Vengeful Ouroboros/Dialogue

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It is copied verbatim from Outward, and is therefore copyright of Nine Dots Studio.

New Sirocco Dialogue

(#45) Crimson Avatar: Hear me, ungrateful wretches and murderous criminals! Your cruel and childish insurgency is at an end! (→ #46)

(#46) Evangeline Vallier: What in Elatt’s name...Wait...I know that voice...Chamberlord Orville! I...What in Elatt’s name...What ARE you?! (→ #47)

(#47) Crimson Avatar: You will IMMEDIATELY abandon this worthless outpost, and return the Emberheart to its rightful place and then return to your posts in Sirocco! Or, you can stay here in this dust bowl and be consumed by the rising magma I command! (→ #48)

(#48) Crimson Avatar: Surrender the traitors Evangeline, Josef and Dorion to face their rightful executions by fire, and agree to return to your rightful place as our property, and you shall not be harmed. Any who dare refuse will be punished by fire and death! (→ #49)

(#49) Dorion Dumas: You madman! Old Sirocco is lost and destroyed! Our settlement is finally stable, and you would destroy it to chase this fantasy?! (→ #50)

(#50) Crimson Avatar: Silence, old worm. We WILL restore the natural order of society. We WILL return to the deserved golden age you stole from us! Sirocco will once again be the most glorious city in Aurai! (→ #51)

(#51) Crimson Avatar: You will abandon this foolish rebellion, and return to your appointed place, or you will be treated as the beasts of burden you are! Consider yourselves blessed that I even afford you this mercy after the death of my son! (→ #52)

(#52) Josef Dumas: ...Why. Why do they refuse to understand their culpability in what happened? After all they did to us, after all the deaths in the collapse, they still think they’re righteous and innocent! How is he STILL so blind?! (→ #53)

(#53) Evangeline Vallier: I don’t understand. He was a mere dabbler in the magical arts, how did he attain this level of power? Someone must be helping him...But who? Who would have this kind of raw magical force, and be willing to aid him when the Nobles are so disadvantaged? (→ #54)

(#54) Dorion Dumas: Not to derail your musings, but we need to act on this! Immediately! If that madman isn’t stopped... (→ #55)

(#55) Multiple-choice:

  • 0: Leave that to me. I can take him on. Buy me as much time as you can! (→ #56)

(#56) Evangeline Vallier: Agreed, [PlayerName]. We’ll need all hands on deck for this. Josef! You’re with me! We need to get work teams to divert the incoming magma into as many side tunnels and cracks as possible. Any time we can buy is precious! (→ #57)

(#57) Josef Dumas: Got it! Dorion! Put our mage to work on controlling the Emberheart. Have him cool off the town’s magma flow as much as he can manage! The slower that magma flows, the more time we’ll have! (→ #58)

(#58) Evangeline Vallier: We don’t have any leads for you, [PlayerName]. You’ll have to find where those bastards are hiding on your own. We’re counting on you! (→ end)

(#59) Josef Dumas: Well, I’ve got good news and bad news. The bad news is that the lava level surged the other night. The entire lower district has been destroyed, and the magma there will take years to flow out. *sigh* (→ #60)

(#60) Josef Dumas: The good news is that we’ve managed to excavate a tunnel for the incoming magma into a relatively large chasm. We shouldn’t have to worry about any further damage for quite some time. Still...We’ve lost a considerable chunk of the settlement... (→ #61)

(#61) Evangeline Vallier: We’ve bought you all the time we can [PlayerName]. Kill the bastard. (→ #72)

(#62) Josef Dumas: Well, the damage could have been far, FAR worse. Losing an entire district is terrible...But life will go on. (→ #63)

(#63) Evangeline Vallier: I had my doubts about you, [PlayerName], but you’ve more than carried your weight. We couldn’t have made it this far without you. So...Thank you. For everything. (→ #64)

(#64) Dorion Dumas: I didn’t think we could start over after Old Sirocco fell. But we did it. We actually have a chance to make something of this place. (→ #65)

(#65) Multiple-choice:

  • 0: What happens now? Does the settlement still need me at this point? (→ #66)

(#66) Josef Dumas: You’re welcome to stay, you know. You’re kind of a fixture around these parts now, [PlayerName]. Our people have come to depend on you. (→ #67)

(#67) Multiple-choice:

  • 0: So...How are we going to organize things, going forward? (→ #68)

(#68) Evangeline Vallier: We’re going to do things a little differently than our forebears. Once things settle, we’ll hold frequent elections to choose our Chamberlord and head officials. We’ll find some way to ensure a smooth and frequent rotation of power. (→ #69)

(#69) Josef Dumas: Power must change hands frequently. Hold it for too long and it’s guaranteed to lead to stagnation and corruption. Already, some of us prioritized construction over a possible threat to the entire settlement. We should have been more vigilant. (→ #70)

(#70) Dorion Dumas: Until we settle on a more permanent form of governance, you’re free to keep your position as overseer of construction. You’ve done well by us so far, and I doubt our people would object. (→ end)

(#71) Josef Dumas: You killed the bastard in the nick of time, friend. A few more days and it would have been too little, too late. The Magma flow has stabilized again. We’re safe. (→ #63)