City Hall

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City Hall
City Hall.png
Building Details
Build Costs
1x Amethyst Geode
4000 Funds, 120 Stone, 120 Timber
Build Time
30 Days
3 Housing

City Hall is a type of Specialized Building in Outward.


Provides a basic bed. Required for several specialized buildings.

Provides 20 Funds per day per point of Housing.




This Building has two upgrades, however one requires being a member of The Blue Chamber Collective. You must choose one or the other upgrade, you cannot choose both.


Improves the City Hall's sleeping bonus by increasing resistance to status effects.

Construction requirements:
Funds: 6000
Stone: 100
Timber: 200
Material: Diamond Dust
Housing: 6
Construction: 4 Weeks

  • Requires 1x Diamond Dust and 6 Housing
  • Takes 20 days to construct
  • Sleeping in the Embassy grants the Sleep: Embassy buff for 40 minutes

Krypteia Hideout

Krypteia Hideout.png
Provides access to an active skill trainer, who teaches you to spend Health to infuse a weapon with blood.

Construction requirements:
Joined the Blue Chamber Collective
Funds: 8000
Stone: 200
Timber: 100
Material: Ectoplasm
Housing: 6
Construction: 4 Weeks

See Also