Build:Primal Shaman

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Primal Shaman is a Character Build in Outward, created by TheOathseeker.


Primal Shaman
Clad in glistening armor and still as the night, the primal shaman stares you down. He rests his hand casually on one of his totems. Both of which are shivering with magical energies. At his feet you see the crackle of a wind sigil. You break the standoff by drawing your bow. You quickly loose three arrows at the shaman, but he calmly slides behind his totems and your arrows bounce off harmlessly. As you knock another arrow, you suddenly see the totems light up and release a swarm of projectiles. You dodge as many as you can, but you can't keep this up.

Drawing your sword you dash at the shaman. A whizzing chakram stops you in your tracks. As you try to find your footing you hear the shaman chuckle. He is standing in the middle of the wind sigil and his entire body crackles with electric energy. He locks eyes with you and the last thing you see is everything turning white as the shaman snaps his fingers.
BreakthroughIcon.png Breakthroughs Required Faction
Sacred Fumes.png Bloodlust.png Shamanic Resonance.png Sorobor Academy Banner.png
Weapon Off-Hand Head Body Boots Backpack
Living Wood Axe.png Molepig Sigh Ornate Chakram.png Musing of a Philosopher Antique Plate Sallet.png Economy Wolf Plate Armor.png Adrenaline Orichalcum Boots.png Guidance of Wind Dusk Backpack.png
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
Chakram Pierce.png Chakram Arc.png Torment.png Rupture.png Spark.png Sigil of Wind.png Haunting Beat.png Welkin Ring.png


  • The primal shaman is primarily a close range caster. Combining your totems and the sigil of wind to create a zone in which you are in complete control of your enemies. You excel at dealing with groups of weaker enemies with large explosions. For bosses you rely more on your Hex Mage abilities.
  • Combats can be devided into two types: Regular battles, and Boss battles. The way you approach them differs.

Regular battles

  • The build as shown above is what you will be using against regular enemies.

  • Preparations You start by applying all the relevant Boons, throwing down your Haunting Beat, Welkin Ring and Sigil of Wind. Once we are all buffed up and our little fortress is built, we can start bringing in enemies. Your main ranged options are to smack your totems, which will send out several homing bolts of elemental destruction. And if within the totems circle, using Torment and Rupture to detonate the hexes. When you are fighting enemies at range you can hide behind your totems to block almost all types of ranged attacks. Putting you at a severe advantage at range.

  • The approach When the enemies decide to charge you instead, you wait until they are right on top of you. Once they are close enough to receive the debuffs from the totems, you hit them with a Chakram Pierce, immediately followed by a Chakram Arc. Three hits from your chakram will apply the Scorch and Chill hexes, adding two more hexes for you to detonate. And the Chakram Arc will knock your enemy down or at least destabilize it. You then follow this up with a Torment to activate at least the two curses the totems have placed on your enemy. This will afflict them with both Weaken and Sapped. Reducing the damage they deal by 40%.

  • The finisher Your enemy is now at your mercy. You can activate Conjure, Spark and Rupture after eachother to evaporate them. Few enemies will be able to withstand this onslaught. Due to the buffs and debuffs the damage you deal is really high, and spark can be spammed.

Boss Battles

  • For battles with stronger enemies, the build functions a little differently. Though you can use the above tactic, you will run out of mana and be fairly vulnerable to melee attacks if the enemy isn't as easily staggered and vaporized. Therefor we can shift to a more Hex Mage focussed version of the build.

  • Preparations Here everything remains roughly the same. You start by applying all the relevant Boons, throwing down your Haunting Beat, Welkin Ring and possibly even Sigil of Wind. What we do after this depends on the boss's behaviour obviously, but generally you want to try and fight around your fortress.

  • Build To survive in melee for longer, we are going to sacrifice some of our utility slots and AOE damage in favor of a few blocking skills. I drop the totem and sigil skills (I will place the totems from my menu), and replace them with Brace, Mana Ward, Mana Push and Nurturing Echo.

  • Battle During the battle you want to be dancing around your totems and sigil as much as possible. If you position right, you will sometimes be able to hit a totem and the enemy. Which will increase the damage you do, and stack the totem for use with Nurturing Echo. When the boss has a high stability bar, you want to use Mana Push, Torment and Rupture to quickly get their stability bar below half. After that you can keep staggering him with your weapon attacks while your cooldowns reset and your mana regenerates. If you start getting low you can use Nurturing Echo to replenish yourself. And keep working that stagger bar.

