View table: CharacterBuilds

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Table structure:

  1. author - String
  2. name - String
  3. type - String
  4. DLC - String
  5. tags - String
  6. beginner - String
  7. advanced - String
  8. description - String
  9. faction - String
  10. breakthrough1 - String
  11. breakthrough2 - String
  12. breakthrough3 - String
  13. weapon - String
  14. weaponench - String
  15. offhand - String
  16. offhandench - String
  17. helmet - String
  18. helmetench - String
  19. armor - String
  20. armorench - String
  21. boots - String
  22. bootsench - String
  23. backpack - String
  24. quickslot1 - String
  25. quickslot2 - String
  26. quickslot3 - String
  27. quickslot4 - String
  28. quickslot5 - String
  29. quickslot6 - String
  30. quickslot7 - String
  31. quickslot8 - String

This table has 316 rows altogether.

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Page author name type DLC tags beginner advanced description faction breakthrough1 breakthrough2 breakthrough3 weapon weaponench offhand offhandench helmet helmetench armor armorench boots bootsench backpack quickslot1 quickslot2 quickslot3 quickslot4 quickslot5 quickslot6 quickslot7 quickslot8
Build:"Fair" and "Balanced" Manawall Tank (edit) Bogeynator10 "Fair" and "Balanced" Manawall Tank Tank The Soroboreans, The Three Brothers All-Rounder, Melee, [[File:Ethereal.png|14px|link=Elements/Ethereal|Ethereal]], Legacy Have you ever thought "Man, why can't I have a build that provides single-target damage, crowd control, tankiness, utility, and healing for myself and my teammates with low resource costs and no movement speed, mana cost, or stamina cost penalties?" Well, you can, and here's how. Holy Mission Sacred Fumes Bloodlust Shamanic Resonance Gep's Blade Molepig Sigh Vigilante Shield Guided Arm Manawall Helm Aegis Manawall Armor Aegis Manawall Boots Aegis Mefino's Trade Backpack Sweep Kick Torment Nurturing Echo Brace Haunting Beat Welkin Ring Rupture The Technique
Build:(Mostly) Unkillable Tank (edit) Charmander906 (Mostly) Unkillable Tank Tank Late-game, Post-Legacy, Damage Immunity, Exalted Is completely invulnerable to most types of damage when completely buffed. If you don't have invulnerability to a specific type of damage, then just swap an equip, and boom. Immune. Holy Mission Runic Prefix Shamanic Resonance Steadfast Ascetic Runic Blade Lantern of Souls Gold-Lich Mask Calm Soul White Kintsugi Armor Sang Froid White Kintsugi Boots Freedom Mefino's Trade Backpack Puncture Sweep Kick Brace The Technique Counterstrike Shim Egoth Dez
Build:5 Hex No Jinx (edit) Rikka361 5 Hex No Jinx Hex Mage The Soroboreans, The Three Brothers [[File:Fire.png|14px|link=Elements/Fire|Fire]], [[File:Frost.png|14px|link=Elements/Frost|Frost]], [[File:Phys.png|14px|link=Elements/Physical|Physical]] You can apply 5 hexes instantly without Jinx (4 hexes to multiple enemies) Sorobor Academy Bloodlust Sacred Fumes Leyline Connection Sunfall Axe Molepig Sigh Ornate Chakram Musing of a Philosopher Antique Plate Sallet Economy Antique Plate Garb Economy Antique Plate Boots Economy Mefino's Trade Backpack Brace Talus Cleaver Chakram Dance Chakram Pierce Chakram Arc Torment Rupture Welkin Ring
Build:Adaptable Mage (edit) Adaptable Mage Spellblade The Soroboreans, The Three Brothers Late-game Heroic Kingdom Well of Mana Bloodlust Shamanic Resonance Cerulean Sabre Rainbow Hex Light Mender's Lexicon Fechtbuch Tenebrous Helm Order and Discipline Tenebrous Armor Chaos and Creativity Tenebrous Boots Speed and Efficiency Brigand's Backpack Dez Fal Egoth Shim Sweep Kick Puncture Torment Rupture
Build:Aether Totem Warrior (edit) Reeptide Aether Totem Warrior Brawler The Soroboreans, The Three Brothers [[File:Ethereal.png|14px|link=Elements/Ethereal|Ethereal]], [[File:Phys.png|14px|link=Elements/Physical|Physical]], Mid-Game, Late-Game This build combines the Ghost drums with Elemental Vulnerability and Ethereal Dmg to dominate the new DLC Blue Chamber Survivor's Resilience Well of Mana Sacred Fumes Crescent Greataxe Molepig Sigh Light Mender's Lexicon Inheritance of the Past Tenebrous Helm Order of Discipline Runic Armor Chaos and Creativity Tenebrous Boots Speed and Efficiency Boozu Hide Backpack Predator Leap Execution Haunting Beat Enrage Light Mender's Lexicon Crescent Greataxe Dez Egoth
Build:Aetherbomber Build (edit) 100 Percent Outward Aetherbomber Build Spellblade The Soroboreans, The Three Brothers late-game, Ethereal, This build uses the ghost parallel unique weapon to apply the Aetherbomb status effect to enemies which blows them up violently after 15 seconds. Heroic Kingdom Feather Dodge Shamanic Resonance Spellblade's Awakening Ghost Parallel Manawall Helm Manawall Armor Manawall Boots Dusk Backpack Elemental Discharge Crescendo Juggernaut
Build:Aggressive Mace/Shield Build (edit) KiyPhi Aggressive Mace/Shield Build Mercenary The Soroboreans, The Three Brothers Shield, Mace, late game, flexible This build was made to see if you could make a Shield Infusion/Gong Strike viable and make an aggressive shield build. Holy Mission Swift Foot Spellblade's Awakening Steadfast Ascetic Forged Glass Mace Whiplash Fabulous Palladium Shield Guided Arm Scholar Circlet Arcane Unison Shadow Kazite Light Armor Assassin Shadow Kazite Light Boots Assassin Brigand's Backpack Mace Infusion Dispersion Shield Charge Shield Infusion Gong Strike Torment Flash Onslaught Brace
Build:Alchemist Artificer (edit) Schnabeldoktor Alchemist Artificer Co-op The Soroboreans, The Three Brothers [[File:Fire.png|14px|link=Elements/Fire|Fire]], [[File:Frost.png|14px|link=Elements/Frost|Frost]], [[File:Ethereal.png|14px|link=Elements/Ethereal|Ethereal]], [[File:Lightning.png|14px|link=Elements/Lightning|Lightning]], Support An Alchemy-focused support build, a bit tankier than a usual mage, but with high mana use. Mostly for RPG. Sorobor Academy Leyline Connection Well of Mana Light Mender's Lexicon Inheritance of the Past Wolf Medic Helmet Instinct Jade-Lich Robes Aegis Runic Boots Speed and Efficiency Preservation Backpack Fal Shim Spark Mana Ward Blazing Bomb Frost Bomb Nerve Bomb Spark Bomb
Build:All Might (edit) All Might The Soroboreans, The Three Brothers Holy Mission Survivor's Resilience Steadfast Ascetic Shamanic Resonance Golden Iron Knuckles Zagis' Mask Zagis' Armor Zagis' Boots Brigand's Backpack Infuse Wind Enrage Focus Sweep Kick Prismatic Flurry Predator Leap Counterstrike
Build:Alquemist of the Etherus (edit) Alquemist of the Etherus Roleplay Late-game, Early-game, Roleplay, Theme yes Give poisoned damage with horror bow and much ether damage with Great Runic Blade Well of Mana Shamanic Resonance Leyline Connection Horror Bow Light Mender's Lexicon Tenebrous Helm Tenebrous Armor Tenebrous Boots Alchemist Backpack Mist (skill) Reveal Soul Conjure Light Mender's Lexicon Shim Fal Egoth Dez
