Food Store

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Food Store
Food Store.png
Building Details
Build Costs
1x Digested Mana Stone
3000 Funds, 80 Stone, 80 Timber
Build Time
20 Days
3 Housing
Upkeep Costs
5 Food per day

Food Store is a type of Specialized Building in Outward. With the Inn Expansion upgrade, this also becomes a type of Inn.


Sell meals and ingredients

Provides 40 Food and 100 Funds Per day Counts as 1 House.



This Building has two upgrades. You must choose one or the other upgrade, you cannot choose both.

Inn Expansion

Inn Expansion.png
Adds a room that can be rented, to provide a generous sleep bonus and resistance to hot and cold weather.

Building now provides 3 housing.

Construction requirements:
City Hall Required
Funds: 6000
Stone: 160
Timber: 200
Material: Amethyst Geode
Food upkeep: 15 / Day
Construction: 6 Weeks

Communal Garden

Communal Garden.png
Provides a varied selection of free food ingredients that refreshes every week.

Building now generates 65 Food per day.

Construction requirements:
City Hall Required
Funds: 4500
Stone: 120
Timber: 300
Material: Digested Mana Stone
Food upkeep: 5 / Day
Construction: 4 Weeks

  • Requires 1x Digested Mana Stone and City Hall
  • Takes 20 days
  • Provides a chest which can be looted once per week, containing a random assortment of Food native to Caldera

See Also