Build:The Fechtbucher

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The Fechtbucher is a Character Build in Outward, created by Aberrate.


The Fechtbucher
This build seeks to take advantages of the new physical damage bonuses in the Three Brothers DLC without sacrificing too much durability.
BreakthroughIcon.png Breakthroughs Required Faction
Master of Motion.png Shamanic Resonance.png Well of Mana.png Heroic Kingdom Banner.png
Weapon Off-Hand Head Body Boots Backpack
Tsar Axe.png Whiplash Lexicon.png Fechtbuch Slayer's Helmet.png Aegis Slayer's Armor.png Shelter Slayer's Boots.png Aegis Brigand's Backpack.png
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
Talus Cleaver.png Push Kick.png Sweep Kick.png Brace.png Flash Onslaught.png Fal.png Shim.png Scalp Collector.png

Full Build Details

It is optimal to acquire either Scalp Collector or Brawns through co-op. Although this build is still very viable without Brawns, the passive is a nice damage buff. Scalp Collector is more important than Brawns, and for a more enjoyable playthrough, I recommend joining a co-op world to acquire it at the beginning of your playthrough.

In the early game, prioritize paying off your blood debt as per usual. Make sure to learn Talus Cleaver from Burac or Oda in Cierzo. Before you leave the Chersonese, take two points in mana at the ley line. Travel to Levant to join the Heroic Kingdom, but return immediately to save Cierzo from the bandits at Vendavel. Spend any gold you find when completing these quests on unlocking everything in the Cabal Hermit skill tree, taking Infuse Wind over Sigil of Wind. If you run out of gold, it is not really necessary to buy Conjure. Also, remember to visit the grave of Vanasse for a Tsar stone.

On the return trip to Levant, pass through the Hallowed Marsh to complete Purifier. While you are there, fight the Plague Doctor to purchase a Tsar Axe, which will be your primary weapon for use in combination with wind imbue. If you have any extra gold, you can begin to learn the Warrior Monk skill tree in Monsoon. Take Master of Motion over Perfect Strike and Flash Onslaught over Counterstrike. It may also be wise to collect enough scaled leather to craft the Scaled Leather Set for a useful damage bonus in the mid-game. When you are done in the Hallowed Marsh, return to Levant and complete the Heroic Kingdom quest line. Make sure to complete them successfully to receive Alchemical Experiment.

At any point you may decide to visit the Antique Plateau. Make sure to apply the Whiplash enchantment to you Tsar Axe while you complete the side quests there. Also, you will certainly pass through Berg very often when traveling across Aurai. While you are there, learn rune magic, taking Runic Prefix over Internalized Lexicon.

When you arrive in the Caldera, visit the Friendly Immaculate and ask for storage to receive a Brigand's Backpack. Then travel about the region to find the materials necessary for the slayer set. In Sirocco, prioritize building the Alchemist's Shop in order to acquire Kirouac's Breakthrough, the Arena for either Brawns or Scalp Collector, and the Enchanting Guild for Fechtbuch on your Lexicon. With those skills and materials, the build is complete.


Before combat, make sure to apply the appropriate boons and runic protection for additional damage resistance. Once you begin using the Brigand's Backpack, you will also need to cast Runic Lantern to see in the dark or at night as that backpack lacks a lantern slot. Also, be sure to utilize Wind Imbue, especially once you are using a Tsar Axe.

Begin combat with Talus Cleaver to apply pain early for greatly enhanced damage. Likewise, try to finish off enemies with Scalp Collector for the Kill Streak buff. Remember to use special attacks once you have reduced stability to below half with Brace or a Kick. Flash Onslaught is best used right before using Brace and is an easy way to apply Confusion if the enemy has a lot of impact resistance.

With Master of Motion, Runic Protection, and the status resistance from the Slayer Set, you are fairly durable, but not a tank. You can survive a few mistakes, but try to avoid taking damage for no reason. If you find yourself overwhelmed, retreat and cast a Runic Trap to delay your enemies. The Bleeding status effect on Scalp Collector may help with this.

See Also

My Character Builds!

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