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Building Details
Build Costs
1x Ectoplasm
5000 Funds, 200 Stone, 100 Timber
Build Time
30 Days
4 Housing
City Hall
Upkeep Costs
50 Funds per day

Chapel is a type of Specialized Building in Outward.


A Disciple can provide a buff to increase your Barrier by 4 for 48 hours in exchange for 100 silvers.

Counts as 1 House.



This Building has two upgrades, however one requires being a member of The Holy Mission of Elatt. You must choose one or the other upgrade, you cannot choose both.

Temple Expansion

Temple Expansion.png
The Healer's Buff now also increases Status Effect resistance by 25%, and increases the cost to 125 Silver.

Construction requirements:
Funds: 6000
Stone: 250
Timber: 150
Material: Chromium Shards
Funds upkeep: 50 / Day
Construction: 8 Weeks

Lotus of Light

Lotus of Light.png
Provides access to a passive skill trainer, who grants you increased Barrier and Protection stats.

Construction requirements:
Joined the Holy Mission
Funds: 8000
Stone: 250
Timber: 150
Material: Voltaic Vines
Funds upkeep: 50 / Day
Construction: 8 Weeks

See Also