Build:Harry Potter the Wizard Slayer

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Harry Potter the Wizard Slayer is a Character Build in Outward, created by Lorefashj.


Harry Potter the Wizard Slayer
Wizard Slayer will try to block any elemental attack and "use enemies' own spells against themselves". The main dps rotation would be Mace Infusion -- Dispersion -- Gong Strike -- Mace Infusion -- Gong Strike. This build was relatively weak in arena(still playable in vanilla game), but with DLCs set up, Wizard Slayer is now Arena Champion and very interesting to play.
Important:PLEASE read those 3 Q&A listed in build details BEFORE playing
BreakthroughIcon.png Breakthroughs Required Faction
Spellblade's Awakening.png Swift Foot.png Daredevil.png Heroic Kingdom Banner.png
Weapon Off-Hand Head Body Boots Backpack
Mace of Seasons.png Tsar Shield.png Scavenger Scarf.png Shadow Kazite Light Armor.png Tenebrous Boots.png Brigand's Backpack.png
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
Mace Infusion.png Gong Strike.png Shield Infusion.png Shield Charge.png Dispersion.png Probe.png Mana Ward.png Brace.png

Full Build Details

<<Important Q&A>>:

Q1(Just in case). Well, Wizard Slayer, I get that~ How about those melee enemies flood in game?
A: To be clear, as claimed in description, Mace Infusion and Shield Infusion are able to block any element from any source. That means melee attacks with elemental dmg, for instance, the Marsh Captain with Pathfinder Claymore(deal decay), Ash Giant Highmonk(deal lightning), and etc.. For those pure physical standard enemies, use Rags to trigger Gong Strike. For Arena Bosses, pls refer to Boss Guide.

Q2. Flawed logic? Enemies that cast certain type of element are often quite resistant to it~
A: True and false. That combined with long CDs is the main reason this build was weak in previous edition. However, Dispersion now inflicts corresponding Hex and Mace infusion awards Boon, together with -70% CD this build is quite strong(and fun) in arena. Additionally, its not always the case, for example Ghost and Gargoyle, they are extremely vulnerable to Ethereal but ironically they deal Ethereal.

Q3. Why Harry Potter?
A: You dare use my own spells against me, Potter?! .jpg


This build is a mage use stamina as resource mostly, dont just play like a melee tank. You will use melee from time to time, but element should be yr main dps output.

And, its not a high dmg burst build but requires some skills, so if you really like one-shot experience, please see my other builds.


Spellblade's Awakening (Gong Strike) and Swift Foot (Shield Infusion) are self-explanatory. Daredevil (Anticipation) to lower CDs which enables block chain.

Alternatively, switch Daredevil to Bloodlust if you really need 30% more element dmg and a more pleasant gameplay (Personally i prefer Daredevil, more suitable in arena fights)


Factions need to be compatible with Breakthrough. So Heroic Kingdom highly recommended if you go Daredevil, otherwise Sorobor Academy to hedge lost CD reduction. Heroic Kingdom keeps the variety of dmg bonus since yr dmg type depends on yr opponents.


Invest 1 point only. You will have 55 in total after the main quest line. Please see 5.Specialist Skills for more explanation.

4.Dmg Calculation

Dmg of Gong Strike/Shield Infusion ONLY relates to the BASE physical dmg of yr shield and ONLY benefits from elemental dmg bonus.This also applies to Dispersion, i.e. to maximize dmg output, you have to use Tsar set.

Now the questions is: Why not Angler Shield or Zhorn's Demon Shield, they provide higher base physical dmg?

Well, because Tsar Shield and Tsar Mace are indestructible !!

Gong Strike/Shield Infusion drops shield durability so fast and trust me you really really dont want to fight arena boss with broken shield.

5.Specialist Skills(By Split-Screen or Co-op)

Brains: Well, 15% more element dmg but 15% more stamina costs can be annoying in long-time boss fight, yr choice

Patience: 25% more dmg to Gong Strike and Dispersion~

Important: Since Patience will lower normal/special attacks by 25%, try use Probe to circumvent penalty(and receives the benefit)when fighting pure physical enemies. However, Level 4 Alertness Probe is way too clumsy, please use Mana Ward and eat blank dmg to deliberately lower Alertness level.

And, that's why you need 1 point investment in mana.

Cruelty: Fire comes the top priority in element block, making it a viable choice, but I dropped it eventually.


Gameplay: Iron mace(Unsuspected Strength), Tsar Shield(Guided Arm), Scavenger Scarf(Unassuming Ingenuity), Shadow Kazite Light Armor(Assassin or Sang Froid), Tenebrous Boots(Speed and Efficiency)

Arena: Mace of Seasons(Whiplash) to inflict Elemental Vulnerability then switch to Tsar Mace(Whiplash). Considering the rapid stability reduction from block and Dispersion, you can wear Shadow Kazite Light Boots with Compass if you want.

