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Page name description
Acceptance (edit) Acceptance Increases your Cold and Hot Weather Defense by 8.
Acrobatics (edit) Acrobatics Unhampered Dodge Rolls have increased range. Stamina cost of Dodge Rolls increased by 50%
Alchemical Experiment (edit) Alchemical Experiment Increases all Damage you deal by 15%.
Ancestors' Memories (edit) Ancestors' Memories Increases your Maximum [[Mana]] by 25
Anticipation (edit) Anticipation Increases physical [[Protection|protection]] stat by 2 per [[Alertness]] level.
Arcane Syntax (edit) Arcane Syntax Gain access to more advanced [[Rune Magic|runic ]] combos.
Armor Training (edit) Armor Training Decreases the [[stamina]] and movement penalties from wearing armor by 50%.
Backstab (edit) Backstab Required: Dagger<br>Dagger attack. If the attack hits the enemy's back, the damage and impact are tripled.
Battle Rhythm (edit) Battle Rhythm Your deployed Sky Chimes increase Barrier by 5 and Ghost Drums increase Protection by 5 when within 8 meters. This bonus also applies to your allies.
Blade Puppy (edit) Blade Puppy A lich's best friend!
Blessed (skill) (edit) Blessed (skill) Grants a [[Blessed|Blessed boon]], which increases your [[Lightning]] Damage and Lightning Resistance.<br>Certain skills require this boon to be active.
Blitz (edit) Blitz Increases Sprinting speed by 5% and running attack damage by 10% per [[Alertness]] level.
Blood Bullet (edit) Blood Bullet Required: Pistol, Possessed Boon<br>Absorb the enemy's life into your pistol as a blood bullet, healing yourself.<br>Shooting it requires the use of the [[Fire/Reload]] skill.
Blood of Giants (edit) Blood of Giants Increases your maximum Health by 40.
Blood Sigil (edit) Blood Sigil Consumes: [[Dark Stone]]<br>Create a magic circle on the ground. [[Skill Combinations|Certain skills]] have additional effects when cast within this circle.
Bloodlust (edit) Bloodlust For every death around the caster, recover 5 max Health, Stamina and Mana burn.
Brace (edit) Brace Blocks an attack, restoring your stability and giving you the [[Discipline]] boon.<br/>All nearby enemies are knocked back.
Brains (edit) Brains Increases Elemental Damage by 15%, but lowers physical damage by 25% and increases Stamina costs by 15%
Brawns (edit) Brawns Increase Physical Damage by 25% and increase max stamina by 25, but lowers elemental damage by 40%.
Call to Elements (edit) Call to Elements Grants you a boon that varies according to your location when casting this spell.
Chakram Arc (edit) Chakram Arc Required:[[Chakrams|Chakram]], [[Discipline|Discipline Boon]].<br>The disc sweeps the area in front of the caster, dealing high Damage and [[Impact]]. Discipline is required to cast this spell.
Chakram Dance (edit) Chakram Dance Required: [[Chakrams|Chakram]], [[Discipline|Discipline Boon]].<br> The disc sways left and right as it advances, hitting multiple times and dealing high damage. Discipline is required to cast this spell
Chakram Pierce (edit) Chakram Pierce Required: [[Chakrams|Chakram]], [[Discipline|Discipline Boon]].<br> Launch the disc forward, possibly hitting the enemy twice. Discipline is required to cast this spell.
Chill Hex (edit) Chill Hex Inflicts [[Chill]] on touch.
Cleanse (edit) Cleanse Requires 50% Corruption and a [[Mana Stone]]. Creates a [[Dark Stone]], removes 30% Corruption, suffer [[Extreme Bleeding]] and 65 [[File:Decay.png|14px|link=Elements/Decay|Decay]] [[Decay]] damage.
Conjure (edit) Conjure Spell which does nothing on its own, but can be combined with other abilites.
Cool (skill) (edit) Cool (skill) Grants the [[Cool|Cool boon]], which increases your Frost Damage and Frost Resistance. It also increases your protection to hot weather.<br>Certain skills require this boon to be active.
Counterstrike (edit) Counterstrike Required: Any Melee Weapon<br>Completely block a physical attack, striking the attacker and dealing high Damage.
Crescendo (edit) Crescendo A quick strike that generates 1 stack of the Craze Buff on hit, which grants bonus damage. All stacks of Craze are lost if you are damaged.
Cruelty (edit) Cruelty Increase damage of your Burning, Poison, Extreme poison by 50% and increase the damage of Bleeding, Extreme Bleeding, Blaze, Holy Blaze and Plague by 30%. Lower status resistances by 50% and Physical resistance by 10%.
Curse Hex (edit) Curse Hex Inflicts [[Curse]] on touch.
Cutthroat Pearlbird Pet (edit) Cutthroat Pearlbird Pet Menace of the Chersonese
Dagger Slash (edit) Dagger Slash Required: Dagger<br>Simple attack with the dagger.
