Hunting Lodge

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Hunting Lodge
Hunting Lodge.png
Building Details
Resource Collection
Build Costs
2500 Funds, 20 Stone, 50 Timber
Build Time
15 Days
1 Housing
Upkeep Costs
25 Funds per day

Hunting Lodge is a type of Resource Collection Building in Outward.


A basic Hunter's lodge. Provides 15 Food for the settlement each day.


This Building has two upgrades. Both upgrades can be purchased, you do not have to choose one or the other.

Hunting Guild

Hunting Guild.png
An improvement to the Hunting lodge. Provides 25 Food for the settlement each day.

Construction requirements:
Funds: 2500
Stone: 50
Timber: 100
Housing: 2
Funds upkeep: 100 / Day
Construction: 4 Weeks

  • Takes 20 days to construct
  • Requires 2 Housing
  • Upkeep cost raised to 50 Funds per day, Production raised to 25 Food per day

Hunting Hall

Hunting Hall.png
An improvement to the Hunting Guild. Provides 45 Food for the settlement each day.

Construction requirements:
City Hall Required
Funds: 2500
Stone: 75
Timber: 200
Housing: 4
Funds upkeep: 200 / Day
Construction: 4 Weeks

  • Takes 20 days to construct
  • Requires Hunting Guild, City Hall and 4 Housing
  • Upkeep cost raised to 75 Funds per day, Production raised to 45 Food per day

See Also