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Trickster is a Character Build in Outward, created by HexxenRuge.


No Breakthrough, Low maintenance, High damaging, Offhand focused build. Good way to farm gear for any class you have in mind. Or you can focus on Pistol/Dagger gameplay.
BreakthroughIcon.png Breakthroughs Required Faction
Any Any Any Any
Weapon Off-Hand Head Body Boots Backpack
Assassin Sword.png Cannon Pistol.png Scaled Leather Hat.png Scaled Leather Attire.png Scaled Leather Boots.png Scaled Satchel.png
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
Fire and Reload.png Shatter Bullet.png Cannon Pistol.png Manticore Dagger.png Opportunist Stab.png Backstab.png Sweep Kick.png Puncture.png


All combos assume you have Shatter Bullet before you start combat.

Fire and Reload.png > Shatter Bullet.png

That's exactly what it's name is, you just shot and reload with Shatter Bullet. Each shot will knockdown most mobs in the game and reload time with Shatter Bullet is smaller than the time it is required for mob to stand up. Also time it wise to fit in 5s cooldown on the Shatter Bullet.

Coup de Grace
Fire and Reload.png > Shatter Bullet.png > Manticore Dagger.png > Opportunist Stab.png

One shot combo due to Cannon Pistol's 100% Confusion and Shatter Bullet's 100% Pain. In this case Opportunist Stab will deal x6 damage with Manticore Dagger. Pre loading Shatter Bullet while enemy down allows to repeat this combo every 10s (Opportunist Stab cooldown).

Pin Down
Fire and Reload.png > Shatter Bullet.png > Sweep Kick.png

Two knockdowns in a row. Sweep Kick will instantly knockdown target affected by Confusion, even bosses. Use it as a filler between Opportunist Stab cooldowns.

Full Combo
Fire and Reload.png > Manticore Dagger.png > Backstab.png > Sweep Kick.png > Puncture.png > Opportunist Stab.png

Use it in melee range to hit all strikes. If timed correctly you have enough time to go behind and land x4 damage on Backstab. Sweep Kick secures second knockdown and chains into Puncture dealing x2 damage. Then we finish with Opportunist Stab x6 damage at any time, coz Opportunist Stab consumes Confusion and Pain.

Full Build Details

Total Silver Requirements is 650 silver. Cannon Pistol is 350 silver (200 * 1.75 as a Levant tax); Puncture, Shatter Bullet, Backstab, Sweep Kick is 200 silver (50 silver each); Opportunist Stab is 100 silver.

Step by Step Guide

Make note that this guide contains Spoilers in scope of recipes and locations to get/farm certain items.

New Character

Loot Shipwreck area to get Machete, Fishing Harpoon, Mining Pick, 9 Gaberries, Rag Clothes. Kill both Hyenas, if they drop Predator Bones that would be brilliant. Sleep afterwards and continue to Cierzo looting. Eat 1 Gaberries and drink Clean Water before fight.

Cierzo Lighthouse

After you woke up, sleep for 1 hour more in your bed. Get Primitive Satchel and loot your house. Leave Iron Scrap in your chest. You need to make 2x Gaberry Jam by combining 4x Gaberries. Now we should have 3x Gaberry Jam and make 9x Gaberry Tartine if we combine Gaberry Jam + Bread. Eat Gaberry Tartine and Jerky. Go outside and get judged.


Go to merchant and buy 25 silver Nomad Backpack, purchase Waterskin and get second one from city water purifier. Loot everything including Primitive Satchel. You can store it in lighthouse chest, we will need it later. Loot 8 Gaberries (Gatherable), 3 Crabeye, 2 Junk Piles, 3 fish spots. Empty Waterskins and gather Salt Water. Loot all weapons you find in the Cierzo. Store Felling Greataxe, Pitchfork and Primitive Satchel to the lighthouse chest. Boil Salt Water and Crabeye Seed. Use 2x Meat + 2x Salt to make Jerky. Use 2x Jerky + 1x Salt to make Travel Ration in the Kitchen, keep 5-10 Jerky. Use Grilled Crabeye Seed + Linen Cloth to make Poison Rags. Use Seaweed + Linen Cloth to make Ice Rags. Make Makeshift Leather Set by combining Any Armour + 2 Hides. Sell all your loot, except food and 12 Rations. Purchase Iron Greataxe. Go to the gates and take your free Execution skill. After that head to the Cierzo Storage.

Cierzo Storage

Loot storage. You need to have at least 1 Old Lantern, 1 Flint and Steel, 1 Mining Pick. Kill two Troglodites deeper in the caves. Loot caves and head out to the beach.

Cierzo Beach

head along the sore and speak to the npc to get Writ of Tribal Favor for a Bandages. Sleep until night. Head along the beach and collect Blue Sand and mine Ammolite. Visit Starfish Cave for more Blue Sand. Mantis Shrimps are easy to kill, just drop your backpack and go in with Light Attack > Special attack combo. Dodge AOE lightning attacks. Gather Fish along the shore. At the end of the beach there will be way up, there will be 2 Hyenas, kill them both. To kill Hyena just press block and head towards it, when it jumps for attack release block and Light Attack > Special attack combo it. We need Hides and Predator Bones for Makeshift Leather Set and Fang Greataxe. Head to the Cierzo and turn in with Writ of Tribal Favor. Sell Blue Sand and Ammolite. Sleep in bed to get a buff. Talk to Roland Argenson and choose 1,1,2 dialog options to get potions and prepare for Blue Chamber hidden quest.


