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The Temperature display on the Needs menu, currently at Neutral.

Temperature is an Attribute and Mechanic in Outward, representing the player's body temperature. If the player becomes too Hot hot or too Cold cold, they will suffer various penalties, or even receive Defeat Scenarios.


The player's temperature parameters explained: blue shows their current temperature, red shows their maximum temperature before passing out, and yellow shows their temperature delta which is how quickly their current temperature will change.

Temperature Sources (such as the Weather itself, fires, certain equipment, or various environmental features) will slowly increase or decrease the player's current Temperature attribute to approach their equilibrium temperature at a speed that is determined by the temperature delta.

The temperature delta is how much the player's temperature will change over 2 hours of time shown on the player's map. As an example, if you have a temperature delta of +40 Hot from 12:00 to 13:00, you will have increased your player's temperature by 20.

If the player's temperature reaches below 0 or beyond 100, then they will pass out and receive a Defeat Scenario.

Natural Weather

Different regions in Aurai have different temperatures when the player is outdoors. This is the most significant way in which the player's Temperature is affected.

  • In all regions, it becomes notably colder during the night. Daytime is 5am to 9:59pm, and Nighttime is between 10pm to 4:59am.
  • Rain will result in the Wet (-2 Cold) status effect, and can occur in all regions except Abrassar.
  • Some regions in Outward also have seasons, which generally last between 15 and 30 days. However, a Season will not change until you reload the region (for example, entering and leaving a City, or by sleeping).

The current regional temperature is visible from the Map screen near the time of day, described as an adjective:

  • Hot Hottest (+40)
  • Hot Very Hot (+28)
  • Hot Hot (+20)
  • Neutral (+/- 0)
  • Cold Fresh (-14)
  • Cold Cold (-20)
  • Cold Very Cold (-30)
  • Cold Coldest: (-45)

See the Weather section on each Region page for more details about the Weather in each region.


The player's current temperature can be seen from the 'Needs' menu, and from the indicator in the bottom-left corner of the UI. When it falls above or below certain thresholds, the player will receive an associated Status Effect:

  • A temperature of 41 to 59 is considered Neutral, and the player receives no penalties or burdens.
  • Hot Needs: Hot is received when the player's temperature reaches 60. Very Hot is received at 75.
  • Cold Needs: Cold is received when the player's temperature reaches 40. Very Cold is received at 25.

Managing Temperature

A player warms up by a Campfire.

Players can manage their temperature in a variety of ways. They may employ special clothing, eat particular consumables, or make use of environmental features.

  • Cities, indoor areas and most dungeons are neutral temperature, allowing the player to warm up or cool down.
    • Certain dungeons with a fire or ice theme will likely affect the player's temperature, however.
  • Fires such as a Campfire Kit will greatly increase the player's temperature if they stand close enough. The effect ranges from +14 to +28 Hot
  • Makeshift Torch increases your temperature by +8 to +14 Hot, and an Ice-Flame Torch cools you down by -8 to -14 Cold
  • A Sigil of Fire and a Blood Sigil will warm players up by +28 Hot
  • A Sigil of Ice will cool players down by -18 Cold
  • Mystic Fire Imbue will warm players up by +14 Hot
  • Kelvin's Greataxe will cool the player down by -14 Cold

Weather Defense Attributes

The player has Cold Weather Cold Weather Def and HotWeather.png Hot Weather Def stats. Cold defense is added to your temperature if it is below 0, and Hot defense is subtracted when it is above 0. However, these stats will never cause your temperature to go above or below 0.