Classes and skills

  • Here I will go over all the skills required to create this build, and what role they play. The build only requires two breakthrough points. There are many interesting options for your last breakthrough point, for which I will give several options.
  • I will not be including all the passive skills that have no direct impact on the build like Fitness. Taking them is obvious and collecting them all is up to you.

Primal Ritualist

Primal Ritualist skills
Haunting Beat.png > Welkin Ring.png > Sacred Fumes.png > Nurturing Echo.png > Harmony and Melody.png > Battle Rhythm.png

  • Haunting Beat - Places a totem that applies the Haunted debuff. And shoots Ethereal ethereal projectiles when hit, once every 3 seconds. The totem also blocks projectiles.
  • Welkin Ring - Places a totem that applies the Doomed debuff. And shoots Lightning lightning projectiles when hit, once every 3 seconds. The totem also blocks projectiles.
  • Sacred Fumes - Breakthrough point needed to get to Harmony and Melody. Grants you 7 Barrier Barrier, which reduces the damage you take from elemental attacks.
  • Nurturing Echo - Since we have a lot of aoe damage, this is the obvious pick here. I will slot it in if the fight calls for it. Useful if you find yourself charging your totems anyway, like against ranged opponents.
  • Harmony and Melody - Allows both totems to be places next to eachother. Allowing you to stack both their debuffs on enemies that get close, and hit the both of them simultaniously or in quick succession. Essential for this build.
  • Battle Rhythm - When close to your totems, you and any friendlies have 5 extra Protection Protection and Barrier Barrier. Reducing the damage you take from both physical and elemental attacks.

Cabal Hermit

Cabal Hermit skills
Reveal Soul.png > Mana Push.png > Shamanic Resonance.png > Sigil of Wind.png > Conjure.png

Hex Mage

Hex Mage skills
Jinx.png > Torment.png > Bloodlust.png > Rupture.png > Lockwell's Revelation.png

  • Jinx - Applies a random hex to the target. Note that it can apply a hex that the enemy is already effected by. Making this skill unreliable. We avoid using it in favor of other ways to guarentee applying hexes. But we take it because we have to.
  • Torment - Triggers all hexes on nearby enemy targets, dealing damage and applying a debuff for every hex. Since enemies close to your totems will have Doomed and Haunted, Torment will deal 25 Lightning and 25 Ethereal damage, while leaving enemies with the Sapped and Weaken conditions. Which will reduce the enemies physical and elemental damage output by 40%.
  • Bloodlust - a useful utility spell for people that hate sleeping. See Lockwell's Revelation.
  • Rupture - this spell sets off a sequence of explosions, exploding all hexes on all nearby enemies. Doing huge amounts of damage associated with the hex's element, and impressive Impact.png impact damage. The hexes are exploded one after the other, which means the Impact.png impact damage is applied seperately for each explosion. Which will stagger your enemy for every explosion.
  • Lockwell's Revelation - Improves all of your elemental damage depending on how Tired you are. This means that we are best off not sleeping (much, you can die from sleep deprivation). This is one of the very few ways we can improve all elemental damage at once, which is nice since we do damage of many different elements. It pairs well with Bloodlust, which takes care of our burned resources. And your mana regenerates when you are tired, which is a huge help.

Other skill trainers

Skills from other trainers
Chakram Pierce.png > Chakram Arc.png > Spark.png
Mist (skill).png > Blessed (skill).png > Cool (skill).png > Warm (skill).png > Possessed (skill).png > Enrage.png

Warrior Monk
If you prefer a more melee focussed approach you could take Warrior Monk in stead of Hex Mage. For boss battles or even in general, you can swap out your weapon for a two handed weapon with high attack speed, Impact.png impact and Ethereal or Lightning damage. Like Starchild Claymore or Dreamer Halberd.

Warrior Monk skills
Brace.png > Focus.png > Steadfast Ascetic.png > Master of Motion.png > Counterstrike.png

  • Brace - A solid blocking skill that grants you the Discipline boon when you block an attack.
  • Focus - Grants a free Discipline boon.
  • Steadfast Ascetic - Gives you 40 extra stamina and unlocks higher tier skills.
  • Master of Motion - Makes you significantly more durable by adding +10 to all resistances
  • Counterstrike - A really strong block that does high damage when you block an attack.

How many mana sacrifices should I go with?

See Also