Our main goal now is to get Fang Greataxe (Iron Greataxe, 2x Predator Bones, Linen Cloth). So we kill Hyenas until we get necessary resources. Next step is to obtain Mana as well as Possessed (skill) given by Friendly Immaculate if you ask for power. After that we head to Ghost Pass and use Spiritual Varnishes to deal with ghosts there. Make a note that near the end of the dungeon there is way to go down to the caves where 2 Illuminator Horrors are, we need to kill them coz they drop Scaled Leather and Predator Bones. They are easy to deal if you rush them in melee. There is also one Palladium Vein that we need to mine. Open shortcut to the beginning of the Ghost Pass and head out to the inner Chersonese.

Inner Chersonese

Only applicable if you have The Soroboreans DLC . You can get end game weapon straight in the beginning, but you need to prepare for a difficult fight. You need Bolt Varnish or Spiritual Varnish, Warrior Elixir, Bouillon du Predateur (3x Predator Bones, Clean Water in the Kitchen/Cauldron) to fight Shell Horror with Fang Greataxe. Go in for 2 Light hits and hold block afterwards, circle to your right and look for an opportunity to counter attack. When his stability falls below 40% go in with Light > Special attack combo to knockdown and deal massive damage with Execution. Head to the Corrupted Tombs, kill Wendigo in there, it's a much easier fight compared to the Shell Horror so you should be fine. After this kill you should have enough materials for Horror Greataxe (Fang Greataxe, Horror Chitin, Occult Remains, Palladium Scrap).

Deal with Illuminator Horrors in this location for resources. If you have Scaled Leather and Predator Bones start making Scaled Leather Set (Any Armor/Boots/Hat + 2x Scaled Leather, 1 Predator Bones).

(Optional) Head to the Corrupted Tombs and deal with Illuminator Horrors for Scaled Leather and Predator Bones. Complete A Myriad of Bones quest inside and open shortcut to Bandit Camp. By this time you should have enough Scaled Leather and Predator Bones for complete Scaled Leather Set and maybe for a Scaled Satchel. If not, it's not a problem. Caravan traders sometimes have Scaled Leather in stock, if you really want complete set by the time you are leaving Chersonese you can sleep for 3 days (time for merchant restock) and buy Scaled Leather.

Voltaic Hatchery

Optional Silver Farm. Head there, having Dark Varnish or Spiritual Varnish could help a lot. Kill 4 Golden Minion, 1 Golden Specter (Melee), 1 Golden Specter (Melee) there and loot Gold-Lich Mechanisms. You can combine Iron Sword/Iron Mace/Round Shield, Gold-Lich Mechanism, Firefly Powder to get Gold-Lich items, they sell for 270 silver. Note here is that you can craft two-handed Gold-Lich weapons, but they are less profitable in scope of silver farming.

Travel to Berg

Pick 12 Travel Rations and Primitive Satchel (if you don't have Scaled Satchel already) and head to Enmerkar Forest. Visit Immaculate's Camp and choose equipment to get Master Trader Garb. From this point if you want to get one of the best Halberds in the game (Dreamer Halberd) - refuse gifts in Hallowed Marsh and Abrassar. Kill scourge to get more Scaled Leather if you still need it. Head to Berg and train Enrage boon. At this point you should have 650 silver. Head to Abrassar.

Travel to Levant

On the way to Levant you will face 2 Assassin Bugs. Rush to melee, they will try to fallback coz they are basically ranged, keep close distance and counter attack from block. After killing bugs head to the bandit camp on the right. Kill Desert Bandits until you get Steel Sabre. Craft Assassin Sword (Assassin Tongue, Steel Sabre, Palladium Scrap)

Manticore Dagger a bit tricky, you need to kill Manticore or buy Manticore Tail. You have one Manticore at Parched Shipwrecks location. It will be attacked by 2 Assassin Bugs when you get there. You should be able to deal with it using Horror Greataxe, but i have problems with it some times so few Great Life Potion should be useful. To craft it you need Manticore Tail and Palladium Scrap. In case you don't want to fight Manticore you can unlock Tamara the Smuggler by completing Silver for the Slums quest in Levant/Slums. But it will cost you a lot of silver, 612 to be precise (350 base * 1.75 Levant tax).

(Optional) Travel to Monsoon

There are few reasons you want to travel to Monsoon.

- Training. You can boost your physical damage with Focus boon.

- Silver Farming. There are a lot of Category:Golems near and inside Spire of Light. You can farm those to get good amount of silver. You can open shortcut to Enmerkar Forest. Also there are plenty of Firefly Powder. Just pick up Fireflies and deliver them to Firefly Plants.

- Tuanosaur Greataxe. You need to kill two Alpha Tuanosaurs for that and it's a difficult fight so be prepared.

See Also