Hot Weather Defense


CoolFlat84 minutes
Healing Water (Effect)Flat103 minutes
Hot Weather DefenseFlat154 minutes
Meeka FeverFlat-10
Meeka FeverFlat-15
Plant TentFlat1040 minutes
Sleep: Giants The Three BrothersFlat540 minutes
Sleep: LevantFlat540 minutes
Sleep: New Sirocco The Three BrothersFlat540 minutes
Sparkling Water (Effect) The Three BrothersFlat103 minutes
Water EffectFlat103 minutes
Weather DefenseFlat2010 minutes


Weather ToleranceFlat8


Cocoon The SoroboreansFlat4 to 6

Cold Weather Defense


Cold Weather Def UpFlat154 minutes
Fur TentFlat1040 minutes
Meeka FeverFlat-10
Meeka FeverFlat-15
Sleep: New Sirocco The Three BrothersFlat540 minutes
WarmFlat84 minutes
Weather DefenseFlat2010 minutes
WetFlat-28 seconds


Weather ToleranceFlat8


Cocoon The SoroboreansFlat4 to 6

Weather Defense Equipment

Show/Hide table
IconNameResistancesImpact.pngProtectionBarrierStatus ResistanceDamage Bonus%HotWeather.pngCold WeatherStamina CostMana CostCorruptionCooldownMovementPouch BonusDurabilityWeightEffects
Adventurer Armor.pngAdventurer Armor16% Physical
25% Fire
12% Impact.pngProtection10 HotWeather.pngCold Weather3% Stamina Cost-3% Movement529010.0
Adventurer Boots.pngAdventurer Boots10% Physical
15% Fire
8% Impact.pngHotWeather.pngCold Weather2% Stamina Cost-2% Movement2906.0
Adventurer's Helm.pngAdventurer's Helm10% Physical
15% Fire
8% Impact.pngHotWeather.pngCold Weather2% Stamina Cost15% Mana Cost-2% Movement2903.0
Ammolite Armor.pngAmmolite Armor15% Physical
30% Frost
25% Impact.pngProtection10% Physical
10 Cold Weather3% Stamina Cost28510.0
Ammolite Boots.pngAmmolite Boots9% Physical
15% Frost
14% Impact.pngProtection5% Physical
Cold Weather2% Stamina Cost2856.0
Ammolite Helm.pngAmmolite Helm9% Physical
15% Frost
14% Impact.pngProtection5% Physical
Cold Weather2% Stamina Cost15% Mana Cost2853.0
Antique Plate Boots.pngAntique Plate Boots The Soroboreans8% Physical
6% Impact.pngProtection5% Ethereal
10% Fire
Cold Weather1954.0
Antique Plate Garb.pngAntique Plate Garb The Soroboreans15% Physical
8% Impact.pngProtection10% Ethereal
15% Fire
15 Cold Weather1958.0
Antique Plate Sallet.pngAntique Plate Sallet The Soroboreans8% Physical
6% Impact.pngProtection5% Ethereal
10% Fire
10 Cold Weather-10% Mana Cost1953.0
Arcane Hood.pngArcane Hood6% Physical
20% Ethereal
20% Lightning
3% Impact.pngProtectionCold Weather-10% Mana Cost5% Cooldown1801.0
Arcane Robe.pngArcane Robe10% Physical
20% Decay
20% Frost
20% Fire
4% Impact.png10% Frost
Cold Weather-15% Mana Cost5% Cooldown1804.0
Ash Armor.pngAsh Armor13% Physical
30% Decay
8% Impact.png14 HotWeather.png14 Cold Weather2058.0
Ash Boots.pngAsh Boots7% Physical
20% Decay
5% Impact.pngHotWeather.pngCold Weather2054.0
Ash-Filter Mask.pngAsh-Filter Mask7% Physical
20% Decay
5% Impact.pngHotWeather.pngCold Weather2053.0
Barrier Armor.pngBarrier Armor The Three Brothers15% Physical
13% Impact.pngBarrierHotWeather.png10% Movement6004.0
Barrier Boots.pngBarrier Boots The Three Brothers8% Physical
9% Impact.pngBarrierHotWeather.png5% Movement6002.0