Build:Amphisbaena (edit) Arkheid Amphisbaena Spellblade The Soroboreans [[File:Fire.png|14px|link=Elements/Fire|Fire]], [[File:Frost.png|14px|link=Elements/Frost|Frost]], Mid-game Of Fire And Ice Heroic Kingdom Spellblade's Awakening Shamanic Resonance Leyline Connection Thrice-Wrought Halberd White Priest Mitre Rust Lich Armor Rust Lich Boots Boozu Hide Backpack Brace Moon Swipe Elemental Discharge Sigil of Fire Spark Mana Ward Infuse Fire Warm Potion
Build:Ancient Krypteia Assassin (edit) Aberrate Ancient Krypteia Assassin Mage The Soroboreans, The Three Brothers [[File:Fire.png|14px|link=Elements/Fire|Fire]] [[File:Decay.png|14px|link=Elements/Decay|Decay]] [[File:Frost.png|14px|link=Elements/Frost|Frost]] Late-game Eliminate your enemies and end the Scarlet Lady with Sigil magic. Blue Chamber Bloodlust Leyline Connection Shamanic Resonance Old Legion Gladius War Memento Gilded Shiver of Tramontane Midnight Dance Red Wide Hat Aegis Rust Lich Armor Shelter Gold-Lich Boots Shelter Backstab Dagger Slash Spark Conjure Flint and Steel Mana Ward Sigil of Fire Blood Sigil
Build:Antique Spellblade (edit) LovecMaslin Antique Spellblade Spellblade The Soroboreans, [[File:Fire.png|14px|link=Elements/Fire|Fire]], [[File:Ethereal.png|14px|link=Elements/Ethereal|Ethereal]], [[File:Impact.png|14px|link=Impact]], Late-game A spellblade build focused on one-handed weapons (primarily maces) and shields. Has a great amount of both stamina and mana reduction, while also granting a lot of elemental damage boosts (primarily fire and etherial). It also relies heavily on controlling enemies via impact damage. Spellblade's Awakening Steadfast Ascetic Shamanic Resonance Mace of Seasons Fabulous Palladium Shield Antique Plate Sallet Antique Plate Garb Antique Plate Boots Boozu Hide Backpack Shield Charge Counterstrike Elemental Discharge Brace Mace Infusion Scorch Hex Reveal Soul Spark
Build:Apostle of Patience (edit) Water fennec Apostle of Patience Tank The Soroboreans, The Three Brothers Late-game, Legacy-Chest Sacred Fumes Vigilante Axe Poltergeist Vigilante Shield Guided Arm Chalcedony Helmet Aegis Chalcedony Armor Aegis Chalcedony Boots Aegis Brass-Wolf Backpack
Build:Arcane Gunslinger gone Rogue (edit) NuclearEeg Arcane Gunslinger gone Rogue Mercenary The Soroboreans, The Three Brothers [[File:Frost.png|14px|link=Elements/Frost|Frost]], [[File:Phys.png|14px|link=Elements/Physical|Physical]], Late-game Mixing all three bullet imbues with powerful dagger skills makes this build deadly at any range and able to control and disable enemies with repeated stuns and high burst damage. Blue Chamber Swift Foot Spellblade's Awakening Shamanic Resonance Brand Cannon Pistol Red Wide Hat Crimson Plate Armor Crimson Plate Boots Brigand's Backpack Fire and Reload Shatter Bullet Blood Bullet Frost Bullet Backstab Opportunist Stab Rondel Dagger Cannon Pistol
Build:Arcane Ranger (edit) Astinus The Chronicler Arcane Ranger Spellblade The Soroboreans, The Three Brothers A Jack of all trades and Master of killing enemies from range. Holy Mission Swift Foot Well of Mana Spellblade's Awakening Meteoric Mace Fulmination Astral Pistol Levantine Secret Gold-Lich Mask Aegis Antique Plate Garb Economy Master Trader Boots Flux Brigand's Backpack Dispersion Fire and Reload Blood Bullet Torment Great Life Potion Fal Shim Elemental Discharge
Build:Archmage (edit) Aegis Archmage Mage All-rounder, Late-game A mage build which utilizes the "stacking effect" of [[Sigils]] to deal massive elemental damage with each hit. Holy Mission Leyline Connection Shamanic Resonance Well of Mana Thermal Claymore White Priest Mitre Crimson Plate Armor Crimson Plate Boots Light Mender's Backpack Sigil of Fire Sigil of Ice Sigil of Wind Spark Mana Push Dez Egoth Great Astral Potion
Build:Assassin (edit) ScottrickTV Assassin Rogue The Soroboreans, [[File:Phys.png|14px|link=Elements/Physical|Physical]], Late Game High Burst fun build for a Rogue/Assassin playstyle. Feather Dodge Shamanic Resonance Steadfast Ascetic Maelstrom Blade Galvanic Dagger Hound Mask Pearlescent Mail Scaled Leather Boots Serpent's Parry Backstab Brace Sweep Kick Enrage Focus Puncture Opportunist Stab
Build:Astral Hex Knight (edit) Ham ShEggar Astral Hex Knight Hex Mage The Soroboreans, The Three Brothers A tanky mage build, that uses Astral Weapons and Shamanic Totems to apply hexes, while recovering Mana passively from their enchanted armour. Sorobor Academy Swift Foot Leyline Connection Bloodlust Astral Sword Astral Pistol Levantine Secret Scholar Circlet Rain Virgin Armor Arcane Unison Virgin Boots Arcane Unison Puncture Jinx Fire and Reload Blood Bullet Shatter Bullet Torment Rupture Welkin Ring
Build:Astral Kazite Pugilist (edit) Nattyboro Astral Kazite Pugilist Other The Soroboreans, The Three Brothers [[File:Ethereal.png|14px|link=Elements/Ethereal|Ethereal]], [[File:Fire.png|14px|link=Elements/Fire|Fire]], [[File:Frost.png|14px|link=Elements/Frost|Frost]], [[File:Lightning.png|14px|link=Elements/Lightning|Lightning]], [[File:Decay.png|14px|link=Elements/Decay|Decay]], High Octane Brawler Holy Mission Shamanic Resonance Sacred Fumes Swift Foot Astral Knuckles Molepig Sigh Astral Knuckles Fulmination Shadow Kazite Light Helmet Aegis Shadow Kazite Light Armor Aegis Shadow Kazite Light Boots Aegis Boozu Hide Backpack Mist (skill) Spiritual Varnish Blessed (skill) Bolt Varnish Mana Push Sweep Kick Haunting Beat Welkin Ring
Build:Avatar of Elatt (edit) HexxenRuge Avatar of Elatt Tank The Soroboreans, The Three Brothers [[File:Lightning.png|14px|link=Elements/Lightning|Lightning]], AOE, late-game Low maintenance high protection build, great synergy across all skills. Holy Mission Spellblade's Awakening Sacred Fumes Shamanic Resonance Radiant Wolf Sword The Will O Wisp Runic Helm Order and Discipline Silver Armor Spirit of Monsoon Entomber Boots Flux Light Mender's Backpack Puncture Shield Charge Gong Strike Welkin Ring Reverberation Sigil of Wind Spark Conjure
Build:Basic Rogue (edit) Skilletzorz Basic Rogue Rogue Mid-game A brief description or summary of the build to give readers an immediate impression of what this build is about. Can be as short as you like, but try not to write more than a few sentences. You can give the full description in as much detail as you want below. Feather Dodge Steadfast Ascetic Brand Manticore Dagger Entomber Hat Entomber Armor Entomber Boots Zhorn's Hunting Backpack
Build:Berserker (edit) kokodoru Berserker Other The Soroboreans [[File:Phys.png|14px|link=Elements/Physical|Physical]] A build that lets you use all the times you hit for even more good! Heroic Kingdom Swift Foot Daredevil Spellblade's Awakening Dreamer Halberd Ornate Pistol Palladium Helm Palladium Armor Palladium Boots Trader Backpack Fire and Reload Shatter Bullet Enrage Moon Swipe Dreamer Halberd Ornate Pistol Probe Unerring Read
