Brad Aberdeen, Chef

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Brad Aberdeen, Chef
Brad Aberdeen, Chef.png
NPC Data
Merchant (Food)
New Sirocco

Brad Aberdeen, Chef is an merchant in New Sirocco, in the Caldera region. Accessible after building the Food Store Building.


Brad Aberdeen, Chef is a member of the Aberdeen family.


Guaranteed Stock

Gold Ingot.png Gold Ingot (3-5)
Ambraine.png Ambraine (3-5)
Salt.png Salt (4-6)
Bread.png Bread (2-8)
Gaberry Jam.png Gaberry Jam (1-3)
Gaberries.png Gaberries (1-5)
Travel Ration.png Travel Ration (7-12)
Jerky.png Jerky (3-5)
Bitter Spicy Tea.png Bitter Spicy Tea (2-4)
Soothing Tea.png Soothing Tea (2-4)
Mineral Tea.png Mineral Tea (2-4)
Able Tea.png Able Tea (2-4)
Iced Tea.png Iced Tea (3-5)
Greasy Tea.png Greasy Tea (3-5)
Frosted Powder.png Frosted Powder (2-3)
Vagabond's Gelatin.png Vagabond's Gelatin (1)
Raw Meat.png Raw Meat (2-4)
Maize.png Maize (2-4)

Random Stock 1
This drop table will be rolled 5 to 8 times.

ItemsChance *
Rainbow Peach.png Rainbow Peach (1)8.33% (43%)
Golden Crescent.png Golden Crescent (1-3)8.33% (43%)
Pypherfish.png Pypherfish (1-3)8.33% (43%)
Raw Torcrab Meat.png Raw Torcrab Meat (1-4)8.33% (43%)
Boreo Blubber.png Boreo Blubber (4-6)8.33% (43%)
Torcrab Egg.png Torcrab Egg (3-5)8.33% (43%)
Raw Alpha Meat.png Raw Alpha Meat (1-4)8.33% (43%)
Ochre Spice Beetle.png Ochre Spice Beetle (2-3)8.33% (43%)
Gravel Beetle.png Gravel Beetle (2-3)8.33% (43%)
Crysocolla Beetle.png Crysocolla Beetle (2-3)8.33% (43%)
Funnel Beetle.png Funnel Beetle (2-3)8.33% (43%)
Marshmelon.png Marshmelon (2-3)8.33% (43%)

* The second number indicates the total chance of receiving the drop at least once, from an average 6.5 rolls.
Random Stock 2
This drop table will be rolled 4 to 5 times.

ItemsChance *
Popped Maize.png Popped Maize (2-3)5.56% (23%)
Baked Crescent.png Baked Crescent (2-3)5.56% (23%)
Marshmelon Jelly.png Marshmelon Jelly (2-3)5.56% (23%)
Golden Tartine.png Golden Tartine (2-3)5.56% (23%)
Golden Jam.png Golden Jam (2-3)5.56% (23%)
Grilled Torcrab Meat.png Grilled Torcrab Meat (2-3)5.56% (23%)
Torcrab Sandwich.png Torcrab Sandwich (2-3)5.56% (23%)
Battered Maize.png Battered Maize (2-3)5.56% (23%)
Cool Rainbow Jam.png Cool Rainbow Jam (2-3)5.56% (23%)
Frosted Crescent.png Frosted Crescent (2-3)5.56% (23%)
Torcrab Jerky.png Torcrab Jerky (2-3)5.56% (23%)
Cured Pypherfish.png Cured Pypherfish (2-3)5.56% (23%)
Maize Mash.png Maize Mash (2-3)5.56% (23%)
Frosted Delight.png Frosted Delight (2-3)5.56% (23%)
Cooked Torcrab Egg.png Cooked Torcrab Egg (2-3)5.56% (23%)
Rainbow Tartine.png Rainbow Tartine (2-3)5.56% (23%)
Frosted Maize.png Frosted Maize (2-3)5.56% (23%)
Poutine.png Poutine (2-3)5.56% (23%)

* The second number indicates the total chance of receiving the drop at least once, from an average 4.5 rolls.

See Also