Barrier Helm.pngBarrier Helm The Three Brothers8% Physical
9% Impact.pngBarrierHotWeather.png5% Movement6001.0
Beige Garb.pngBeige Garb3% Physical
2% Impact.pngCold Weather903.0
Dancer Clothes.pngBlack Dancer Clothes3% Physical
4% Impact.png14 HotWeather.png-25% Stamina Cost1801.0
Black Fur Armor.pngBlack Fur Armor20% Physical
25% Frost
17% Impact.png24 Cold Weather4608.0
Black Fur Boots.pngBlack Fur Boots11% Physical
10% Frost
10% Impact.png12 Cold Weather4604.0
Black Fur Helmet.pngBlack Fur Helmet12% Physical
15% Frost
12% Impact.png12 Cold Weather4603.0
Black Plate Armor.pngBlack Plate Armor23% Physical
19% Impact.pngProtection-15 HotWeather.png10 Cold Weather6% Stamina Cost-6% Movement32519.0
Black Plate Boots.pngBlack Plate Boots16% Physical
11% Impact.pngProtectionCold Weather4% Stamina Cost-4% Movement32513.0
Black Plate Helm.pngBlack Plate Helm16% Physical
11% Impact.pngProtectionCold Weather4% Stamina Cost40% Mana Cost-4% Movement3259.0
Black Worker Boots.pngBlack Worker Boots1% Physical
1% Impact.pngCold Weather901.0
Dancer Clothes.pngBlue Light Clothes2% Physical
3% Impact.png15 HotWeather.png1503.0
Brigand Coat.pngBrigand Coat15% Physical
7% Impact.pngCold Weather316510.0
Brigand's Hat.pngBrigand's Hat10% Physical
5% Impact.pngCold Weather1655.0
Bright Nobleman Attire.pngBright Nobleman Attire3% Physical
4% Impact.png14 HotWeather.png-10% Stamina Cost1654.0
Bright Nobleman Boots.pngBright Nobleman Boots2% Physical
3% Impact.pngHotWeather.png-5% Stamina Cost1652.0
Bright Nobleman Hat.pngBright Nobleman Hat2% Physical
3% Impact.pngHotWeather.png-5% Stamina Cost1651.0
Bright Rich Attire.pngBright Rich Attire3% Physical
4% Impact.png14 HotWeather.png-10% Stamina Cost1654.0
Bright Rich Hat.pngBright Rich Hat2% Physical
3% Impact.pngHotWeather.png-5% Stamina Cost1651.0
Candle Plate Armor.pngCandle Plate Armor28% Physical
30% Lightning
30% Fire
23% Impact.pngProtection-12 HotWeather.pngCold Weather6% Stamina Cost10% Corruption-6% Movement53018.0
Candle Plate Boots.pngCandle Plate Boots20% Physical
15% Lightning
15% Fire
13% Impact.pngProtectionCold Weather4% Stamina Cost5% Corruption-4% Movement53012.0
Candle Plate Helm.pngCandle Plate Helm20% Physical
15% Lightning
15% Fire
13% Impact.pngProtectionCold Weather4% Stamina Cost15% Mana Cost5% Corruption-4% Movement5308.0
Chalcedony Boots.pngChalcedony Boots The Three Brothers14% Physical
12% Impact.pngProtectionBarrier10 HotWeather.png4% Stamina Cost-3% Movement45012.0
Chitin Desert Tunic.pngChitin Desert Tunic13% Physical
28% Impact.png20 HotWeather.png1809.0
Clansage Robe.pngClansage Robe10% Physical
20% Frost
4% Impact.png15 Cold Weather-20% Mana Cost1804.0
Dancer Clothes.pngCrimson Dancer Clothes3% Physical
4% Impact.png14 HotWeather.png-25% Stamina Cost1801.0
Crimson Plate Armor.pngCrimson Plate Armor23% Physical
30% Frost
23% Impact.pngProtection21% Frost
-15 HotWeather.png14 Cold Weather6% Stamina Cost-6% Movement53020.0
Crimson Plate Boots.pngCrimson Plate Boots18% Physical
30% Frost