Build:Bewitching Bowman (edit) TheOathseeker Bewitching Bowman Co-op The Soroboreans, The Three Brothers Late-game, [[File:Fire.png|14px|link=Elements/Fire|Fire]], [[File:Frost.png|14px|link=Elements/Frost|Frost]], [[File:Lightning.png|14px|link=Elements/Lightning|Lightning]], [[File:Ethereal.png|14px|link=Elements/Ethereal|Ethereal]], [[File:Decay.png|14px|link=Elements/Decay|Decay]], Hybrid Shunned by society, this witch has combined her affinity for applying hexes and brewing potions, with her mastery of the bow. Weaving bow attacks and hexplosions into a deadly combination. Able to deal damage of all types to those who would condemn her. Heroic Kingdom Survivor's Resilience Bloodlust Shamanic Resonance Astral Bow Tenebrous Helm Tenebrous Armor Tenebrous Boots Zhorn's Hunting Backpack Sniper Shot Piercing Shot Evasion Shot Strafing Run Torment Rupture Mana Arrow Nerve Bomb
Build:Black and White (edit) Caniviral Black and White The Soroboreans, The Three Brothers Leyline Connection Steadfast Ascetic Shamanic Resonance Gold-Lich_Sword Bone Pistol White Arcane Hood Runic Armor Tenebrous Boots
Build:Blade of Ice and Fire (edit) TheOathseeker Blade of Ice and Fire Brawler The Soroboreans, The Three Brothers Wielding flame and frost to devestating effect. Holy Mission Spellblade's Awakening Leyline Connection Shamanic Resonance Thrice-Wrought Halberd Molepig Sigh Infuse Fire Antique Plate Sallet Economy Adventurer Armor Spirit of Cierzo Orichalcum Boots Guidance of Wind Boozu Hide Backpack Scorch Hex Elemental Discharge Moon Swipe Splitter Push Kick Mana Push Mana Ward Sigil of Ice
Build:Blaze Gunslinger (edit) Jarl Outward Blaze Gunslinger The Soroboreans, The Three Brothers Unleash Blaze onto enemies while, being completely immune to the Dot and dealing massive physical damage with the strongest 1h axe in the game! Heroic Kingdom Shamanic Resonance Bloodlust Swift Foot Sandrose Whiplash Obsidian Pistol Inferno Master Kazite Cat Mask Assassin Vigilante Armor Shelter Shadow Kazite Light Boots Assassin Brigand's Backpack Talus Cleaver Mana Push Scalp Collector Blood Bullet Fire and Reload Possessed Obsidian Pistol Light Mender's Lexicon
Build:Blaze mace (edit) kukki Blaze mace Other The Soroboreans, The Three Brothers Inflict dots and debuffs at melee with a fire thematic. Leyline Connection Daredevil Steadfast Ascetic Meteoric Mace Inferno Fabulous Palladium Shield Guided Arm Antique Plate Sallet Economy Master Desert Tunic Spirit of Levant Antique Plate Boots Economy Dispersion Probe Shield Charge Perfect Strike Counterstrike Spark Mana Ward Sigil of Fire
Build:BlitzCraig, the Northern Wind (edit) Old Salty BlitzCraig, the Northern Wind Brawler Soroboreans [[File:Frost.png|14px|link=Elements/Frost|Frost]], [[File:Ethereal.png|14px|link=Elements/Ethereal|Ethereal]], [[File:Phys.png|14px|link=Elements/Physical|Physical]], Late-game Blessed by the Five Winds, bring down the full-plate legacy of smiting! This is a high quality of life brawler setup. Sorobor Academy Shamanic Resonance Daredevil Leyline Connection Savage Fang Knuckles Savage Fang Knuckles Orichalcum Helmet Orichalcum Armor Orichalcum Boots Boozu Hide Backpack Prismatic Flurry Probe Brace Sweep Kick Infuse Wind Push Kick Mana Ward Sigil of Ice
Build:Blood & Fire Mage (edit) Kambro Blood & Fire Mage Spellblade The Soroboreans, The Three Brothers Spellblade [[File:Fire.png|14px|link=Elements/Fire|Fire]], Fire, [[File:Decay.png|14px|link=Elements/Decay|Decay]], Decay, Late-game, Hexes Bloodlust Spellblade's Awakening Shamanic Resonance Old Legion Gladius War Memento Virgin Lantern Sanguine Flame Antique Plate Sallet Economy Antique Plate Garb Spirit of Harmattan Tenebrous Boots Speed and Efficiency Torment Elemental Discharge Flamethrower Brace Puncture Mana Push Conjure Blood Sigil
Build:Blood Bullet 2.0 (edit) Sk0ooma Blood Bullet 2.0 Meta The Soroboreans, The Three Brothers [[File:Decay.png|14px|link=Elements/Decay|Decay]], Late-game, Meta yes New and "Improved" DLC reincarnation of my original Blood Bullet Build from game release. Sorobor Academy Daredevil Swift Foot Bloodlust Scepter of the Cruel Priest Chimera Pistol Scavenger Scarf Antique Plate Garb Tenebrous Boots Boozu Hide Backpack Blood Bullet Probe Fire and Reload Jinx Torment Rupture Great Astral Potion Possessed
Build:Blood Mage (edit) TheOathseeker Blood Mage Hex Mage The Soroboreans, The Three Brothers [[File:Decay.png|14px|link=Elements/Decay|Decay]], Mid/Late-game Dabbling in the dark arts has left this mage with the ability to deal huge amounts of decay damage. Draining his own life force as he does it! Blue Chamber Bloodlust Spellblade's Awakening Shamanic Resonance Scepter of the Cruel Priest Virgin Lantern Tenebrous Helm Tenebrous Armor Tenebrous Boots Dusk Backpack Curse Hex Torment Elemental Discharge Flamethrower Blood Sigil Mana Push Mana Ward Conjure
Build:Blood Priest (edit) RaeyTW Blood Priest Co-op The Soroboreans [[File:Decay.png|14px|link=Elements/Decay|Decay]], [[File:Lightning.png|14px|link=Elements/Lightning|Lightning]], Late-game, Support With this build you can deal considerable amount of damage, debuff your enemies and most importantly heal your allies! <p> Note: Not recommended for new players because this build is really risky and do need a bit of experience in-game. Holy Mission Shamanic Resonance Bloodlust Daredevil Tsar Mace Virgin Lantern Tenebrous Helm Antique Plate Garb Tenebrous Boots Boozu Hide Backpack Flamethrower Mana Push Mana Ward Probe Unerring Read Conjure Blood Sigil Great Life Potion
Build:Blood Under The Sun (edit) Kimaru Blood Under The Sun Mage The Soroboreans, The Three Brothers [[File:Fire.png|14px|link=Elements/Fire|Fire]], [[File:Decay.png|14px|link=Elements/Decay|Decay]] You are a mage relying on [[Sigil of Fire|the fire sigil]] as your main damage source and [[Blood Bullet|the blood pistol]] to kite ennemies out and regen. Sorobor Academy Swift Foot Leyline Connection Shamanic Resonance Astral Axe Fulmination Ornate Pistol Trauma Scholar Circlet Arcane Unison Antique Plate Garb Spirit of Harmattan Runic Boots Speed and Efficiency Preservation Backpack Scalp Collector Brace Fire and Reload Blood Bullet Spark Mana Push Mana Ward Sigil of Fire
Build:Bloodsnare's Trap (edit) HajteroOfTheLand Bloodsnare&#39;s Trap Mercenary The Soroboreans, The Three Brothers DoTs, Late-game A gun-based DoT build, if you can get over forgetting to load your pistols, have a seat, grab some gaberry wine and I will be your host, Hajtero. (high-turr-o) Blue Chamber Swift Foot Bloodlust Shamanic Resonance Vigilante Sword Contagion Chimera Pistol Levantine Secret Hound Mask Aegis Wolf Medic Armor Adrenaline Runic Boots Speed and Efficiency Brigand's Backpack Fire and Reload Blood Bullet Shatter Bullet Torment Obsidian Pistol Meteoric Pistol Cage Pistol Cannon Pistol
Build:Bloody Vampire Medic (edit) SirDigga Bloody Vampire Medic Mercenary The Soroboreans, The Three Brothers late-game, phsyical, lifesteal This Build is a little adaptation of the other vampire builds. Watch below for more details. Blue Chamber Steadfast Ascetic Swift Foot bloodlust Vampiric Sword Whiplash Cannon Pistol Levantine Secret Wolf Medic Helmet Adrenaline wolf Medic Armor Adrenaline Wolf Medic Boots Adrenaline Brigand's Backpack Fire and Reload Blood Bullet Brace Sweep Kick Perfect Strike Counterstrike The Technique Puncture
