Water Purifier

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Water Purifier
Water Purifier.png
Building Details
Build Costs
1x Diamond Dust
4000 Funds, 110 Stone, 70 Timber
Build Time
20 Days
City Hall
Upkeep Costs
25 Funds per day

Water Purifier is a type of Specialized Building in Outward.


An advanced Water Purifier, which provides much better water than usual.



This Building has two upgrades. You must choose one or the other upgrade, you cannot choose both.

Distillery Unit

Distillery Unit.png
Provides some free Gaberry Wine every week.

Building now generates 100 Funds per day.

Construction requirements:
Funds: 6000
Stone: 150
Timber: 150
Material: Flash Moss
Construction: 6 Weeks

  • Costs 1x Flash Moss
  • Takes 30 days to construct
  • Provides access to three distilleries of Gaberry Wine, which each grant several of the item and can be used once per week.

Fountain of Life

Fountain of Life.png
Adds a source of Healing Water that regenerates health instead of Stamina.

Construction requirements:
Funds: 6000
Stone: 100
Timber: 200
Material: Bloodroot
Funds upkeep: 50 / Day
Construction: 4 Weeks

See Also