13% Impact.pngProtection11% Frost
Cold Weather4% Stamina Cost-4% Movement53014.0
Crimson Plate Mask.pngCrimson Plate Mask18% Physical
30% Frost
13% Impact.pngProtection11% Frost
Cold Weather4% Stamina Cost20% Mana Cost-4% Movement53010.0
Dancer Leggings.pngDancer Leggings1% Physical
2% Impact.pngHotWeather.png-15% Stamina Cost1501.0
Dancer Mask.pngDancer Mask1% Physical
3% Impact.pngHotWeather.png-15% Stamina Cost1800.5
Dark Green Garb.pngDark Green Garb3% Physical
2% Impact.pngCold Weather903.0
Dark Nobleman Attire.pngDark Nobleman Attire3% Physical
4% Impact.png14 HotWeather.png-10% Stamina Cost1654.0
Dark Nobleman Boots.pngDark Nobleman Boots2% Physical
3% Impact.pngHotWeather.png-5% Stamina Cost1652.0
Dark Nobleman Hat.pngDark Nobleman Hat2% Physical
3% Impact.pngHotWeather.png-5% Stamina Cost1651.0
Dark Red Garb.pngDark Red Garb3% Physical
2% Impact.pngCold Weather903.0
Dark Rich Attire.pngDark Rich Attire3% Physical
4% Impact.png14 HotWeather.png-10% Stamina Cost1654.0
Dark Rich Hat.pngDark Rich Hat2% Physical
3% Impact.pngHotWeather.png-5% Stamina Cost1651.0
Dark Worker Attire.pngDark Worker Attire3% Physical
2% Impact.pngCold Weather903.0
Dark Worker Hood.pngDark Worker Hood1% Physical
1% Impact.pngHotWeather.pngCold Weather901.0
Desert Boots.pngDesert Boots7% Physical
5% Impact.png10 HotWeather.png10% Movement1802.0
Desert Tunic.pngDesert Tunic11% Physical
7% Impact.png20 HotWeather.png1654.0
Desert Veil.pngDesert Veil6% Physical
5% Impact.png10 HotWeather.png1652.0
Elite Desert Tunic.pngElite Desert Tunic20% Physical
14% Impact.pngProtection16 HotWeather.png-10% Stamina Cost2908.0
Elite Desert Veil.pngElite Desert Veil13% Physical
9% Impact.pngProtectionHotWeather.png-10% Stamina Cost5% Mana Cost2902.0
Elite Hood.pngElite Hood13% Physical
30% Decay
9% Impact.pngProtectionHotWeather.png-10% Stamina Cost2903.0
Entomber Armor.pngEntomber Armor21% Physical
30% Decay
30% Lightning
14% Impact.png16 HotWeather.png-5% Stamina Cost5% Movement2457.0
Entomber Boots.pngEntomber Boots12% Physical
15% Decay
15% Lightning
10% Impact.pngHotWeather.png-5% Stamina Cost5% Movement2453.0
Entomber Hat.pngEntomber Hat12% Physical
15% Decay
15% Lightning
10% Impact.pngHotWeather.png-5% Stamina Cost5% Movement2452.0
Fur Armor.pngFur Armor12% Physical
20% Frost
9% Impact.png20 Cold Weather1808.0
Fur Boots.pngFur Boots6% Physical
10% Frost
6% Impact.png10 Cold Weather1804.0
Fur Helm.pngFur Helm6% Physical
10% Frost
5% Impact.png10 Cold Weather1803.0
Gray Garb.pngGray Garb3% Physical
2% Impact.pngCold Weather903.0
Green Garb.pngGreen Garb3% Physical
2% Impact.pngCold Weather903.0
Green Worker Attire.pngGreen Worker Attire3% Physical
2% Impact.pngCold Weather903.0
Kazite Light Armor.pngKazite Light Armor The Soroboreans16% Physical
12% Impact.png10 Cold Weather4% Cooldown2406.0
Light Kazite Shirt.pngLight Kazite Shirt The Soroboreans16% Physical
12% Impact.png10 HotWeather.png4% Cooldown2406.0
Looter Armor.pngLooter Armor6% Physical
11% Impact.png10 Cold Weather1204.0