Build:BONK (edit) Leoscar BONK Brawler The Soroboreans, The Three Brothers Bruiser, Greathammer, [[File:Phys.png|14px|link=Elements/Physical|Physical]], Late-game A solid Greathammer build, capable of dealing and taking damage. Heroic Kingdom Shamanic Resonance Steadfast Ascetic Survivor's Resilience Tsar Greathammer Whiplash Cannon Pistol Zagis' Mask Aegis Zagis' Armor Aegis Slayer's Boots Aegis Brigand's Backpack Juggernaut Sweep Kick Fire and Reload Predator Leap Flash Onslaught Feral Strikes Brace Infuse Wind
Build:Boss Killer Elite Gargoyles (edit) Tchernobill Boss Killer Elite Gargoyles Other The Soroboreans, The Three Brothers [[File:Ethereal.png|14px|link=Elements/Ethereal|Ethereal]] Arena Boss: Elite Gargoyles. Backup plan to kill the arena boss for any playthrough. Gep's Blade Angler Shield Elite Hood Green Copal Armor Spirit of Berg Squire Boots Brace Push Kick Sweep Kick Great Life Potion
Build:Brainfreeze Battlemage (edit) Brainfreeze Battlemage Spellblade The Soroboreans A Battle-Mage with a focus on Frost magic and brawling with enemies Blue Chamber Spellblade's Awakening Shamanic Resonance Leyline Connection Skycrown Mace Fabulous Palladium Shield Wide Blue Hat Crimson Plate Armor Rust Lich Boots Shield Charge Push Kick Chill Hex Elemental Discharge Infuse Frost Sigil of Ice Mana Push Mana Ward
Build:Bubble Boy (edit) Bubble Boy The Soroboreans, The Three Brothers [[File:Ethereal.png|14px|link=Elements/Ethereal|Ethereal]], Late-Game, Co-Op A build built around tankiness, AOE damage, and Co Op. This build brings a lot of utlity, even for solo. High protection & Barrier, good Resistance, AOE Damage, and Heals. Most of the animations look like big bubbles(1h sword AOE, Nurturing Echos, Rupture), hence the name, Bubble Boy. Blue Chamber Bloodlust Shamanic Resonance Sacred Fumes Gep's Blade Whiplash Lantern of Souls Manawall Helm Aegis Manawall Armor Aegis Manawall Boots Aegis Weaver's Backpack Puncture Brace Flamethrower Torment Rupture Haunting Beat Welkin Ring Nurturing Echo
Build:Buggy Brawler (Big Bad Beetleborg) (edit) Sk0ooma Buggy Brawler (Big Bad Beetleborg) Brawler The Soroboreans, The Three Brothers Late-game, [[File:Frost.png|14px|link=Elements/Frost|Frost]], [[File:Phys.png|14px|link=Elements/Physical|Physical]] yes A new & unique approach to the "tank" archetype. Become effectively "invincible" and defeat your enemies by maxing out your impact resistance & maintaining a constant streak of life drain. Blue Chamber Bloodlust Steadfast Ascetic Shamanic Resonance Tokebakicit Molepig Sigh Chimera Pistol Levantine Secret Scarab Mask Calm Soul Chitin Desert Tunic Inner Cool Virgin Boots Rascal's Verve Brigand's Backpack Blood Sigil Conjure Infuse Wind Infuse Blood Dagger Slash Galvanic Dagger Tokebakicit Fire and Reload
Build:Bullet & Turret (edit) Carpetus Bullet &#38; Turret Other The Soroboreans [[File:Decay.png|14px|link=Elements/Decay|Decay]], Late-game Full [[File:Decay.png|14px|link=Elements/Decay|Decay]] build which abusing quantity of impact damage for constant knockback and creating windows for reload. This is more of a magic build than a pistol build in terms of DPS. This is a very unwonted for gameplay build, but very effective. Bloodlust Swift Foot Shamanic Resonance Old Legion Gladius Horror Pistol Tenebrous Helm Antique Plate Garb Tenebrous Boots Boozu Hide Backpack Blood Bullet Fire and Reload Conjure Cannon Pistol Chimera Pistol Horror Pistol Blood Sigil Possessed
Build:Cabal Monk of the Wind (edit) jit9 Cabal Monk of the Wind Brawler The Soroboreans, The Three Brothers A monk with a very quick attack speed. Holy Mission Spellblade's Awakening Shamanic Resonance Steadfast Ascetic Porcelain Fists Master Kazite Mask Gold-Lich Armor Kazite Boots Brigand's Backpack
Build:Captain of Levant (edit) Jarl Outward Captain of Levant Mercenary The Soroboreans, The Three Brothers Late-game, Early-game, All rounder, A very accessable OP Hex build that you can achieve before starting ur faction quest, with legacy upgrade options available Heroic Kingdom Swift Foot Shamanic Resonance Bloodlust Steel Sabre Rainbow Hex Cannon Pistol Levantine Secret Brigand's Hat Rascal's Verve Brigand Coat Rascal's Verve Shock Boots Flux Brigand's Backpack Puncture Sweep Kick Blood Bullet Fire and Reload Torment Rupture Possessed Infuse Wind
Build:Carnival King (edit) Sk0ooma Carnival King Roleplay The Soroboreans, [[File:Phys.png|14px|link=Elements/Physical|Physical]], Late-game, Theme, One-hit Use CDR gear & items w/ Speedster to spam Juggernaut and Mana Ward. The gear & hammer make you look like a carny swinging the hammer from the strongman carnival game lol. Sorobor Academy Swift Foot Feather Dodge Daredevil Tsar Greathammer Shadow Kazite Light Helmet Shadow Light Kazite Shirt shadow Kazite Light Boots Mefino's Trade Backpack Probe Juggernaut Mana Ward Sweep Kick Push Kick Enrage Focus Great Endurance Potion
Build:Cataclysm of the Ultimate Nameless Treator (edit) Luxinae Cataclysm of the Ultimate Nameless Treator Rogue The Soroboreans, The Three Brothers Late-game, [[File:Phys.png|14px|link=Elements/Physical|Physical]] The most optimal way to play a dagger build. Enjoy ! Heroic Kingdom Feather Dodge Shamanic Resonance Steadfast Ascetic Masterpiece Sword Rondel Dagger Zagis' Mask Zagis' Armor Slayer's Boots Brigand's Backpack Dagger Slash Rondel Dagger Fire and Reload Serpent's Parry Backstab Opportunist Stab Puncture Great Endurance Potion
Build:CDR Rogue (edit) jit9 CDR Rogue Rogue The Soroboreans, The Three Brothers Blue Chamber Steadfast Ascetic Feather Dodge Daredevil Masterpiece Sword Whiplash Vampiric Dagger Midnight Dance Master Kazite Cat Mask Assassin Wolf Medic Armor Adrenaline Shadow Kazite Light Boots Assassin Brigand's Backpack Sweep Kick Probe Puncture Serpent's Parry Brace Opportunist Stab Backstab Flash Onslaught
Build:Co-op tank (edit) NoMercant Co-op tank Co-op The Soroboreans Late-game, [[File:Fire.png|14px|link=Elements/Fire|Fire]], [[File:Ethereal.png|14px|link=Elements/Ethereal|Ethereal]], [[File:Lightning.png|14px|link=Elements/Lightning|Lightning]], co-op Tank with support rune spells. Good fill of quick slot. Well of Mana Swift Foot Spellblade's Awakening Tsar Axe Tsar Shield Tsar Helm Aegis Tsar Armor Aegis Tsar Boots Aegis Boozu Hide Backpack Talus Cleaver Shield Charge Gong Strike Shield Infusion Dez Egoth Fal Shim
Build:Control Mage (edit) Alron Control Mage Hex Mage The Soroboreans, The Three Brothers [[File:Fire.png|14px|link=Elements/Fire|Fire]], [[File:Frost.png|14px|link=Elements/Frost|Frost]], [[File:Lightning.png|14px|link=Elements/Lightning|Lightning]], [[File:Ethereal.png|14px|link=Elements/Ethereal|Ethereal]], [[File:Phys.png|14px|link=Elements/Physical|Physical]] Control the battle by massively reducing your enemies' damage and speed while knocking them down and slowing them. Never run out of stamina or mana and deal massive mixed AOE damage. Makes almost all unknown arenas a breeze. Sorobor Academy Bloodlust Sacred Fumes Leyline Connection Strange Rusted Sword Kazite Chakram Musing of a Philosopher Gold-Lich Mask Aegis Antique Plate Garb Economy Antique Plate Boots Economy Brace Chakram Arc Chakram Dance Mana Ward Chakram Pierce Torment Rupture The Technique
