also