Looter Mask.pngLooter Mask4% Physical
10% Impact.pngCold Weather1201.0
Makeshift Leather Attire.pngMakeshift Leather Attire7% Physical
8% Impact.png10 Cold Weather51206.0
Makeshift Leather Boots.pngMakeshift Leather Boots4% Physical
6% Impact.pngCold Weather1204.0
Makeshift Leather Hat.pngMakeshift Leather Hat4% Physical
6% Impact.pngCold Weather1203.0
Manawall Armor.pngManawall Armor The Three Brothers15% Physical
13% Impact.pngProtectionBarrier10% Ethereal
HotWeather.png10% Movement6004.0
Manawall Boots.pngManawall Boots The Three Brothers8% Physical
9% Impact.pngProtectionBarrier10% Ethereal
HotWeather.png5% Movement6002.0
Manawall Helm.pngManawall Helm The Three Brothers8% Physical
9% Impact.pngProtectionBarrier10% Ethereal
HotWeather.png5% Movement6001.0
Master Desert Boots.pngMaster Desert Boots14% Physical
11% Impact.pngProtectionHotWeather.png-3% Stamina Cost5% Movement3005.0
Master Desert Tunic.pngMaster Desert Tunic22% Physical
17% Impact.pngProtection16 HotWeather.png-7% Stamina Cost5% Movement4208.0
Master Desert Veil.pngMaster Desert Veil14% Physical
11% Impact.pngProtectionHotWeather.png-3% Stamina Cost-15% Mana Cost5% Movement3002.0
Master Trader Boots.pngMaster Trader Boots7% Physical
6% Impact.pngHotWeather.pngCold Weather-5% Stamina Cost15% Movement22451.0
Master Trader Garb.pngMaster Trader Garb13% Physical
7% Impact.png10 HotWeather.png10 Cold Weather-10% Stamina Cost5% Movement82453.0
Master Trader Hat.pngMaster Trader Hat7% Physical
4% Impact.pngHotWeather.pngCold Weather-15% Stamina Cost5% Movement22451.0
Militia Armor.pngMilitia Armor The Three Brothers20% Physical
14% Impact.pngProtection10 HotWeather.png3% Stamina Cost-3% Movement30012.0Prevents Burning
Militia Boots.pngMilitia Boots The Three Brothers13% Physical
9% Impact.pngProtectionHotWeather.png2% Stamina Cost-2% Movement3008.0Prevents Hampered
Militia Helm.pngMilitia Helm The Three Brothers13% Physical
9% Impact.pngProtectionHotWeather.png2% Stamina Cost5% Mana Cost-2% Movement3005.0Prevents Confusion
Miner Armor.pngMiner Armor The Three Brothers10% Physical
11% Impact.png10 HotWeather.png1204.0Prevents Burning
Miner Boots.pngMiner Boots The Three Brothers5% Physical
7% Impact.pngHotWeather.png1202.0Prevents Hampered.
Miner Helmet.pngMiner Helmet The Three Brothers5% Physical
3% Impact.pngHotWeather.png1201.0Prevents Confusion
Noble Clothes.pngNoble Clothes The Three Brothers9% Physical
20% Ethereal
20% Decay
10% Fire
5% Impact.pngHotWeather.png-10% Mana Cost5% Movement2504.0
Noble Mask.pngNoble Mask The Three Brothers4% Physical
20% Ethereal
10% Decay
10% Fire
3% Impact.pngHotWeather.png-5% Mana Cost2501.0
Noble Shoes.pngNoble Shoes The Three Brothers4% Physical
10% Ethereal
10% Decay
20% Fire
3% Impact.pngHotWeather.png-5% Mana Cost10% Movement2502.0
Orichalcum Armor.pngOrichalcum Armor26% Physical
19% Impact.pngProtection-15 HotWeather.png15 Cold Weather5% Stamina Cost-6% Movement43019.0
Orichalcum Boots.pngOrichalcum Boots18% Physical
11% Impact.pngProtection10 Cold Weather3% Stamina Cost-4% Movement43013.0