Build:Crimson Duelist (edit) Abakatsu Crimson Duelist Rogue The Soroboreans [[File:Phys.png|14px|link=Elements/Physical|Physical]], Late Game A legendary Duelist, born to fight, able to predict even the smallest movement of his opponents, being able to dodge and even counteract almost any movement, an expert in the art of combat and a bloody beast on the battlefield. Feather Dodge Steadfast Ascetic Daredevil Vampiric Sword Vampiric Dagger Master Kazite Mask Master Kazite Armor Master Kazite Boots Serpent's Parry Counterstrike Brace Sweep Kick Probe Prime Unerring Read Fire and Reload
Build:Deadeye (edit) Viva Deadeye Archer The Soroboreans Late-game, [[File:Phys.png|14px|link=Elements/Physical|Physical]] yes Use your bows to easily take down enemies. Heroic Kingdom Survivor's Resilience Swift Foot Shamanic Resonance Tsar Bow Squire Headband Master Desert Tunic Master Trader Boots Boozu Hide Backpack Tsar Bow Horror Bow Wolf Bow Vampiric Bow Piercing Shot Evasion Shot Sniper Shot Sanguine Cleaver
Build:Death Jester (edit) HexxenRuge Death Jester Other The Soroboreans, The Three Brothers [[File:Fire.png|14px|link=Elements/Fire|Fire]], [[File:Frost.png|14px|link=Elements/Frost|Frost]], [[File:Phys.png|14px|link=Elements/Physical|Physical]] Highest scaling damage in the game. Heroic Kingdom Shamanic Resonance Swift Foot Daredevil Masterpiece Axe Etherwave Red Lady's Dagger White Priest Mitre Aegis Adventurer Armor Spirit of Cierzo Slayer's Boots Aegis Brigand's Backpack Cannon Pistol Shatter Bullet Fire and Reload Red Lady's Dagger Backstab Opportunist Stab Sweep Kick Talus Cleaver
Build:Death Knight (edit) Rodosus Colossus Death Knight Spellblade The Soroboreans,The Three Brothers Late-game, [[File:Decay.png|14px|link=Elements/Decay|Decay]] Powerful fighter of decay Blue Chamber Steadfast Ascetic Survivor's Resilience Shamanic Resonance Scepter of the Cruel Priest Astral Dagger Horror Helm Horror Armor Horror Greaves Boozu Hide Backpack Dispersion Brace Perfect Strike Flash Onslaught Predator Leap Probe Sweep Kick Opportunist Stab
Build:Decay fist (edit) Darthrizzla Decay fist Spellblade The Soroboreans, The Three Brothers Tenebrous decay fist one punch man Blue Chamber Spellblade's Awakening Daredevil Bloodlust Virgin Knuckles Scourge's Outbreak Virgin Lantern Sanguine Flame Tenebrous Helm Order and Discipline Tenebrous Armor Chaos and Creativity Tenebrous Boots Speed and Efficiency Brigand's Backpack Prime Prismatic Flurry Elemental Discharge Probe Unerring Read Flamethrower Infuse Blood Curse Hex
Build:Def Geppard (edit) Nyla Def Geppard Brawler The Soroboreans, The Three Brothers [[File:Ethereal.png|14px|link=Elements/Ethereal|Ethereal]], [[File:Raw.png|14px|link=Elements/Raw|Raw]], Mid-game, Late-game, Co-Op Friendly This is an agile, melee fighter build with a well rounded kit that excels at protracted fights. Sorobor Academy Daredevil Steadfast Ascetic Sacred Fumes Tsar Halberd Whiplash Crescent Scythe Molepig Sigh Scholar Circlet Arcane Unison Green Copal Armor Spirit of Berg Tenebrous Boots Speed and Efficiency Mefino's Trade Backpack Probe Torment Perfect Strike Moon Swipe Haunting Beat Welkin Ring Nurturing Echo Great Life Potion
Build:Demolisher (edit) Hothgond Demolisher Tank Late-game High armor tank based on destabilizing and quick crushing, making enemies take no breath. Holy Mission Spellblade's Awakening Survivor's Resilience Steadfast Ascetic Butcher's Cleaver Tsar Shield White Kintsugi Helmet White Kintsugi Armor White Kintsugi Boots Strongbox Backpack Gong Strike Flash Onslaught Feral Strikes Shield Charge Predator Leap Brace Life Potion Sweep Kick
Build:Disciple of the Lantern (edit) Charmander906 Disciple of the Lantern Other The Soroboreans, The Three Brothers [[File:Fire.png|14px|link=Elements/Fire|Fire]], Lanterns Lanterns. Let the world go aflame from the fire of the lanterns. All the lanterns. Heroic Kingdom Swift Foot Feather Dodge Leyline Connection Old Lantern Scarlet Mask Aegis Master Desert Tunic Spirit of Levant Scarlet Boots Aegis Mefino's Trade Backpack Throw Lantern Great Life Potion Old Lantern Old Lantern Old Lantern Old Lantern Old Lantern Old Lantern
Build:Divine Champion (edit) Sunrise69 Divine Champion Spellblade [[File:Lightning.png|14px|link=Elements/Lightning|Lightning]] Sword and Board elemental glass-cannon build focused on being a goddamn lightning conduit and bursting everything. Everything we do in this build is lightning damage - and we buff it all with Shamanic Resonance. We have slow roll from the backpack, but circumvent that with mobility abilities and a shield for protection. Holy Mission Spellblade's Awakening Survivor's Resilience Shamanic Resonance Radiant Wolf Sword Fabulous Palladium Shield Candle Plate Helm Candle Plate Armor Candle Plate Boots Light Mender's Backpack Shield Charge Puncture Predator Leap Gong Strike Feral Strikes Bolt Varnish Rage Potion Great Life Potion
Build:Divine Warrior (edit) MadGodOfDeath Divine Warrior Spellblade The Soroboreans, The Three Brothers A Divine Warrior who uses the maximum lightning damage you can get while slashing away his enemies with the Star Child Claymore Holy Mission Holy Mission Shamanic Resonance Well of Mana Steadfast Ascetic Starchild Claymore Fulmination Light Mender's Lexicon White Wide Hat Aegis Silver Armor Spirit of Monsoon Scarlet Boots Flux Light Mender's Backpack Blessed (skill) Infuse Light Dez Egoth Pommel Counter Brace Counterstrike Sweep Kick
Build:Doom Slayer (edit) Evangelion Doom Slayer Brawler The Soroboreans, The Three Brothers Late-game, [[File:Phys.png|14px|link=Elements/Physical|Physical]], [[File:Impact.png|14px|link=Impact]] Build works well without DLCs too - The build focuses on having both the high defensive and high offensive capabilities. Holy Mission Steadfast Ascetic Shamanic Resonance Swift Foot Tsar Greataxe White Priest Hood Tsar Armor Tsar Boots Brigand's Backpack Execution Perfect Strike Counterstrike Brace Mana Push Mana Ward Infuse Wind Great Life Potion
Build:DoT (edit) LuK DoT Rogue The Soroboreans, The Three Brothers DoT The Classic DoT-Rogue, but with some extra skills which I prefer. Bloodlust Daredevil Tuanosaur Axe Whiplash Manticore Dagger Kazite Oni Mask Assassin Entomber Armor Aegis Virgin Boots Rascal's Verve Probe Shatter Bullet Dagger Slash Backstab Fire and Reload Manticore Dagger Obsidian Pistol Cannon Pistol
Build:dot and run (edit) dot and run The Soroboreans, The Three Brothers