7.Very early game

Travel to Antique Plateau immediately once freed from blood-price, clear that Bandit Hideout in east map to get Elemental Particle-Light asap.

Enchant your Iron Mace with Unsuspected Strength. If that Arcane element didn't drop particle, delete the most recent save and try again.

Arena Boss:

Finally, the juicy part. This guide is way too long and I'll cover only essentials in this boss guide to keep some challenge.

Preface: The following guide is base on this very build ONLY, there're indeed easier ways to deal with bosses like grenades or 100% resistance equipment

Rating: 1 to 5 weak to strong

Abbr: Mace Infusion/Shield Infusion (MI/SI), Mana Ward (MW), Shield Charge (SC), Gong Strike (GS)

-PS-: When i say Block, i mean use MI/SI to block specifically, NOT raise yr shield and press block button(Shield-Block hereinafter)

When i say Dont Block, its because there will be consequent attacks which will hurt u when ur still in block animation but already lose invincible frame.

---Spoiler Alert---


i.Troglodyte Queen(R2): Well, the weakest mushroom Queen is now risen. You can MW and block her decay bolts/melee. SC + melee to interrupt her healing.

ii.Brand Squire(R1): Always take advantage of his flawed AI. Face him and shield-block his perfect strike, after that immediately MI/SI, you are almost guaranteed to block his melee or decay smoke. And unfortunately, he's vulnerable to decay.

iii.Elite Mantis Shrimp(R1): A very good target to practice yr block and only has 40 resistance to lightning. Dont block explosions when it raises two claws.

2.Hallowed Marsh

i.Ash Giant Highmonk(R2): Stay right next to him so you wont get hit by floating mines, MI/SI cloud > melee. His rejuvenation is very fast, dont make the fight too long.

ii.Elite Ash Giants(R2): Pathetic Giants will be big trouble for this build if melee only, but they cast decay cloud....

iii.Elite Alpha Tuanosaur(R3): R3 for its epic hitbox, super defensive modeling. The range of mace is way too short to touch it. My solution: keep staying next to its right leg and circling from yr left hand direction, the first attack of its melee combo will miss u completely because of the modeling. Dont block its fire balls.


i.Elite Crescent Sharks(R5): Drat.. Keep them in front of you and circling backwards along the edge. MI/SI when they lunge, always keep MW on before Dispersion. Be very patient and focus one shark at a time. As long as less than 3 left in the ring, you have already won.

ii.Calixa (R3): Except for her melee combo, the rest of her attack can be blocked. Also, block her second projectile not the first one. If u accidentally lose Alertness, Sweep Kick her and Probe since shes vulnerable to Confusion.

iii.Elite Beast Golem(R1):Stay away and force it to shoot projectiles, simply block them and GS/SI back.

4.Enmerkar Forest

i.Light Mender and Plague Doctor(R2): Extremely interesting fight. You need to block one's spell and retaliate back to the other, skillful ! If they are really trouble for you, simply put on Entomber Set + boons + Resistance Potion to achieve 100% lightning and decay resistance.

ii.Elite Burning Man(R4): No, very unfriendly boss for this build. Difficult to block because of consecutive dmg of its fire spells. Likewise, stack up fire resistance to 100% and use Hailfrost Mace or Skycrown to melee it~

iii.Immaculate (R1): Sorry Alien, you are now chicken meat. Just block everything it does, preferably ethereal shockwave, and return to it.

5.Antique Plateau

i.Immaculate's Bird(R1): Have some mercy, will you? By the way, dont block its Prismatic Flurry (Very obvious action).

ii.Elite Sublime Shell(R2):Very easy to block. Stay near its left hand, avoid its right-hand punch and block the rest. Good Dispersion timing when it slams ground

iii.Elite Boozu(R2): Clumsy Boozu, every attack can be blocked. Keep circling to its rear part and GS or Dispersion


i.Grandmother (R3): Use Mage spells against that Warrior, dont stay too far away from the Warrior since he will lay traps instead.

ii.Elite Torcrab (R2): Stay right next to it and force it to melee(Blockable).

iii.Elite Gargoyles(R1): Except for that expensive arena ticket, those Gargoyles wont give u any trouble. Just stay away and wait for its Urn Smash.

iv.Elite Crimson Avatar(R4): Not a big problem anymore, Wizard Slayer can make it a turn based battle. Focus on its melee/ beam/ big fire balls(Especially!). If you can keep retaliating with fire infused attacks, it will die "quick and pain"~


Combat opening
Enrage.png > Brace.png > Shield Charge.png > Mace of Seasons.png > Probe.png
Main dps rotation
Shimmer Potion.png > Mace Infusion.png > Dispersion.png > Gong Strike.png > Shield Infusion.png > Mace Infusion.png > Gong Strike.png
When boss stability drops
Shield Charge.png > Probe.png

See Also