Orichalcum Helmet.pngOrichalcum Helmet18% Physical
11% Impact.pngProtection10 Cold Weather3% Stamina Cost30% Mana Cost-4% Movement4309.0
Padded Armor.pngPadded Armor9% Physical
15% Frost
13% Impact.png10 Cold Weather1508.0
Padded Boots.pngPadded Boots5% Physical
7% Frost
9% Impact.pngCold Weather1504.0
Padded Helm.pngPadded Helm5% Physical
7% Frost
9% Impact.pngCold Weather1503.0
Dancer Clothes.pngPale Light Clothes2% Physical
3% Impact.png15 HotWeather.png1503.0
Pale Worker's Hood.pngPale Worker's Hood1% Physical
1% Impact.pngHotWeather.pngCold Weather901.0
Pathfinder Armor.pngPathfinder Armor20% Physical
15% Decay
12% Impact.pngProtection12 HotWeather.png12 Cold Weather3% Stamina Cost-3% Movement37512.0
Pathfinder Boots.pngPathfinder Boots13% Physical
15% Decay
7% Impact.pngProtectionHotWeather.pngCold Weather2% Stamina Cost-2% Movement3758.0
Pathfinder Mask.pngPathfinder Mask13% Physical
15% Decay
7% Impact.pngProtectionHotWeather.pngCold Weather2% Stamina Cost15% Mana Cost-2% Movement3755.0
Patterned Worker Attire.pngPatterned Worker Attire3% Physical
2% Impact.pngCold Weather903.0
Patterned Worker Hood.pngPatterned Worker Hood1% Physical
1% Impact.pngHotWeather.pngCold Weather901.0
Pearlescent Mail.pngPearlescent Mail25% Physical
16% Impact.png15% Physical
Cold Weather44010.0
Petrified Wood Armor.pngPetrified Wood Armor18% Physical
30% Fire
17% Impact.pngProtection10 HotWeather.png3% Stamina Cost-3% Movement23510.0
Petrified Wood Boots.pngPetrified Wood Boots12% Physical
15% Fire
12% Impact.pngProtectionHotWeather.png2% Stamina Cost-2% Movement2356.0
Petrified Wood Helm.pngPetrified Wood Helm12% Physical
15% Fire
12% Impact.pngProtectionHotWeather.png2% Stamina Cost10% Mana Cost-2% Movement2353.0
Pilgrim Armor.pngPilgrim Armor30% Physical
18% Impact.pngProtection10 HotWeather.png10 Cold Weather7% Stamina Cost-4% Movement1041020.0
Pilgrim Boots.pngPilgrim Boots17% Physical
11% Impact.pngProtectionHotWeather.pngCold Weather4% Stamina Cost-2% Movement54108.0
Pilgrim Helmet.pngPilgrim Helmet17% Physical
11% Impact.pngProtectionHotWeather.pngCold Weather4% Stamina Cost15% Mana Cost-2% Movement54108.0
Purple Dancer Clothes.pngPurple Dancer Clothes3% Physical
4% Impact.png14 HotWeather.png-25% Stamina Cost1801.0
Purple Festive Attire.pngPurple Festive Attire5% Physical
3% Impact.png10 HotWeather.png-10% Stamina Cost1504.0
Purple Festive Hat.pngPurple Festive Hat2% Physical
2% Impact.pngHotWeather.png-5% Stamina Cost1501.0
Red Clansage Robe.pngRed Clansage Robe20% Physical
20% Frost
4% Impact.png5% Lightning
5% Fire
15 Cold Weather-20% Mana Cost3204.0
Red Festive Attire.pngRed Festive Attire5% Physical
3% Impact.png10 HotWeather.png-10% Stamina Cost1504.0
Red Festive Hat.pngRed Festive Hat2% Physical
2% Impact.pngHotWeather.png-5% Stamina Cost1501.0
Red Light Clothes.pngRed Light Clothes2% Physical
3% Impact.png15 HotWeather.png1503.0
Red Wide Hat.pngRed Wide Hat8% Physical
6% Impact.png10% Decay
10% Frost
10 HotWeather.png-5% Stamina Cost-20% Mana Cost3101.0