Build:DOT Spellblade (edit) Wyldfire DOT Spellblade Spellblade The Soroboreans, The Three Brothers [[File:Fire.png|14px|link=Elements/Fire|Fire]], [[File:Phys.png|14px|link=Elements/Physical|Physical]], Late-game, Mid-game This is the build for those who wish to fight in sustained combat. It focuses on dealing damage with DOTs like burning and bleeding while sustaining yourself with mana and health regeneration. The shown equipment is focused on general use and can be changed for specific tastes without compromising its general effectiveness. Overall, this build is not the best at any specific thing, but I personally find it quite fun. Heroic Kingdom Spellblade's Awakening Leyline Connection Swift Foot Steel Sabre Rainbow Hex Fabulous Palladium Shield Wolf Medic Helmet Instinct Chitin Desert Tunic Spirit of Levant Desert Boots Flux Infuse Fire The Technique Warm (skill) Puncture Elemental Discharge Shield Charge Shield Infusion Torment
Build:Downward (edit) Charmander906 Downward Meta The Soroboreans Garbage, Boredom For those that think they have done everything: Try playing the game in the worst way possible. Holy Mission Shamanic Resonance Well of Mana Leyline Connection Cloth Knuckles Whiplash Cloth Knuckles Whiplash Rust Lich Helmet Filter Rust Lich Armor Filter Rust Lich Boots Filter Primitive Satchel Cloth Knuckles Cloth Knuckles Cloth Knuckles Cloth Knuckles Cloth Knuckles Cloth Knuckles Cloth Knuckles Cloth Knuckles
Build:DPS Blood mage (edit) Sqauzzle DPS Blood mage Hex Mage The Soroboreans mid-game, end-game, late-game, [[File:Decay.png|14px|link=Elements/Decay|Decay]] A valid single player build with continuous damage. Also works great teaming up with a high impact character, the constant hits lower the stability of enemies and inflict high damage too. I recommend keeping 50% corruption or higher at all times. Sorobor Academy Leyline Connection Shamanic Resonance Bloodlust Jade-Lich Staff Jade-Lich Mask Jade-Lich Robes Jade-Lich Boots Boozu Hide Backpack Reveal Soul Jinx Torment Conjure Blood Sigil Mana Ward Mana Push Great Endurance Potion
Build:Dragon Age Reaver (edit) AstinusTheChronicler Dragon Age Reaver Tank The Soroboreans, The Three Brothers [[File:Decay.png|14px|link=Elements/Decay|Decay]], [[File:Ethereal.png|14px|link=Elements/Ethereal|Ethereal]], Vampiric, High health, Mid-game, Late-game This build is a claymore magic build inspired by the Reaver specialization from the Dragon Age games, using vampiric attacks and blood magic to kill enemies while healing yourself. Blue Chamber Well of Mana Bloodlust Shamanic Resonance Vampiric Greatsword Molepig Sigh Vampiric Bow Enkindle Tenebrous Helm Order of Discipline Antique Plate Garb Economy Tenebrous Boots Speed and Efficiency Brigand's Backpack Pommel Counter Mana Push Sweep Kick Moment of Truth Fal Shim Conjure Blood Sigil
Build:Dragoon (edit) Sk0ooma Dragoon Roleplay The Soroboreans, The Three Brothers Late-game, Roleplay, Theme yes A dragoon is a heavily armored but nonetheless mobile force that specializes in graceful aerial combat through the use of spears and lances. Using the Dragoons from Final Fantasy as inspiration, I wanted to create a themed build that was more fun than "good"...however after playing with the build on hardcore I have determined that this is indeed another fun AND good build. Sorobor Academy Survivor's Resilience Swift Foot Daredevil Tsar Halberd Chimera Pistol Tuanosaur Mask Tsar Armor Tsar Boots Boozu Hide Backpack Moon Swipe Predator Leap Splitter Probe Fire and Reload Blood Bullet Tsar Halberd Chimera Pistol
Build:Dream Drifter (edit) Macro Tofu Dream Drifter Hex Mage The Soroboreans [[File:Ethereal.png|14px|link=Elements/Ethereal|Ethereal]], Mid-game, Late-game A flexible hex build that focuses on dealing ethereal damage, while only requires minimum setup compare to all other mage builds. Blue Chamber Bloodlust Living Wood Axe Lantern of Souls Tenebrous Helm Tenebrous Armor Tenebrous Boots Reveal Soul Talus Cleaver Mist (skill) Jinx Mana Ward Flamethrower Torment Rupture
Build:Echoes Tank (edit) LunaBird Gaming Nest Echoes Tank Meta The Soroboreans, The Three Brothers Late-game, Tank, Meta yes Multi elemental and physical resistance tank with high protection and barrier Holy Mission Shamanic Resonance Steadfast Ascetic Sacred Fumes Starchild Claymore Chimera Pistol Crimson Plate Mask Candle Plate Armor Sang Froid Blue Sand Boots Brigand's Backpack Haunting Beat Welkin Ring Fire and Reload Starchild Claymore Torment Brace Counterstrike Pommel Counter
Build:Elatt's Champion (edit) WuMingTzu Elatt&#39;s Champion Tank The Soroboreans Late-game Holy Mission Shamanic Resonance Well of Mana Steadfast Ascetic Candle Plate Helm Candle Plate Armor Candle Plate Boots Zhorn's Hunting Backpack Dez Egoth Light Mender's Lexicon
Build:Elatt's Redemption (edit) Aberrate Elatt&#39;s Redemption Spellblade The Soroboreans, The Three Brothers Redeem yourself with extreme lightning damage! Holy Mission Shamanic Resonance Steadfast Ascetic Bloodlust Sinner Claymore Redemption Rust Lich Helmet Shelter Silver Armor Spirit of Monsoon Scarlet Boots Flux Light Mender's Backpack Spark Conjure Brace Pommel Counter Counterstrike Sigil of Wind Blessed (skill) Infuse Light
Build:Elemental Exploiter (edit) Rcayton1 Elemental Exploiter Other The Soroboreans, The Three Brothers hex, Archer, DoTs Focuses mainly on applying hexes and debuffs quickly up close while dealing damage from a distance. Bloodlust Shamanic Resonance Survivor's Resilience Steel Sabre Rainbow Hex Chimera Pistol Levantine Secret Red Wide Hat Calm Soul White Arcane Robe Sang Froid Tenebrous Boots Flux Astral Bow Torment Rupture Evasion Shot Sniper Shot Piercing Shot Strafing Run The Technique Fire and Reload
Build:Elemental Exploiting Disk (edit) Kaden Elemental Exploiting Disk Other The Soroboreans, The Three Brothers [[File:Ethereal.png|14px|link=Elements/Ethereal|Ethereal]], [[File:Fire.png|14px|link=Elements/Fire|Fire]], [[File:Frost.png|14px|link=Elements/Frost|Frost]], [[File:Lightning.png|14px|link=Elements/Lightning|Lightning]], [[File:Decay.png|14px|link=Elements/Decay|Decay]], chakram Mega-Buffs all the elements so that, when fighting an enemy, you don’t worry about their weakness! Just hit them with all the elements. When fighting enemies with various weaknesses, this hits like a truck.And if they don’t have elemental weakness, you create it for them with hexes and elemental vulnerability. Holy Mission Leyline Connection Bloodlust Shamanic Resonance Astral Axe Molepig’s sigh Distorted Experiment Tenebrous Helm Order and Discipline Antique Plate Garb Spirit of Harmattan Rust Lich Boots Flux Light Mender's Backpack Brace Chakram Pierce Chakram Arc Chakram Dance Talus Cleaver Jinx Torment Haunting Beat
Build:Elemental Lich (edit) Charmander906 Elemental Lich Mage The Soroboreans, The Three Brothers [[File:Fire.png|14px|link=Elements/Fire|Fire]], [[File:Frost.png|14px|link=Elements/Frost|Frost]], [[File:Lightning.png|14px|link=Elements/Lightning|Lightning]], [[File:Ethereal.png|14px|link=Elements/Ethereal|Ethereal]], Late-game Uses a combination of Hexes and Sigils to deal every kind of elemental damage and to exploit the weakness of any emeny Bloodlust Leyline Connection Shamanic Resonance Steel Sabre Rainbow Hex Light Mender's Lexicon Inheritance of the Past Rust Lich Helmet Aegis Rust Lich Armor Aegis Rust Lich Boots Flux Boozu Hide Backpack Torment Rupture Spark Mana Ward Mana Push Sigil of Fire Sigil of Ice Sigil of Wind
