View table: Factions

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Table structure:

  1. name - String
  2. image - String
  3. class - String
  4. type - String
  5. locations - List of String, delimiter:
  6. quests - List of String, delimiter:
  7. leader - String
  8. headquarters - String
  9. members - List of String, delimiter:
  10. related - String

This table has 13 rows altogether.

Recreate data.

Page name image class type locations quests leader headquarters members related
Cabal of Wind (edit) The Cabal of Wind Cabal of Wind.png [[Hermit's House]] ''None'' ''None'' [[Adalbert the Hermit]] [[Agatha]]
Sirocco (edit) Sirocco Sirocco.png [[New Sirocco]] The player [[New Sirocco]]
Sorobor Academy (edit) Sorobor Academy Banner.png [[Antique Plateau]] [[Headmaster Raul Salaberry]] [[Harmattan]]
The Ash Giants (edit) Ash Giants Ash_Giants.png [[Giants' Village]] [[Hallowed Marsh]] [[Abrassar]] [[Highlord Cyr]] [[Giants' Village]] [[Highlord Cyr]] [[Gold Belly]]
The Blue Chamber Collective (edit) Blue Chamber Banner.png [[Chersonese]] [[Enmerkar Forest]] [[Mixed Legacies]] [[Ash Giants]] [[Whispering Bones]] [[Ancestral Peacemaker]] [[Berg]] [[Cyril Turnbull]] [[Rissa Aberdeen]] [[Sagard Battleborn]] [[Gabriella Sullivan]]
The Heroic Kingdom of Levant (edit) Levant.png [[Abrassar]] [[Tending the Flame]] [[Sand Corsairs]] [[Mouths to Feed]] [[Heroic Peacemaker]] [[Queen Calixa]]<br>[[King Simeon]] [[Levant]] [[Yzan|Yzan Argenson]] [[Kirouac]] [[Cyrene]]
The Holy Mission of Elatt (edit) Monsoon.png [[Hallowed Marsh]] [[Questions and Corruption]] [[Doubts and Secrets]] [[Truth and Purpose]] [[Hallowed Peacemaker]] [[Elatt]] [[Monsoon]] [[Cardinal Bourlamaque]] [[Oliele|Oliele Aberdeen]]
The Kazite (edit) The Kazite Kazite.png Minor [[Cierzo]] [[Berg]] [[Vendavel Fortress]] ? [[Oroshi]] [[Eto Akiyuki]] [[Rospa]] [[Ogoi]] [[Oda]]
The Krypteia (edit) The Krypteia Minor [[Rissa Aberdeen]] [[Gabriella Sullivan]] [[Julius Sutherland]] [[Scarlet Lady]] (former)
The Montcalm Tribe (edit) The Montcalm Tribe Minor [[Rastarte]] [[Montcalm Clan Fort]] [[Rastarte]]
The Sand Corsairs (edit) The Sand Corsairs Sand_Corsairs.png [[Old Levant]] [[Slums]] [[Zagis]] [[Corsairs' Headquarters]] [[Zagis]] [[Dawne]]
The Vendavel (edit) The Vendavel (Faction) Vendavel_Banner.png [[Vendavel Fortress]] [[Vendavel Quest]] [[Balira]], [[Crock]] and [[Rospa]] [[Vendavel Fortress]] [[Balira]] [[Crock]] [[Rospa]]
The Wolfgang (edit) The Wolfgang (Faction) Wolfgang Captain.png [[Antique Plateau]], [[Ruined Warehouse]] Unknown Unknown