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Template-info.svg Documentation

Template used to define a Skill Combination.

Note: this is not for Character Builds pages. Use the ActionCombo Template for that.


Should be defined on the Skill Combination page itself (eg. Frost Kick).

  • name = Defaults to {{PAGENAME}}. The name of the resulting combination spell (as it is defined on the wiki)
  • prereq = If there is a prerequisite for the combination (ie. Runic Prefix, etc). Include the [[link]] and use <br> as separator.
  • action0 = For "Requires" column. This is the "setup" action that must be active first for the combination (eg. Runic Lantern)
  • action1 = First action of combo
  • action2 = Second action of combo
  • effects = A one-line description of the effects, and then each effect in bullet-point style.
    • NOTE: Do not use EffectReferences in this field. Instead, define the reference OUTSIDE of this template on the page, and do not define the "show" parameter on the effect reference.
    • NOTE 2: Don't use a * for bullet points as it doesn't work when listed with {{UsedInCombos}}, instead use <ul><li>Bullet 1<li>Bullet 2</ul> style.


Simple Combo

| name = Frost Kick
| prereq = 
| action0 = 
| action1 = Sigil of Ice
| action2 = Push Kick
| effects = Creates a short-range [[Frost]] explosion where you kick <ul><li>Deals 50 {{frost}} [[frost]] damage and 50 {{impact}} [[impact]]<li>Inflicts [[Slow Down]]</ul>
Frost Kick
Combination Effects
Sigil of Ice.png > Push Kick.png Creates a short-range Frost explosion where you kick
Frost Kick
Sigil of Ice.png > Push Kick.png
Creates a short-range Frost explosion where you kick

Advanced Combo

| name = Runic Lightning Amplified
| prereq = [[Arcane Syntax]]<br>[[Runic Prefix]]
| action0 = Runic Lantern
| action1 = Fal
| action2 = Shim
| effects = Shoots a fast-moving Lightning projectile<ul><li>Deals 65 {{lightning}} [[lightning]] damage and 30 {{impact}} [[impact]]</ul>
Runic Lightning Amplified
Prereq Combination Effects
Arcane Syntax
Runic Prefix
Runic Lantern > Fal.png > Shim.png Shoots a fast-moving Lightning projectile
Runic Lightning Amplified
Prereq Combination
Arcane Syntax
Runic Prefix
Runic Lantern > Fal.png > Shim.png
Shoots a fast-moving Lightning projectile

This is the documentation page, it should be transcluded into the main template page. See Template:Doc for more information.