Build:Elemental Mercenary (edit) chefgiraffrey Elemental Mercenary Mercenary The Soroboreans, The Three Brothers [[File:Lightning.png|14px|link=Elements/Lightning|Lightning]], [[File:Fire.png|14px|link=Elements/Fire|Fire]], Late-game This build is a well-rounded gunslinger with a focus on lightning damage, as well as the burning and holy blaze DoT's. It's pretty versatile, and you can play around with whichever pistol skills you feel like for each fight. Heroic Kingdom Swift Foot Shamanic Resonance Bloodlust Radiant Wolf Sword Chimera Pistol Pathfinder Mask Ash Armor Pathfinder Boots Brigand's Backpack Chimera Pistol Obsidian Pistol Meteoric Pistol Fire and Reload Blood Bullet Shatter Bullet Sigil of Wind Spark
Build:Elemental Prismatic Flurry (edit) LunaBird Gaming Nest Elemental Prismatic Flurry Meta The Soroboreans, The Three Brothers Burst, Late-game, Hit-and-run, Meta yes Sorobor Academy Daredevil Bloodlust Shamanic Resonance Tsar Fists Whiplash Chimera Pistol Scholar Circlet Arcane Unison Shadow Light Kazite Shirt Assassin Shadow Kazite Light Boots Assassin Brigand's Backpack Prismatic Flurry Probe Prime Sweep Kick Vital Crash Tsar Fists Chimera Pistol Fire and Reload
Build:Elemental Rapid Cannon (edit) MrProboina Elemental Rapid Cannon Mage The Soroboreans, The Three Brothers A very flexible and powerful build you can make very early in the game. Spellblade's Awakening Daredevil Bloodlust Master's Staff Isolated Rumination Scholar Circlet Arcane Unison White Arcane Robe Aegis Virgin Boots Formless Material Probe Elemental Discharge Mana Ward Mana Push Torment Haunt Hex Unerring Read Great Life Potion
Build:Elemental Swordsman (edit) jit9 Elemental Swordsman Hex Mage The Soroboreans, The Three Brothers A fast-attacking, rainbow hex swordsman with massive multi-type burst. Sorobor Academy Shamanic Resonance Steadfast Ascetic Bloodlust Cerulean Sabre Rainbow Hex Fabulous Palladium Shield Protective Presence Looter Mask Rascal's Verve Wolf Mage Armor Adrenaline Shadow Kazite Light Boots Compass Boozu Hide Backpack Shield Charge Puncture Jinx Counterstrike Brace Rupture Torment Sweep Kick
Build:Endgame Tank (edit) lemmino Endgame Tank Tank Late-game This is an Endgame Tank build that gives you invulnerability against almost everything in the game. It does NOT utilize [[Exalted]] so you are allowed to die by falling off a cliff without wasting hours of gameplay. Holy Mission Shamanic Resonance Well of Mana Steadfast Ascetic Kelvin's Greataxe Light Mender's Lexicon Gold-Lich Mask Wolf Plate Armor Crimson Plate Boots Zhorn's Hunting Backpack Execution Brace Counterstrike Kelvin's Greataxe Light Mender's Lexicon Egoth Dez Great Life Potion
Build:Enlightenment Philosopher (edit) TheOathseeker Enlightenment Philosopher Co-op The Soroboreans [[File:Lightning.png|14px|link=Elements/Lightning|Lightning]], Late-game A martial philosopher, fully embracing Elatt's teachings. Using his chakram to soften his targets, before wading into battle. Highly tanky but still able to deal significant amounts of damage and outmanouver his opponents. Holy Mission Leyline Connection Steadfast Ascetic Shamanic Resonance Radiant Wolf Sword Ornate Chakram White Priest Mitre Candle Plate Armor Candle Plate Boots Light Mender's Backpack Chakram Pierce Chakram Arc Chakram Dance Discipline Potion Doom Hex Puncture Flash Onslaught Brace
Build:Esther Real (edit) Tchernobill Esther Real Tank The Soroboreans, The Three Brothers [[File:Ethereal.png|14px|link=Elements/Ethereal|Ethereal]], Late-game, Ethereal damages with shield invulnerability and low cooldowns. Sorobor Academy Survivor's Resilience Steadfast Ascetic Daredevil Gep's Blade Molepig Sigh Fabulous Palladium Shield Guided Arm White Arcane Hood Stabilizing Forces Green Copal Armor Spirit of Berg Shadow Kazite Light Boots Compass Mefino's Trade Backpack Shield Charge Probe The Technique Brace Perfect Strike Flash Onslaught Predator Leap Haunt Hex
Build:Ethereal Balanced Fighter (edit) Boraphile Ethereal Balanced Fighter Spellblade The Soroboreans [[File:Ethereal.png|14px|link=Elements/Ethereal|Ethereal]], [[File:Phys.png|14px|link=Elements/Physical|Physical]], Late-game, Mid-game My attempt to create a well rounded build with decent damage, health + stamina pool and defensive stats without sacrificing mobility and utility. Blue Chamber Survivor's Resilience Steadfast Ascetic Shamanic Resonance Dreamer Halberd Antique Plate Sallet Tenebrous Armor Antique Plate Boots Brass-Wolf Backpack Mist (skill) Spiritual Varnish Focus Predator Leap Feral Strikes Brace Flash Onslaught Enrage
Build:Ethereal Battlemage (edit) TheOathseeker Ethereal Battlemage Spellblade The Soroboreans, The Three Brothers [[File:Ethereal.png|14px|link=Elements/Ethereal|Ethereal]], Late-game The ethereal battlemage is a caster that focusses entirely on ethereal damage and isnt afraid to wade into melee combat if things get out of hand. Sorobor Academy Spellblade's Awakening Well of Mana Shamanic Resonance Crescent Scythe Manawall Helm Manawall Armor Manawall Boots Boozu Hide Backpack Elemental Discharge Mana Push Shim Fal Haunt Hex Moon Swipe Brace Mana Ward
Build:Ethereal Dancer (edit) Kir0x Ethereal Dancer Brawler The Soroboreans, The Three Brothers All-Rounder, Late-game, Early-game Build capble of dealing heavy damage and Impact while maintaining great mobility and a little defense. You should kite your enemies and hit them in succession or manage the impact bar to maximaze DPS. Perfectly Balanced as All Things Should Be! Heroic Kingdom Steadfast Ascetic Shamanic Resonance Sacred Fumes Dreamer Halberd Poltergeist Scarlet Mask Aegis Copal Armor Spirit of Berg Antique Plate Boots Economy Brigand's Backpack Perfect Strike Brace Counterstrike Moon Swipe Splitter Infuse Wind Haunting Beat Reverberation
Build:Ethereal Decay (edit) Ethereal Decay Other [[File:Decay.png|14px|link=Elements/Decay|Decay]], [[File:Ethereal.png|14px|link=Elements/Ethereal|Ethereal]] Trying to get as close as possible to a Necromancer death mage without the DLC Well of Mana Swift Foot leyline Connection Living Wood Axe Lantern of Souls Jade-Lich Mask Jade-Lich Robes Jade-Lich Boots Mefino's Trade Backpack Lantern of Souls Bone Pistol Light Mender's Lexicon Flamethrower Shim Fal Blood Bullet Fire and Reload
Build:Ethereal Drummer (edit) Ethereal Drummer Spellblade The Soroboreans, The Three Brothers Late-game Just something i came up with outa the blue and its worked out ok for me so i wanted to share, provides both good defence and offence. Sorobor Academy Well of Mana Steadfast Ascetic Sacred Fumes Great Runic Blade Manawall Helm Aegis Manawall Armor Sang Froid Manawall Boots Aegis Weaver's Backpack Counterstrike Perfect Strike Flash Onslaught Haunting Beat Welkin Ring Reverberation Brace Nurturing Echo