Sandals.pngSandals2% Physical
2% Impact.pngHotWeather.png1501.0
Scavenger Boots.pngScavenger Boots5% Physical
4% Impact.pngCold Weather1504.0
Scavenger Coat.pngScavenger Coat9% Physical
6% Impact.pngCold Weather41508.0
Scavenger Hood.pngScavenger Hood5% Physical
4% Impact.pngCold Weather1503.0
Scavenger Mask.pngScavenger Mask5% Physical
4% Impact.pngCold Weather1503.0
Scavenger Scarf.pngScavenger Scarf6% Physical
5% Impact.pngCold Weather1653.0
Scholar Attire.pngScholar Attire9% Physical
4% Impact.pngHotWeather.pngCold Weather-10% Mana Cost1654.0
Scholar Boots.pngScholar Boots5% Physical
3% Impact.pngCold Weather-10% Mana Cost1652.0
Scholar Circlet.pngScholar Circlet3% Impact.pngHotWeather.png-10% Mana Cost10% Cooldown1651.0
Shadow Kazite Light Armor.pngShadow Kazite Light Armor The Soroboreans20% Physical
14% Impact.pngProtection12 Cold Weather10% Cooldown3006.0
Shadow Light Kazite Shirt.pngShadow Light Kazite Shirt The Soroboreans20% Physical
14% Impact.pngProtection12 HotWeather.png10% Cooldown3006.0
Simple Shoes.pngSimple Shoes1% Physical
1% Impact.pngCold Weather901.0
Slayer's Armor.pngSlayer's Armor The Three Brothers22% Physical
10% Frost
10% Fire
9% Impact.png20% Status Resistance12% Physical
HotWeather.pngCold Weather2508.0
Slayer's Boots.pngSlayer's Boots The Three Brothers14% Physical
10% Lightning
7% Impact.png15% Status Resistance7% Physical
HotWeather.pngCold Weather2504.0
Slayer's Helmet.pngSlayer's Helmet The Three Brothers16% Physical
5% Frost
5% Fire
7% Impact.png15% Status Resistance7% Physical
HotWeather.pngCold Weather2503.0
Squire Boots.pngSquire Boots9% Physical
15% Frost
15% Fire
12% Impact.pngHotWeather.pngCold Weather-15% Stamina Cost5% Movement4705.0
Straw Hat.pngStraw Hat4% Physical
2% Impact.pngHotWeather.png2001.0
Striped Garb.pngStriped Garb3% Physical
2% Impact.pngCold Weather903.0
Tattered Attire.pngTattered Attire2% Physical
2% Impact.pngHotWeather.pngCold Weather903.0
Tattered Boots.pngTattered Boots1% Physical
1% Impact.pngHotWeather.pngCold Weather902.0
Tattered Hood.pngTattered Hood1% Physical
1% Impact.pngHotWeather.pngCold Weather901.0
Tenebrous Armor.pngTenebrous Armor17% Physical
15% Lightning
15% Frost
15% Fire
10% Impact.png10% Ethereal
5% Decay
10 Cold Weather-10% Mana Cost8% Corruption2607.0
Tenebrous Boots.pngTenebrous Boots9% Physical
7% Lightning
7% Frost
7% Fire
7% Impact.png5% Ethereal
10% Decay
Cold Weather-10% Mana Cost3% Corruption2603.0
Tenebrous Helm.pngTenebrous Helm9% Physical
7% Lightning
7% Frost
7% Fire
7% Impact.png5% Ethereal
10% Decay
Cold Weather-10% Mana Cost4% Corruption2602.0
Trader Boots.pngTrader Boots4% Physical
2% Impact.pngCold Weather2002.0
Trader Garb.pngTrader Garb8% Physical
3% Impact.pngCold Weather82004.0
Tsar Armor.pngTsar Armor28% Physical
40% Fire
23% Impact.pngProtection10 HotWeather.png6% Stamina Cost-11% Movement23.0
Tsar Boots.pngTsar Boots20% Physical
20% Fire
13% Impact.pngProtectionHotWeather.png4% Stamina Cost-9% Movement17.0
Tsar Helm.pngTsar Helm20% Physical
20% Fire