Daredevil (edit) Daredevil Reduce all skill Cooldowns by 10% per [[Alertness]] level.
Daughter Medyse (edit) Daughter Medyse Aww, she has your eyes! Or at least, one of your kidneys!
Dispersion (edit) Dispersion Create a highly damaging shockwave that destabilizes you. If your Weapon has an elemental imbue, it uses that element and inflicts the associated Hex on foes.
Divine Assistance (edit) Divine Assistance Reduces the [[Stamina]] and [[Mana]] costs of your actions by 10%.
Doom Hex (edit) Doom Hex Inflicts [[Doom]] on touch.
Efficiency (edit) Efficiency Maximum [[Stamina]] increased by 25.
Elatt's Intervention (edit) Elatt&#39;s Intervention Increases Barrier by 2 and Protection by 5
Elemental Discharge (edit) Elemental Discharge Required: Infused Weapon <br/>Shoot a projectile of the element that is infused on your weapon.
Enrage (edit) Enrage Grants the [[Rage]] boon, which increases the [[Impact]] of your attacks.<br>Using this skill burns a bit of your maximum health until the next time you sleep.<br>Certain skills require this boon to be active.
Evasion Shot (edit) Evasion Shot Shoot an arrow while jumping backwards. Causes the [[Cripple]] status effect on the target. <br>Locking on foes is essential with this skill.
Exalted (edit) Exalted Double all the Damage you deal. Reduce the Stamina and Mana costs of your actions by 30%. Increase all Damage Resistances by 10.<br> '''You are inflicted with the incurable [[Life Drain]] Sickness.'''
Execution (edit) Execution High Damage and Impact strike that deals twice its Damage against knocked down foes.
Fast Maintenance (edit) Fast Maintenance You repair your [[equipment]] 50% faster when you allocate time to [[Resting#Repairing|Repairing]] in the rest menu.
Feather Dodge (edit) Feather Dodge Lowers the [[Stamina]] cost of dodging by 50% and allows you to dodge unimpeded even when wearing a backpack.
Feral Strikes (edit) Feral Strikes Required: Melee Weapon, Rage Boon<br>Attack twice, consuming your Rage boon in the process. Inflicts Extreme Bleeding and Pain.
Fire Affinity (edit) Fire Affinity Increase your resistance to [[Fire]] by 20% and the Fire damage you inflict is increased by 15%.
Fire and Reload (edit) Fire / Reload Required: Pistol, Bullet<br>Load the equipped pistol with a bullet, or fires if it is already loaded.<br>Some abilities load special bullets into your pistol, which are fired using this skill.
Fireworks (edit) Fireworks Cosmetic Ability: Shoots fireworks.
Fitness (edit) Fitness Increases your maximum [[Health]] by 25 and the amount of Health you restore while [[resting|sleeping]] by 20%
Flamethrower (edit) Flamethrower Required: Torch or Lantern<br>Shoots fire from the torch or lantern, which also inflicts the Burning status effect. This skill lowers the durability of the torch or lantern used.
Flash Onslaught (edit) Flash Onslaught Required: Any Melee Weapon, [[Discipline]] Boon<br>Attack all enemies within a close distance with increased Damage and Impact. Using the skill consumes the Discipline boon.
Focus (edit) Focus Grants the [[discipline]] boon, which increases the [[physical]] damage of your attacks.<br>Using this skill burns a bit of your maximum stamina until the next time you sleep.<br>Certain skills require this boon to be active.
Frost Bullet (edit) Frost Bullet Required: Pistol, Cool Boon<br>Load the pistol with a bullet that makes a short-distance blast which slows enemies. Removes your Cool boon.<br>Shooting it requires use of the Fire/Reload skill.
Golden Watcher (edit) Golden Watcher A lich's little spy...
Gong Strike (edit) Gong Strike Strike your weapon on your shield, removing the elemental infusion to make an explosion of that element.
Harmony and Melody (edit) Harmony and Melody Allows you to have both a [[Sky Chimes]] totem and a [[Ghost Drums]] totem active in close proximity of each other at the same time.
Haunt Hex (edit) Haunt Hex Inflicts [[Haunted]] on touch.
Haunting Beat (edit) Haunting Beat Required: [[Ghost Drums]] in inventory.<br>Deploys the Ghost Drum and causes Haunted in a small radius. There can't be another Totem within 30 meters.
House Hippo (edit) House Hippo Plump cuteness
Hunter's Eye (edit) Hunter&#39;s Eye You can lock on enemies at longer distances when using a bow.
Infuse Blood (edit) Infuse Blood Infuses your weapon with the Decay element, as well as Extreme Poison and Extreme bleeding. Leeches 10% of damage dealt into your HP. Costs 20 Life to activate.
Infuse Fire (edit) Infuse Fire Temporarily adds fire damage to your melee weapon and inflicts [[Burning]] on enemies. Consumes your [[Warm]] boon.
Infuse Frost (edit) Infuse Frost Temporarily adds ice damage to your melee weapon and inflicts [[Slow Down]] on enemies. Consumes your [[Cool|Cool]] boon.