Build:Ethereal Moralist (edit) Lorefashj Ethereal Moralist Roleplay The Soroboreans, The Three Brothers Highest Impact, Roleplay, Theme Bow your head to Ethereal Moralist's philosophy, or he will use his Chakram to regulate your behavior and constantly crash you(including ALL arena bosses)to the ground, before you even got the chance to react.<br> Important: Please read those Q&As before playing! Sorobor Academy Leyline Connection Daredevil Shamanic Resonance Runic Blade Tsar Chakram Gold-Lich Mask Shadow Kazite Light Armor Tenebrous Boots Brigand's Backpack Chakram Arc Probe Brace Fire and Reload Tsar Chakram Chakram Dance Chakram Pierce Haunt Hex
Build:Ethereal Swordsman (edit) Charge_Shot294 Ethereal Swordsman Spellblade The Soroboreans, The Three Brothers Late-game, Mid-game, Ethereal Damage Leveraging a plethora of ethereal damage buffs on gear, enhanced boons, and a few weapons skills, we can achieve extremely high consistent dps, as well as extremely good burst with the least resisted element in the game. Holy Mission Well of Mana Bloodlust Shamanic Resonance Runic Blade Chimera Pistol Manawall Helm Aegis Green Copal Armor Spirit of Berg Manawall Boots Flux Light Mender's Backpack Shim Egoth Dez Fal Rupture The Technique Fire and Reload Light Mender's Lexicon
Build:Ethereal warrior (edit) Yuki Ethereal warrior Spellblade The Soroboreans, The Three Brothers ethereal Blue Chamber Spellblade's Awakening Well of Mana Steadfast Ascetic Great Runic Blade Light Mender's Lexicon Antique Plate Sallet Economy Green Copal Armor Spirit of Berg Antique Plate Boots Economy Boozu Hide Backpack Pommel Counter Perfect Strike Flash Onslaught Brace Dez Egoth Shim Elemental Discharge
Build:Exalted Rune Sage (edit) Wizzzurdry Exalted Rune Sage Mage The Soroboreans, The Three Brothers Late-game, rune magic, exalted A very powerful late-game build meant to push the game to its limits. Holy Mission Well of Mana Leyline Connection Bloodlust Golden Iron Knuckles Unsuspected Strength Light Mender's Lexicon Fechtbuch Tenebrous Helm Order and Discipline Tenebrous Armor Chaos and Creativity Tenebrous Boots Speed and Efficiency Brigand's Backpack Light Mender's Lexicon Golden Iron Knuckles Prismatic Flurry Dez Egoth Fal Shim Great Life Potion
Build:Feel the Beat (edit) Marine0f1 Feel the Beat Hex Mage The Soroboreans, The Three Brothers [[File:Ethereal.png|14px|link=Elements/Ethereal|Ethereal]] [[File:Lightning.png|14px|link=Elements/Lightning|Lightning]], Late Game, Legacy Use the drum and chime to apply doomed and haunted hexes on targets, making and uses the ethereal and lightning boost of grind and Spiritual Communion as well as manawall armor to truly torment your foes with your six beats. Holy Mission Shamanic Resonance Bloodlust Sacred Fumes Grind Whiplash Manawall Helm Aegis Manawall Armor Aegis Manawall Boots Aegis Boozu Hide Backpack Sigil of Wind Haunting Beat Welkin Ring Spark Mana Push Conjure Torment Rupture
Build:Fire and Shield and Chakram (edit) Worm-gpuser Fire and Shield and Chakram Tank The Soroboreans, The Three Brothers [[File:Fire.png|14px|link=Elements/Fire|Fire]] Fire and Shield and Chakram Holy Mission Leyline Connection Spellblade's Awakening Steadfast Ascetic Meteoric Mace Astral Shield Gold-Lich Mask White Kintsugi Armor White Kintsugi Boots Brace Counterstrike Chakram Pierce Chakram Arc Chakram Dance Shield Charge Gong Strike Astral Shield
Build:Fire Assassin (edit) Worm-gpuser Fire Assassin Rogue The Soroboreans, The Three Brothers Fire dagger assassin and his powerful gun. Heroic Kingdom Feather Dodge Leyline Connection Shamanic Resonance Red Lady's Dagger Antique Plate Sallet Antique Plate Garb Antique Plate Boots Mefino's Trade Backpack Brace Serpent's Parry Backstab Opportunist Stab Sweep Kick Red Lady's Dagger Fire and Reload
Build:Flame Archer (edit) OZDerek Flame Archer Archer The Soroboreans, The Three Brothers [[File:Fire.png|14px|link=Elements/Fire|Fire]] Late-game stacks fire damage and shoots fire bow Heroic Kingdom Leyline Connection Shamanic Resonance Bloodlust Meteoric Bow Enkindle Astral Bow Enkindle Wide Black Hat Aegis Elite Desert Tunic Spirit of Levant Scarlet Boots Aegis Preservation Backpack Meteoric Bow Astral Bow Sigil of Fire Flint and Steel Mana Ward Strafing Run Sniper Shot Evasion Shot
Build:Freelancer (edit) Lacienraieal Freelancer Rogue The Soroboreans Late-game Stamina, melee, traps, versatility. Blue Chamber Feather Dodge Swift Foot Steadfast Ascetic Maelstrom Blade Manticore Dagger Master Kazite Cat Mask Master Desert Tunic Master Kazite Boots Brass-Wolf Backpack Backstab Puncture Opportunist Stab Sweep Kick Serpent's Parry Brace Flash Onslaught Pressure Plate Trap
Build:Frost Fighter (edit) Reeptide Frost Fighter Rogue The Soroboreans, The Three Brothers [[File:Frost.png|14px|link=Elements/Frost|Frost]], Mid-Game, Late-Game This build combines Frost Damage and has some great quality of life Blue Chamber Spellblade's Awakening Leyline Connection Feather Dodge Skycrown Mace Whiplash Gilded Shiver of Tramontane Wide Blue Hat Calm Soul Crimson Plate Armor Sang Froid Master Trader Boots Flux Chalcedony Backpack Dispersion Gilded Shiver of Tramontane Fire and Reload Elemental Discharge Opportunist Stab Brand Skycrown Mace Chimera Pistol
Build:Frost King (edit) vanadin1988 Frost King Spellblade The Soroboreans, The Three Brothers Frost, Physical, Tank Tanky Spellblade with Sword/Mace 'n Board. High Impact, lots of Health and Stamina, easy to play. Good for beginners too. Blue Chamber Spellblade's Awakening Shamanic Resonance Steadfast Ascetic Brand Crimson Shield Crimson Plate Mask Crimson Plate Armor Crimson Plate Boots Mefino's Trade Backpack Elemental Discharge Shield Charge Puncture Counterstrike Infuse Frost Cool Focus Rage
Build:Frost Knight (edit) Marcus Frost Knight Spellblade [[File:Frost.png|14px|link=Elements/Frost|Frost]] Tanky fighter that uses frost damage for massive damage and stagger Blue Chamber Spellblade's Awakening Shamanic Resonance Survivor's Resilience Skycrown Mace Fabulous Palladium Shield Crimson Plate Mask Crimson Plate Armor Crimson Plate Boots Zhorn's Hunting Backpack Shield Charge Predator Leap Feral Strikes Infuse Wind Cool (skill) Enrage Focus Life Potion
Build:Frozen Rage (edit) Happymike Frozen Rage Tank A tanky mage/melee hybrid using the frost element. Blue Chamber Leyline Connection Spellblade's Awakening Survivor's Resilience Brand Zhorn's Demon Shield Wide Blue Hat Crimson Plate Armor Crimson Plate Boots Mefino's Trade Backpack Shield Charge Gong Strike Mana Push Sigil of Ice Predator Leap Feral Strikes Mana Ward Fire and Reload
Build:Gandalf the White (edit) Teryminator Gandalf the White Mage The Soroboreans, The Three Brothers Tried to recreate Gandalf, and here is what I came up with Holy Mission Shamanic Resonance Well of Mana Leyline Connection Cerulean Sabre Rainbow Hex Light Mender's Lexicon Inheritance of the Past White Wide Hat Calm Soul White Arcane Robe Stabilizing Forces Gold-Lich Boots Flux Light Mender's Backpack Torment Conjure Mana Push puncture Shim Fal Dez Egoth