13% Impact.pngProtectionHotWeather.png4% Stamina Cost15% Mana Cost-9% Movement13.0
Vigilante Armor.pngVigilante Armor The Three Brothers22% Physical
16% Impact.pngProtection10 HotWeather.png7% Stamina Cost-3% Movement34012.0Prevents Burning
Vigilante Boots.pngVigilante Boots The Three Brothers14% Physical
10% Impact.pngProtectionHotWeather.png5% Stamina Cost-2% Movement3408.0Prevents Hampered
Vigilante Helm.pngVigilante Helm The Three Brothers14% Physical
10% Impact.pngProtectionHotWeather.png5% Stamina Cost5% Mana Cost-2% Movement3405.0Prevents Confusion
White Arcane Hood.pngWhite Arcane Hood10% Physical
20% Ethereal
20% Lightning
3% Impact.pngProtection5% Ethereal
5% Lightning
Cold Weather-10% Mana Cost10% Cooldown3201.0
White Arcane Robe.pngWhite Arcane Robe14% Physical
20% Decay
20% Frost
20% Fire
4% Impact.png5% Decay
5% Frost
5% Fire
Cold Weather-15% Mana Cost10% Cooldown3204.0
White Wide Hat.pngWhite Wide Hat8% Physical
6% Impact.png10% Lightning
10% Fire
10 HotWeather.png-20% Mana Cost5% Movement3101.0
Wide Black Hat.pngWide Black Hat8% Physical
6% Impact.png10% Fire
10 HotWeather.png-20% Mana Cost5% Movement2301.0
Wide Blue Hat.pngWide Blue Hat8% Physical
6% Impact.png10% Frost
10 HotWeather.png-5% Stamina Cost-20% Mana Cost2301.0
Wolf Mage Armor.pngWolf Mage Armor The Soroboreans9% Physical
20% Impact.pngProtection5% Ethereal
10 Cold Weather-10% Mana Cost2254.0
Wolf Mage Boots.pngWolf Mage Boots The Soroboreans4% Physical
11% Impact.pngProtectionCold Weather-10% Mana Cost2252.0
Wolf Medic Armor.pngWolf Medic Armor The Soroboreans20% Physical
14% Impact.pngProtection10 Cold Weather3% Stamina Cost-5% Mana Cost16% Corruption-3% Movement30012.0Recover +0.1 Health Health per second
Wolf Medic Boots.pngWolf Medic Boots The Soroboreans13% Physical
9% Impact.pngProtectionCold Weather2% Stamina Cost-5% Mana Cost7% Corruption-2% Movement3008.0Recover +0.05 Health Health per second
Wolf Medic Helmet.pngWolf Medic Helmet The Soroboreans13% Physical
9% Impact.pngProtectionCold Weather2% Stamina Cost-5% Mana Cost7% Corruption-2% Movement3005.0Recover +0.05 Health Health per second
Wolf Plate Armor.pngWolf Plate Armor26% Physical
30% Ethereal
20% Impact.pngProtection-12 HotWeather.pngCold Weather6% Stamina Cost-4% Movement46016.0
Wolf Plate Boots.pngWolf Plate Boots18% Physical
15% Ethereal
12% Impact.pngProtectionCold Weather4% Stamina Cost-1% Movement46010.0
Wolf Plate Helm.pngWolf Plate Helm18% Physical
15% Ethereal
12% Impact.pngProtectionCold Weather4% Stamina Cost15% Mana Cost-4% Movement4606.0
Worker Boots.pngWorker Boots1% Physical
1% Impact.pngCold Weather901.0
Zagis' Boots.pngZagis' Boots15% Physical
13% Impact.pngProtection9% Physical
HotWeather.png6% Stamina Cost-10% Cooldown-5% Movement56012.0
Zagis' Armor.pngZagis' Armor25% Physical
17% Impact.pngProtection12% Physical
14 HotWeather.png8% Stamina Cost-8% Movement56024.0
Zagis' Mask.pngZagis' Mask20% Physical
13% Impact.pngProtection10% Physical
10 HotWeather.png8% Stamina Cost30% Mana Cost-8% Movement56012.0

See Also