Infuse Light (edit) Infuse Light Temporarily adds lighting damage to your melee weapon, also making the weapon a useful light source. Consumes your [[Blessed]] boon.
Infuse Mana (edit) Infuse Mana Infuses your weapon with the Ethereal element.
Infuse Wind (edit) Infuse Wind Required: Activated [[Wind Altar]].<br>Increases the [[Impact]] and [[Attack Speed]] of your melee weapon for 3 minutes.<br>Your [[stamina]] burn increases more quickly, however.
Internalized Lexicon (edit) Internalized Lexicon Removes the need to have an equipped Lexicon in your off-hand to cast runic spells.
Jinx (edit) Jinx Inflicts a random Hex debuff on the target.
Juggernaut (edit) Juggernaut Slow but powerful melee attack that inflicts Confusion. Increases your Impact Resistance during this attack.
Kid Calygrey (edit) Kid Calygrey Looks like little Timothy is a big fan of yours!
Kirouac's Breakthrough (edit) Kirouac&#39;s Breakthrough Increases max Health by 25 and Physical damage by 15%.
Leyline Connection (edit) Leyline Connection You regain 0.34 [[mana]] per second.<br>This is a constant effect
Lockwell's Revelation (edit) Lockwell&#39;s Revelation Increases [[Elements|Elemental]] Damage by 15% when [[Tired]], and 30% when [[Very Tired]].
Logistics Expert (edit) Logistics Expert Reduce all skill Cooldowns by 10%, increase movement speed by 5% and increase pouch capacity by 5.
Mace Infusion (edit) Mace Infusion Block an elemental attack, infusing your weapon with that element.
Mana Push (edit) Mana Push Spell which inflicts no damage but has High [[Impact]] in a wide area in front of the caster.<br>Can be combined with other spells for powerful effects.
Mana Ward (edit) Mana Ward Envelops you in Mana and, for an instant, you become immune to Damage.<br>Can be [[Skill Combinations|combined with other spells]] for powerful effects.
Marathoner (edit) Marathoner Sprinting consumes 40% less [[stamina]].
Master of Motion (edit) Master of Motion While under the effect of the [[Discipline]] boon, Impact Resistance and all damage resistances are increased by 10.
Metabolic Purge (edit) Metabolic Purge Passive skill that increases [[File:Corruption.png|23px|link=Corruption|Corruption]] [[Corruption]] resistance by 10%.
Miasmic Tolerance (edit) Miasmic Tolerance Increase Status Effect resistance by 15% when well rested.
Mini Manticore (edit) Mini Manticore It's a pet, but still a venomous one
Mist (skill) (edit) Mist (skill) Grants the [[Mist|Mist boon]], which increases your [[Ethereal]] Damage and Ethereal Resistance. Certain skills require this boon to be active.
Moment of Truth (edit) Moment of Truth A highly damaging strike that bypasses 50% of enemy resistances. Lowers your own resistances by 50% for 15 seconds.
Moon Swipe (edit) Moon Swipe Double attack that deals high damage, and that increases in power if you have the Rage or Discipline boons.
Nightmares (edit) Nightmares Reduces Max Mana burn from sleeping by 25%, reduces Max Stamina burn recovery by 25%
Nurturing Echo (edit) Nurturing Echo Required: At least one deployed Totem within 15 meters.<br><br>Generates a bubble around nearby Totems that provide restoration of some kind. Lasts longer depending on how many Charges the Totem has built up.
Opportunist Stab (edit) Opportunist Stab Dagger attack. If the enemy has the Pain or Confusion hex, this attack's damage and knockback are tripled. If it has both, it is 6 times stronger instead.
Painful Sacrifice (edit) Painful Sacrifice Decreases your maximum Stamina by 15.
Patience (edit) Patience Increase damage from Weapon Skills by 30% but lower the damage from normal and special attacks by 20%
Peacemaker Elixir (skill) (edit) Peacemaker Elixir Increases your maximum [[Health]], [[Stamina]] and [[Mana]] by 20.
Perfect Strike (edit) Perfect Strike Required: Any Melee Weapon, [[Discipline]] Boon.<br>Lunging attack that ignores all defenses and inflicts [[Pain]].
Pet Crescent Shark (edit) Pet Crescent Shark Cosmetic Ability: Summon a pet shark
Pet Pearlbird (edit) Pet Pearlbird Cosmetic ability: Summon a pet Pearlbird
Piercing Shot (edit) Piercing Shot Required: Bow.<br>Strong shot that goes through enemies and hits other foes behind. Inflicts [[Extreme Bleeding]].
Pommel Counter (edit) Pommel Counter Counter an attack with a high Impact strike using the sword's pommel. Inflicts Confusion and can chain into melee attacks.
Possessed (skill) (edit) Possessed (skill) Grants the [[Possessed|Possessed boon]], which increases your [[Decay]] Damage and Decay Resistance by 20%.<br>Certain skills require this boon to be active
